Am I really alone? ...
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Am I really alone? Your Feedback / Experiences wanted......

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So I sent out an intro message recently and as I manage to have a little alone time this evening I just wanted to take the opportunity to bullet out most of the things I've crossed paths with and engage(d) in these past couple of years. Most of these pursuits/interests aren't things to bring up easily with colleagues (co-workers for you across the pond) or family members and this can often leave me feeling fairly alone/odd in the world, so I am reaching out to see if others have experience of and feedback (good and bad) for any things listed below; I've added what I believe are the benefits (either anecdotal or by my own experience) and how this enhances my life and Aneros use;

- Meditation (started this around 2013) with assistance from Binaural/Ishocronic tones with a program to take brain waves steadily down through with 10 tracks with each track taking me approx 1 month. This opened up Pandora's box for me, esoteric interests seemingly came out of no-where, bliss, clarity, physical pleasure up my spine (this was before I knew what Kundalini was). Can't pinpoint when I stopped meditating but probably 12 months in (life seemed to get in the way!) and only just managed to get back into regular practice recently, using the same MP3's but now following The Mind Illuminated method by John Yates which I'm about 4 weeks into. The most interesting period was spending about 4 weeks in a continous state of peace, bliss, highly alert, really connected and empathic to others, seeing myself in the third person like watching a movie of "me" without getting caught up in the drama etc

- Non Duality During the 12 months meditation I found myself deeply researching non-duality teachings and read the Power of Now, started to use some of these principles and vividly remember a 'peak' spiritual glimpse whilst sat on a park bench on a sunny day having walked my dog I genuinly cannot find words to truly describe this but I can say it has left a lasting impression on my perception of the world and I had a real sense that I had no question to ask in that moment as everything was known. Physically I describe it as an orgasm x 1000!

- Qigong/Acupuncture Iv'e always been fascinated with the skills, dedication and mindset of Shaoilin Warrior Monks and I think this is where I started becoming interested in Qigong practices but rather than hard qigong styles for martial arts/fighting, I was more interested in healing myself and building up my energy, also had about 12 months of regular Acupuncture but not had this for a few years now. I had great results in sensing energy, feeling more vital, nails and hair started growing much quicker and general more relaxed and in tune aware with my body/posture etc, again like mediation I stopped doing this until recently where I am again practicing daily. My renewed practice is once again helpingme tune in to my posture/relaxation/breathing which I can take into my sessions

- Aneros Not sure exactly how I came across Aneros, but as I said in my opening post, lost of syncroncity was occuring for me. Being a straight, married male and growing up I used to wonder what pleasure was gained by men who allowed entry to their anus, and I would often say that it is a one way street and never designed for anything else. Anyways I seemed to release this notion and opened up to the point of trying it with the Helix Syn. I now also own and have had amazing experiences with Prograsm Ice, all 4 Peredise Models, Eupho Trident, Helix trident and my recent favourite MGX Trident.

- Wim Hof Again another thing I stumbled across, the Iceman - Wim Hof, fascinated by his "human feats" and the proposed benefits to the immune system (which I was hooked by as I used to suffer badly with regular sinus infections/colds etc) so started cold showers/baths and have done this for the last few years. Happy to report I struggle to remember the last time I was ill!

- Intermittent Fasting Been doing this now for around 18 months. Skip breakfast and eat as clean (ok I do enjoy some bad stuff!) as possible at lunch and tea time. Proported benefits are many, I'm mainly interest in Autophagy and hormonal increases such as Growth Hormone/Testosterone and the extra time I get when waking for my qigong/mediation practice is great too

- Adaptogenic Herbs / Nootropics This is fairly new for me, I watched the Limitless series on Netflix, was intrigued by this and looked into "natural nootropics", came across many medicinal herbs for different things, brain health, focus, nervous centre strenghtening, Anti Aging etc etc. I have taken a few different ones but my recent and regular supplements are now - Lions Mane, Ashwaganda KSM 66 (very new to this), Rhodiola Rosea (very new to this), drinking Jiaogulan Tea. Iv'e also tried and may go back to at some point Astragalus root (for telemere protection) and Red Reishi .

And one final one which I happened to do only yesterday - Flotation Chamber/Isolation Tank
Wow, wow, wow, what an experience that was. For anyone who has difficulty truly relaxing (and like me do not use drugs to get into a deeply relaxed state) I would highly recommend you do some research on this yourself and if you can afford it I would go for it. I know I can relax pretty damn well but even I realised on a few occasions where I continued to hold tension etc. I came out feeling similar to having had a great blissfull Aneros session. I may well elaborate on this experience in another post but not enough time today.

Thats pretty much all I've got time for today but would really welcome your experiences and feedback on any of the above. I really believe many of these pursuits have combined synergistically to enhance my overall physical, mental and spiritual health and aided my Aneros journey which in fairness I have not been able to dedicate massive amount of time to but I believe I have probably been as efficient as I can be to progress to where I stand today.

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Am I really "alone"?

I don't think you are alone by any means. You have already found yourself a member of a fellowship of men all engaged in a process of self discovery just as you are.

Most of these pursuits/interests aren't things to bring up easily with colleagues (co-workers for you across the pond) or family members and this can often leave me feeling fairly alone/odd in the world, so I am reaching out to see if others have experience of and feedback (good and bad) for any things listed below;

You may take some solace to know your brethren also experience these feelings, please see the user polls Who knows about your aneros?, Sharing Aneros experiences with others & Do others know? .

Meditation... Non Duality... Qigong/Acupuncture...Aneros... Wim Hof... Intermittent Fasting... Adaptogenic Herbs / Nootropics... Flotation Chamber/Isolation Tank... Thats pretty much all I've got time for today but would really welcome your experiences and feedback on any of the above. I really believe many of these pursuits have combined synergistically to enhance my overall physical, mental and spiritual health and aided my Aneros journey...

Wow, it sounds to me like you are really exploring and expanding your reality in ways that I am a little envious of. I've also tried a couple of those subjects and share a desire to try them all, perhaps someday I'll get past the illusion of time limitations to experience and develop skills in all those topics.
Good Vibes to You !

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@thorny thanks for sharing you experiences, its great (comforting) to know although I am on a path less travelled vs large percentage of the male population, others in this community are / have been walking it too. Sorry to hear about your previous health issues but pleased it was turned into something positive with a visit to China and introduction to TM, I've done a little reseach on TM but never bothered to take up the practice just yet, might be one to look at once I've mastered my current methods.
Winter swimming in Finland, that sounds very alluring, sadly my wife is not good in "the cold" so my hols tend to be hot beach destinations instead. I do enjoy an occasional spa visit in my area which has a heat and ice experience. The looks I have gotten have been priceless when I have gone into the plunge pool to which I have heard grown men screaming like babies and getting out before they have really got in, and I've just wondered on in without a flinch, fully submerging and breath holding for a while and generally just enjoying it all for 10 - 15 mins. I can then follow up in a sauna before heading to the ice room which I can then cover head, neck shoulders and torso in ice blocks, euphoric indeed!

I also realise on reflexion to my post, I had missed out Self Hypnosis (which I continue to dabble in and Reiki, which I don't) but my attunement was a really great experience!

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@∑igma Thanks for sharing. You've been busy in life! May I ask which "Binaural/Ishocronic tones MP3's" you use? Also, if you were to coach someone along your path, you would say "start with ________ and __________" (fill in the blanks). Thanks.
