Aless techniques
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Aless techniques

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How do you aless

I have only had a few o’s with the aneros but Aless is becoming a very real thing. Between (and especially after) sessions, my prostate is twitching for more attention.

I’m able to get some P-waves going but not the same O’s and “I feel like I’m cumming” feeling aless. But I think I’m pretty close.

How do you aless? Same exercises and motions as with the toy? I find that I am doing a lot more massaging (alternating the 3 muscle groups to rub my prostate), and “do nothing” isn’t nearly as effective as it is with a toy. For me it’s more of a management of contractions to trigger the P waves. Any tips to push me over the edge?

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This may sound far-fetched - laying down in the same location I've enjoyed aneros sessions is enough to get me going. If I'm elsewhere, I let my mind imagine that in in that favorite spot.

(I've not seem much mention of this), the waves often start in my lips, mouth and tongue. Then it as if they are tugging on my glutes. Down into my thighs, up into my ass. Eventually, the prostate too. I can go for hours....

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This may sound far-fetched - laying down in the same location I've enjoyed aneros sessions is enough to get me going. If I'm elsewhere, I let my mind imagine that in in that favorite spot.

I perform Aless without initiating any real contractions until after the orgasm has begun. I simply focus on the feeling, and by doing so it amplifies until an orgasm strikes. I have only ever been able to do it when lying on the floor with my knees bent pointing upwards. Your advice above worked perfectly for me and I had an aless orgasm sitting in my chair within 30 seconds of trying. This one is a game changer! Thanks WallyBanger!

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I echo what WallyBanger said. Lying in the same location and in the same position and having the same mindset is what does it for me. I've only been at this all a bit under a year but I've already (accidentally) conditioned my body to automatically react ONLY if I lie on my left side, which is the same position I usually have an Aneros session. This is nice because I can have orgasms just by lying on my left side and when I'm done I roll over on my right side and go to sleep. If I want to try my luck at some sleep orgasms I'll wait until I'm about ready to drift off then swap to my left side.

I haven't tried closing my eyes and PRETENDING I'm lying in that position on my bed, but let's give it a shot here and see what happens. Hmm, nothing for the first couple minutes but once I really began to focus I started getting hit with some pleasurable waves. Nice! Even as I write this the waves are continuing to get a bit stronger even though I'm no longer focusing. Maybe the focus is only required to start things off, then once your body is already reacting it's off to the races? I'll have some more fun with this later once I have some more time for myself.

Another technique that usually works for me is doing the lightest possible PC contraction and holding it until strong feelings begin, then relaxing my body fully and completely. This caught me off guard the first time I did this because once I relaxed, everything went on auto-pilot and my body was doing all sorts of crazy things without any sort of input from me. It also caught me off guard because it all happened the very first attempt after some advice from a member on the forums. Everything else has needed some time to incubate before it worked, if it ever worked at all, but that technique yielded immediate results.

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Thanks. Some of this is what I’ve been doing. I agree that the same position without as you do with is a working formula. I also use Mumbos technique if one super long, super light contraction to get things going.

Ill try jist foxusing on the feeling without “helping“ it along with contractions. However, helping it along has resulted in great P waves and erections. So it can’t be that bad.

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Mumbo, I have a majority of sessions on my back. Whether Aless or Aneros. What's the intensity of one position vs the other ? Most of my success has been on my back, with limited success on my left side. Just curious if one position has more intensity than another. Experiences anybody? Thx

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So I laid down today and took this advice. On back. Pants off. Super mild contraction and did breathing. Within 10mins I had a super o. Then 3 more. 4 total in about 45mins.

Id keep going but I have a work conference call. I’ll be kegeling the whole time because as soon as I hang up it’s back to the bed to cum some more.

So addicting. So fun

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