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Aless pleasure in lower back

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Lately I have been experiencing intense pleasure in my lower back just above my ass crack and by my tailbone. Twinges and spasms have been occurring near that area and radiating out from that point, both up and down from that point. Anyone else experienced this and care to share their thoughts?

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This could be associated with Kundalini energy. Where do you feel this energy "wants to go" ? Is it located in your lower back muscles, or more in your spine ?

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Located in lower back muscles and seems to travel more upwards and downwards slightly but feels really good!


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Posted by: @fred27

Located in lower back muscles

@fred27 , that sounds like fun!  It may be related to the Coccygeus muscle at the Kenhub website.  See the sideview first for orientation and connection points at the tailbone.  Then the first view to realize they’re a pair, to inform your effort if you’d like to try to flex them.  You can activate together with, or apart from the sphincter.

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I experience something similar in the first stages of arousal when I begin to think sexy thoughts. I personally put it down to opening up our our usually autonomous nervous system as we progress on the journey,and being more in touch with it than the average joe. I’ve never been a huge believer in the the kundalini stuff,but if @zentai says it’s real stuff,that’s good enough for me not to dismiss it out of hand. Sexual energy can move in-step with the tip of my wife’s manicured nail though,and it will follow the drag of the nail. It’s quite cool actually.


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Thanks for the vote of confidence !  To me Kundalini energy is waves starting from the lower body and travelling up the spine to different locations, this does not have to equate Kundalini syndrome or Kundalini psychosis or any of the associated "bad stuff", after all this is what the "K" in "K-tab" means.

But those Kundalini waves are powerful manifestations and I think you do have to start slowly when you begin to manipulate these feeling and when you allow them to travel higher and more freely. I'd say that anything rising higher than chest level (solar plexus) should be treated with some respect but I only have my own experience to go from. I wouldn't start to shoot huge waves from my tailbone right to my brain, for example, without some prior exploration. 


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I also experience pleasure in that area just by touching even by accident when dressing.

I think Aneros use has definitely woken up that spot.

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Posted by: @fred27

Anyone else experienced this and care to share their thoughts?

Well yeah, lower back / sacrum is very susceptible for me. But this would be a bit higher up the spine than you described. It's the place where a lot of the dramatic arching happens (just imagine a woman arching her back in lustful ways), so I guess this is no coincidence. I've had orgasm just from (slowly) rocking my pelvis and focusing my attention on that spot.

It's worth mentioning that this is roughly the height, where the pudental nerve branch, which innervates your genitalia, leaves the spinal chord. So maybe the movement stimulates the nerve junction and thus the pudental nerve itself.

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Posted by: @fred27

Lately I have been experiencing intense pleasure in my lower back just above my ass crack and by my tailbone. Twinges and spasms have been occurring near that area and radiating out from that point, both up and down from that point. Anyone else experienced this and care to share their thoughts?

Yeah I've had a lot of spinal energy in my sessions. Many times I've been able to draw that energy further up my spine, and reached a point somewhere in the middle of my back, where it seemed to flow out into the front of my body in a new and exciting way.

I've been interested in the whole "microcosmic orbit" idea (again) lately. At the very least I find it a compelling way to self-check the areas where I might be resisting pleasure feelings. That is to say, if a part of my body was blocking the circulation of orgasmic energy around my body, where would it be?


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