Recently I have been practicing more and more totally aless, maybe 3/4 of my prostate sessions have been aless in the past 4 months.. this to train my mind and be more mindful of my body. As a result, my prostate is more active than ever and I’ve experienced amazing sensations that I never expected. I’m constantly aware of my prostate now, it’s always buzzing. The sexual craving has also increased drastically. I have learned to tune in to an always-present erotic energy, and more than ever I feel when I’m deep in a session that I’m engaging in some kind of ritual with a sex goddess. These are just some things I found in my recent aless sessions. I hope this doesn’t come across as just “another one of those testimonial posts”, I’m just still amazed at the power of aless, and the power of breathing. This journey never ceases to amaze me, your mind is for sure your greatest pleasure organ. Toys can be amplifiers, but the pleasure comes from your own body.
Hopefully members in the forums have more experimentation ideas?
Mouth orgasm:
I laid face down on bed, totally relaxed. I started to visualize the pleasure in my body and feel it rush through my body in the familiar waves, completely relaxing into it, making my body dissolve into un recognizable and amorphous energy. My cock, prostate and ass a vast landscape of pleasure. This pleasure system is connected, connected directly to my brain and my head, incorporated into my head… directly ahead of me… until I realized that this was my head…. my head and mouth WERE my cock, prostate and ass. My lips numb, I very slightly puckered and opened them, and felt an immediate connection to my anus. My mouth was my anus!! I opened and closed my mouth rhythmically, I licked my lips very slowly and subtly with my tongue, and the pleasure was almost unbearable, shooting through the roof, it felt like I was licking my asshole with electric buzzing pleasure. I slowly and subtly licked my palate, I felt the pleasure move along my prostate, I was licking my prostate!!. but it’s not only my prostate, it is an entire pleasure region tied to my prostate…. I tried something different.. i moved my jaw open and cosed slowly, slightly. I Had a very clear vision of my sex goddess cupping and massaging my prostate in her hand, like she’s holding a carved and polished heavy stone in her hand, cupping it back and forth playing, smiling…. rubbing it with her thumb as she cups it in her palm… oh my god!!! (-ess).
I played with these sensations, mixing them together, jumping between them. deep in my pleasure trance, I unintentionally swallowed and it felt like swallowing a ball of lightning, only it didn’t move through my throat, it moved through my ass, starting in my anus moving though my ass and up my spine.. AMAZING and completely unexpected.
finger/toe orgasms:
Deep in my session, after the mouth orgasm I wanted to test if I could orgasm from ANY sensation lol after that bizarre mouth event… I tested curling my toes ever so lightly, a fraction of a millimeter at the time… and I felt like there was a muscle to either side of my prostate, responding with the curling of the toes in that corresponding side. It was a muscle orgasm, a deep abdominal stimulation in my lower pelvis, amazingly subtle and beautiful. I tried curling my fingers, again ever so slightly, and I felt my lower ab muscles ever so slightly, deeply moving, squeezing, stimulating my prostate indirectly and fluidly, causing several super os.
Tapping orgasm:
I touched my cock and felt an incredible sensation of my cock being huge and powerful, with the glans at my head. I very subtly started to test different touches on my glans, following the recommendations in the forums. I settled for light tapping with my finger at the top side of my glans. I could feel the pleasure, the subtle vibrations flowing down to my prostate….. my cock ceased to exist, I was touching an enormous totem,not my cock, doing my sex ritual, and that was stimulating my pleasure structure. I felt my pelvic area in “high-res”: the fluids in my balls, my conduits, and also different incredible intensities of fluid, amorphous pleasure. I felt my heat rate shooting upwards, through the roof, incontrollably. Pleasure too beautiful to bear, moving upwards through the base of my cock to the tip, it was radiating violently outwards…. I just relaxed into the individual feelings, the precum flowing freely. I did not go all the way for fear of ejaculation, but I feel like it’ll need more testing. Training my prostate to orgasm from penis stimulation sounds like a great area of opportunity!
Enjoyed reading your comments re Aless! Have experienced many of the same interactions you have described and am going to try other avenues you have mentioned. Agree that the mouth and feet movements interact and can produce incredible feelings! Aless is definitely a must if you haven’t experienced it! Opens a lot of pleasure within!
You have wonderfully captured my experience, with microscopic movements of the mouth, lips, tongue and ears! coupled directly to the pleasure of cock, anus and prostate. A exotic mystery, indeed. Since the beginning, my leg muscles have twinged in the same action. I'm still waiting for someone to explain all this, in evolutionary terms.
For some unknown reason, it has taken longer for me to invite my arms and fingers into the act. But they are starting to come along.
Today, I have nothing in my way. It will be all given to ass, cock and prostate pleasure.
I too am enjoying this constant buzzing. I feel like I am always at a base level of highly aroused, and can ramp it up into much stronger aless sensations at almost any time— on a train, while walking, while pretending to listen, while writing on this forum
Wonderful descriptions. I can’t wait to try all of this!
i have aless prostate orgasms through penile stimulation very often. It takes a lot of concentration to avoid the ejaculatory pathways, but it is always very intense. I don’t have any one technique and it can happen with my hand, through rubbing up against a partner or even during sex.
One type of aless or aneros in pleasure amplifier I use is the subtle movement of my legs. Keeping the sides of my knees together while lying on my side and rubbing them ever so slowly and gently together in circles. or slowly spreading them apart with my mind but not actually spreading them. Or alternately lowering one side of my hip and then the other, all very slowly...
With partners I experience many different types of orgasms which are related to prostate orgasms in the sense that they are non-ejaculatory and breathtaking, but aren’t always localized in the prostate. They are usually through intense stimulation of my erogenous zones, sometimes rather brutally. The most intense one I’ve experienced recently was through a combo of my partner chewing on my armpit while massaging my balls. It was such a long high plateau that it is hard to say if it was an orgasm. My neighbors probably thought I was being murdered, given the amount of screaming I did.
Being masochistic in nature, many “painful” things turn into orgasms for me. I will not enumerate them here because previous times I have talked about them on this forum i haven’t gotten much response, so I imagine that there is little overlap between the rarity of masochists and the rarity of a aneros users. But imagine pinchy scratchy whippy choky slappy bity...
Aneros helped me by teaching me how to glean more pleasure from stimulation (external, internal, and mental) and how to build that pleasure into an orgasm, or a plateau, or whatever you want to calm it. For example, before when someone sucked on my neck it felt really good. Now it is excruciatingly good and can lead either to a prostate based orgasm or an orgasm based in my neck. Or both...
@divine_oblivion Last I looked,there was about 55,000 ppl on this forum,unfortunately your chance of finding fellow masochists in the only 20-30 who actually talk on the forum is likely slim. Shame,the forum could be so much more.
Yes, as several have pointed out, Aneros can be the key to unlock the Aless experience by experiencing pleasure from stimulating other areas! By focusing on these areas with the mind and rewiring to them, immense pleasure grows to Os and super Os which can last a long time! Thanks for sharing your experiences, which should be an encouragement to others!
I'm still pretty new to this entire thing, but I experienced something similar the other day. After some great sex with my girlfriend, she was hungry for more so I began fingering her as she bent over the bed. My prostate was still buzzing and feeling a lot of pleasure, but I was more focused on what my fingers were doing to her. After about a minute, my fingers started to feel tingles and warmth, and before long it was as if my fingers were as sensitive as my cock and I was fucking her. I started to experience a prostate orgasm, but since my focus was entirely on my fingers that sensation was felt solely in my fingers. I had a fingergasm! I had never experienced anything like that and it really opened my eyes to the power of the mind.
I'm still pretty new to this entire thing, but I experienced something similar the other day. After some great sex with my girlfriend, she was hungry for more so I began fingering her as she bent over the bed. My prostate was still buzzing and feeling a lot of pleasure, but I was more focused on what my fingers were doing to her. After about a minute, my fingers started to feel tingles and warmth, and before long it was as if my fingers were as sensitive as my cock and I was fucking her. I started to experience a prostate orgasm, but since my focus was entirely on my fingers that sensation was felt solely in my fingers. I had a fingergasm! I had never experienced anything like that and it really opened my eyes to the power of the mind.
OK so you gave me an idea, and whoa it worked. Hope you don't mind me being explicit. So today while I was doing my aless session, I felt that mouth thing going on, and my hands were very sensitive, again giving me that orgasmic feeling. So I thought huh what if I tried @Mumbo 's idea. I licked my finger very slowly and it was incredible, I felt my cock and ass cumming together!
Later in my session, I was even deeper in that pleasure state, and decided to take it up a notch. So I started to suck my finger, licking it and touching my palate (wow) and then with my other hand I fingered my ass. I thought I would drown in pleasure. My cock and prostate were dry-orgasming over and over.
So I guess no idea is too ridiculous during an aless session. Everything is possible.
@Tommygunn with those stats, the chances that anyone else is masochistic and active (and reading this post) are probably zilch. So. Time to convert! Try nipple clamps or clothespins during your next session (whoever is reading this), be it aless or with a toy. see what it does. for me it is often an almost instantaneous orgasm catalyst...