Advice on Positions...
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Advice on Positions?

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I can only seem to really get things going on my side; however, I have shoulder issues/injuries; and I would much prefer to be on my back.  

Is is possible to "rewire" so that I obtain better sessions on my back?  

Ones that are just as good; and advancing?  

Or is it always going to be better on my side? 

Any advice?  

This topic was modified 3 years ago 2 times by Butters

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Posted by: @butters

Is it possible to "rewire" so that I obtain better sessions on my back?

Yes, it is possible to 'rewire' yourself using other positions, it just may take a little longer for you to become more accustomed and comfortable to alternate body positions.

Posted by: @butters

Ones that are just as good; and advancing?

You will need to experiment with other positions to find those that do not stress your body. Being able to relax, pain free is very important to maximize your potential to orgasm using these massagers. Please see the Aneros WIKI->Getting Started->Body Positions for some suggestions.

Posted by: @butters

Or is it always going to be better on my side?

It is really impossible for any of us to make that determination. Everyone will eventually find their favorite position but that does not mean that it will be the only position they are able to orgasm in. If laying on your side causes you discomfort, this alone may prevent you from getting into the orgasmic zone. Pain free comfort is what you need to strive for here, your body will respond positively to that situation and the 'rewiring' will most likely occur quite naturally.

Good Vibes to You!

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This is no simple to answer. For me laying on my back is what I always end up going back to, even if things are working pretty good in other positions. So if I had back issues it would be a problem for me, mainly because I use headphones all the time and it only works good in this position, or sitting. 

I think you can rewire for this. What do you think the side position gives you that you are not getting in other positions ?  Then can you find a way to get the same on your back ? A recliner might work to get your legs in the same angle as what you get on your side, for example. If it's because relaxing on your side is easier, then you can 100% practice until being on your back is as comfortable for sessions. I'm a side sleeper and so it made sense in the beginning to have sessions in this position, and on my back was not super comfortable, but I played with pillows under my lower back, under my legs, my butt, etc. until I found something that worked, and now I don't use any pillows and often just use a yoga mat or towel on the floor.

This will probably be a bit of trial and error. Good luck ! 

Helghast, Butters, rumel and 6 people reacted
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Sure you can. The whole things is mostly a state of mind. It’ll work in any position,any toy,and even no toy as we know. Just practice and try to not think that things only work in your favoured positions. A little mental strength is all that’s require and you’ll rewire. Good luck.

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I personally like riding on my back with a pillow under my knees.  I also will ride in this position with the bottom of my feet touching sometime...I'll also ride doggy style occasionally on top of a pile of pillows making sure my penis doesn't touch anything.  

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I have found the best results by laying on my back with my knees bent.  If you are using a model without a tail, you can also try fully laying on your back.  I've found some interesting sensations with that position.

A lot of people say being on your side with one kneed bent works well.  I never really experienced anything solid in that position. 

I do though wish other positions worked well for me.  With the involuntary movements, being on your back isn't great, as it sometimes strains your neck.

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Can I use this topic fir a question please?


Do you have any suggestions for a sitting position? I mean like sitting on the couch reading a book while doing AnEros.

thx for your attention 

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You may find the pressure too strong if you sit directly on the aneros. I suggest you put a pillow under each butt cheek so nothing is touching the aneros. This will allow you to gyrate, thrust, etc to get you there.


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Posted by: @banana555

Do you have any suggestions for a sitting position?

You might want to consider purchasing a 'donut pillow' (hemorrhoid) seat cushion such as this one. These have a large hole in the center which would allow your Aneros to move with little impediment. Many Aneros users have also previously suggested these.

Good Vibes to You!

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If you recline enough and/or slump in your chair a bit so your but is on the edge, you should be able to have the device be clear, but it's not the most comfortable position. It's a bit better with your feet up on a foot stool. Siting sideways with a foot folded under you will work too but it's probably not great for your spine. The donut pillow is certainly your best bet for comfort. 

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