Advice on new anero...
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Advice on new aneros...

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hey guys! I tried my mgx aneros a couple of months ago, havent tried it since then, because of lack of privacy and time....anyway
the few times I tried it, I never felt like it was like pushing my prostate, I felt a bit "empty" as if I wanted more pression on that spot.
Im started to think that I might need another model that could give me more pressure on that area....I really dont wanna try the bigger models, coz I 've had some problems with soreness and a light hemorroid, which was treated with creams by my doctor....he even asked me if I had had anal I would like something with a bigger head but not so big ....I was thinking about the helix...what do u guys think???


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Each Aneros massager provides the user a slightly different set of sensations. These 'felt' sensations are affected by numerous factors both physiological and psychological. There is a good possibility the Helix model will be a better 'fit' for you, however, you need to know there is much more involved in the “rewiring” process than simply sticking an Aneros in your rectum.

You said “ doctor....he even asked me if I had had anal embarrassing...” this may be indicative of some minor psychological conflicts you need to resolve to fully enjoy the Aneros experience. You didn't indicate how many times you have actually used your MGX, but I suspect you have not yet awakened your prostate.

This process involves your "awakening" your prostate, listening to your body, becoming more attuned to the many subtle feelings being generated and then gently nurturing those feelings into heightened physical and emotional states. Each person is unique so the steps along the pathway will differ for each of us, there is no ONE formula for progress just as there is no ONE model which will work well for all.

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hmm no, I dont think I have a psychological problem..Im gay, it was embarrassing coz the doctor doesnt know it and I dont think he'd aprove....

hmm maybe I didnt give it enough time to my mgx hmmmm.... but that Helix looks like could fit better :s

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hey guys! I tried my mgx aneros a couple of months ago, havent tried it since then, because of lack of privacy and time....anyway
the few times I tried it, I never felt like it was like pushing my prostate, I felt a bit "empty" as if I wanted more pression on that spot.
Im started to think that I might need another model that could give me more pressure on that area....I really dont wanna try the bigger models, coz I 've had some problems with soreness and a light hemorroid, which was treated with creams by my doctor....he even asked me if I had had anal I would like something with a bigger head but not so big ....I was thinking about the helix...what do u guys think???


Several thoughts:
First off, your doc's moral and medical obligation is to treat illness or injury. He/she is obligated to ask about how the circumstances of an injury to clarify cause. The information gained should be aimed at treating you and helping you avoid a repetitive injury. Med schools and clinical practices address a broad range of behaviors (sexual and otherwise) with a view to improving patient health and safety. Be open with your doc and ask for advice in improving your health. If anal penetration is involved that advice might extend to suggestions regarding lubrication and positions. (Remember, there's nothing lost from such advice save for a few moments of your time.) Last year, with about 2 months of couples experience with a Helix, my Uro helped my wife and I select a anal lube well suited to couples use. While the American Uro Assn. does not endorse the use of the Aneros, my Uro accepts that I'm using one and made a note of it. That will help him be alert to my anal and prostate health on an annual basis. I think that's what a good patient/doctor relationship is all about. If you can't establish such a relationship with your doc, find another doc that will work with you.

I've found that dietary fiber and frequent, properly lubed use of the Helix or Eupho reduces the bulk of a sometimes troublesome hemorrhoid. I can also get by with the MGX or SGX but use a lube that won't fail during the session -- I seem to have some issues with the ribbed stem when I run out of lube--so if it's going to be inserted for a long time, I'll add a more durable lube to the stem. You might consider using three lubes, one for pre-lube, another for the body of the MGX and a smear of something more durable on the stem. Make sure your lubes are FDA approved for anal and rectal use (some hemorrhoid creams are not approved for rectal use.)

I can't speak to personal Peridise use but several threads in the Forum have dealt with Peridise as a great treatment tool for hemorroids.

Regarding prostate contact. I think the MGX offers more consistent prostate contact in any body position. Helix is more versatile for other varieties of anal pleasure. Well lubed, changes in body position can emphasize its contact with different areas of the rectum and prostate. Helix gives me the strongest prostate contact when I'm on my stomach. When I'm on my back Helix eases up on the prostate and shifts to the posterior wall of the rectal canal.

If you are most interested in prostate stimulation, I think you should follow rumel's thoughts on 'prostate awakening' using the MGX for several more months before changing tools. Some guys 'awaken' very quickly, others need a longer while their sensory nerves and brain learn the source of prostate pleasure.


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