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Advice needed: starting with Peridise

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Hello everyone - I'm pretty new to this forum, but not very new to exploring interesting things like Aneros' products. Recently, I got the Peridise / Peristal set that comes with all four sizes. The directions that came with the set aren't the best; I feel like they don't go into much detail about things. So here I am seeking advice from the forum, as it seems there are a lot of good ideas and great advice here.

A little health history (and why I'm looking to use the Peridise set): had a lot of past experiences with anal play and for the most part they went great. Eventually just kind of lost interest in it or just didn't play as often. After a couple years of no play at all, started having trouble with hemorrhoids, but mostly ignored them as it wasn't serious. Eventually things got worse, to the point of bleeding. As I can be bullheaded about things sometimes, I ignored it / lived with it until it was worse. Went to a doctor, he sent me to a different doctor, who said he could do some banding to remove the problem(s). In his attempt, he literally ripped my anus apart because of his negligence and caused an anal fissure. Once I recovered from that, I went to a different doctor who did an extremely better job at banding. It's been over a year since then, and I haven't really been having any problems save for the occasional average hemorrhoid.

Through reading about the Peridise, I decided it could be something that could both help the health of my anus and (really huge fringe benefit here) also feel really good. If physical therapy felt that good, I'd imagine everyone who ever got injured would always attend theirs!

The directions with the set recommend starting with the largest (I think 22mm?) Peridise and working my way down to the very smallest over a very long time. It seems strange to me to start with the biggest then work down in size from there. However, I have literally no experience with the Peridise, so if people could help me out with recommendations, that would be really wonderful. Thank you!


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I got the 2 set peristal and found the big one uncomfortable. So I went right to the smallest. Use coconut oil. Unrefined unprocessed as lube as it has healing properties and I would go right for the smallest or second to smallest. Insert it with silicon lube on the tool or sliquid organic because th eery don't damage rectal tissue. Relax and just enjoy the sensation and with deep abdominal breathing it will move gradually on its own and start the massaging process. U can also use light contractions with breath. Light push down on breath out. Light sucking in on inhalation . On a side not the hyperosmolar effect of standard lube I find irritating to rectal epithelial tissue which is consistent with the lubricant studies. The wrong lube could contribute to more damage and breakdown. Hence with hemorrhoids I would try to find the most non damaging lubes to use. Wet platinum was tested and found no osmolar effect and no epithelial damage. Sliquid organics was the same. Slippery stuff had no osmolar effect but still caused epithilial damage. Ky,id, and the like caused osmolar effect, cell damage and sloughing.

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Hey @morpheusmcgee,

buying the full set was a good decision, I did that too. I'd say you don't have to "work your way down" - just try all sizes in 1 or 2 sessions and see which one "comes to life". For many guys, there is one particular size, that they like the most in terms that it starts generating sensations very fast and almost on it's own. You just have to find out which one it is for you. Most likely it's one of the two middle sized ones...

Cheers, Unfug

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I have the full set of 4. 16mm, 18,20,and 22. For me, the 18mm comes to life in a minute or two and really gets things moving. The 16,20,and 22 do almost nothing. So weird.

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