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This has always been a mainstay of mine. I've enjoyed this for as long as I can remember.. But things have changed over the last few years. Time was when I could masturbate to the point of coming and stop there. I the was able to stop and start the pre-orgasmic sensation and do this for ages.
But reaching orgasm became more difficult and when I got to the summit, I was unable to stop it going over the edge and thus bringing the session to a halt. This felt like a serious loss. Then along came the Aneros and that took me away to the new experience.
I have now discovered that I can return to edging but in a different way. The Aneros has brought new awareness of the very subtle sensations that the penis and scrotum can provide.
I can stimulate to a hard erection and with gentle touching and stroking, can indulge in a feast of wonderful abdomen clenching waves of pleasure. I know too that it will not go over the edge and come to an abrupt halt. Can this be considered to be edging in the real sense?

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Hey @Thomasheen,

Can this be considered to be edging in the real sense?

I think, what you described is not edging but rewiring of the penis (or rather the beginning of that). There was a thread on that a few months ago:

Cheers, Unfug

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What does "rewiring" mean?

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What does "rewiring" mean?

You must be new here 😉

You may start here and discover the aneros wiki from there... it answers a butt-ton of question that are often asked here in the forum and is great source of information in general.

To answer your question: rewiring means, that your brain learns to interpret nerval input as arousing (and eventually learns to orgasm from that input) although that input doesn't came from your primary sexual organs. Generally speaking, this is possible with every part of your body that is innervated with nerves... so... everywhere. Using the aneros devices and achieving dry orgasms is only possible after your brain acknowledges the prostate as source of arousal, thus rewiring the prostate. This is often called the "awakening" of the prostate and is a major milestone.

Cheers, Unfug

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I edge all the time when I masturbate. Now teasing myself through the day, like just whipping it out and getting hard and playing with it for a few minutes, that's different. That just keeps me going and makes my prostate and all things related stay in a sort of heightened pleasurable status, so that when hours later I'm actually in the process of "I'm going to play to cum" I edge before I orgasm/ejaculate for over an hour and it's like all the teasing has added up to a most explosive finish!

But I know what you're talking about and you're talking about using Aneros in an "unconventional" way other than the "way" it was "designed to be used." Aneros can be used to enhance sexual energy in your penis as the link unfug provided says. But I think DarkOrb's post is talking about looking at the stimulation of your penis as a way to go further in aneros-only sessions, or hands-free sessions that happen AFTER you have edged your penis. He says he edges if the session isn't going well, and then goes back to using the aneros to orgasm hands-free (paraphrasing his post as best as I can or at least the way I think he's saying it).

But @Tomasheen you are talking about edging WITH the aneros in you, I think that's what you're talking about? I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! The most intense edging I know how to do is with a toy in me. It "breaks the rules" of aneros but who the fuck cares?!?! Does it feel good? Yes. Does it make YOU feel good? Yes!! That's all that matters. I become so incredibly rock hard and my cock become at least 200% more sensitive. It's like there are new erogenous zones on my cock that I can't normally feel, like a half inch square little section of skin down near the base of my cock that suddenly feels like my glans, and sometimes feels better than my glans when stimulated. How is that possible?? Because aneros makes it possible!

I have redefined edging because I wear aneros while doing it. There are so many unlimited ways to masturbate and work on sexual energy and the road to orgasm, and/or ejaculation. I say walk down all of them. If you edge with an aneros in you, it won't ruin your aneros play when you don't edge. If anything you will new heightened awareness of your erogenous zones and yourself that will catapult your sessions, and all things sex related, to new places.

I've been rereading your post and now I'm not sure if you meant wearing aneros while edging, or your aneros use has made your edge play better...either way I'm not deleting this post of mine!!

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Thanks for the input on edging with an aneros. There is a guy on thundesplace who posted his journey to MMOs by shaft edging and particularly the base of his shaft like you describe. His handle is Werner Ashford and he has only one thread on thundersplace and that is on edging to reach MMOs.

I have not had any aneros inserted experience edging. But the shaft edging I have experienced is like you described. My entire penis becomes energized and aroused, even moreso than I remember as a 13 year old boy when I discovered masturbation. I do not remember feeling my penis at that age aroused and feeling that good until I approached orgasm.

Lingaman in his blog talks of sulcus massage edging that sends him to heights of ecstacy. I have tried that and that too is divine after the prostate gets hot. If fact, it is only after the prostate get hot that things move to a level of sheer bliss and joy in shaft edging for me. The beginning is good, but warming up the prostate is like priming the pump. Once the prostate is primed and hot, bliss and sheer joy kick in. It is such a spiritual experience that it is just appropriate for me to thank the Almighty for the joys He has placed in the male body.

I hope other men share thier edging stories working the rewiring.

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I think I am somewhere in between the re wiring and traditional process and i have been using Lingamans technique that could qualify as edging for me. What a great way to get things going with or without the Aneros. The best edging for me so far has been in the morning when I wake up with a hard on ready to go. I can begin the light touching of my cock tip and nipple stim and get waves of pleasure and prostate pulsing. I usually need to get up and get the day going so there is not enough time to finish the job. it is a great way to start the day and I usually stop because the urge of that morning pee takes over and i dont want to piss on myself. Sometimes in the morning while getting coffee and cleaning up the kitchen from the night before I start to get horny and the remnants of the morning hard on comes back. I will go into the bathroom and stand in front of the mirror and do some nipple stim and penis stim and edge for a minute or two and then stop. I have never tried edging during a Aneros session because i am usually searching for something else, and have been having good results lately, However it sounds good to me and I may have to give it a try.

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Fun discussion!!!

I do some shaft stim and such as you're explaining @Turnrow, but I also work the glans and the frenulum too. A few spins on the top of my cock and my anal sphincter reacts and my prostate reacts and the aneros does some autofucking and it's pretty wild! If I do that like 30 times, it builds more and more each time and finally I'm just 100% solid rock hard and my cock is SCREAMING to ejaculate and bounce through an orgasm. The aneros does this kind of "holding position" where it's not really all the way in or out, it's in between and sits at a place it normally does not sit.

All of this edging, by the way, I do sitting in a chair. I know most members here poo-poo on using aneros while sitting in a chair, but I don't mind it. Sometimes I like to grind on it gently and it works my prostate oh so damn good 🙂 But if I sit on the edge of the chair and lean back, the aneros is free and it moves easily, and it doesn't effect the autofuck or even orgasms (although I usually can only have prostate O's on my back on the floor).

So for normal edging I do it dry and I'm working my whole cock, head and frenulum mostly, touching my balls, etc. With aneros in me I have to be a little more careful but I've been using it for so long it doesn't make me cum or have a TO from just a few seconds of glans stim. I'm well past that point, experience helps!!! I can edge pretty strongly with aneros in me for probably 30+ minutes before I'm just really needing to shoot.

The peridise works maybe the best for edging because sometimes the mgx or any of the others with a P-tab, well the stim on my prostate can be so much that it effects my erection and I wind up getting too involved in the prostate stim, which makes my cock go down. It's the balance between the two where my sweet spot is: just enough prostate/anal stim to excite me and my cock and enhance sensations in my cock, and just enough cock stim to make my prostate and anus react. Like the serpent that eats itself but it's the most delicious meal that will never end 😉

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For those of you who find it difficult to prevent orgasm while edging (or just like to try a new way of doing it): i use a technique where i'll spill some sperm on the point of no return (without having an orgasm), thereby relieving the tension a little bit. This allows me to continue almost indefinitely. See my post in another topic on this forum below:
"I jerk off for a prolonged period (an hour or so) to build up the tension in my balls properly. Then i jerk right to the point of no return and stop, but NOT to the point where you'll need to squeeze hard (contract the sphincter muscle) to avoid ejaculation. (when i go as far as that, i often end up having a normal orgasm). If i time this right, my cock will throb/jerk once or twice as it would normally when having an orgasm. At this point, i can feel the sperm moving from my balls to my dick. I can then push this out by contracting the sphincter muscle (obviously, i don't use my hands at this point as this will incur orgasm immediately). If i squeeze really hard, it shoots out almost as far and fast as during a normal orgasm.You might think that what comes out is just precum, but it's not: by the colour, smell and thickness i can definitely tell it's sperm. Also, i can feel the tension in my dick/ balls declines, just like after a normal orgasm (usually my balls get very hard when edging). This also means that after this mini-ejaculation, i can continue masturbating (the refractory period doesn't set in as i don't orgasm) but I'll last a bit longer before reaching the point of no return again. I can then repeat this process almost indefinitely (in my longest sessions, i repeated it six or seven times), thus ejaculating (at least) as much as i normally would during a regular orgasm. When i finally choose to orgasm, i may produce a little less than normal but the feeling is as good as during a normal orgasm.

This technique also comes in handy when using the Aneros: i have had a few occasions where i inserted the Aneros while being very horny. Upon insertion i orgasmed immediately (without any stimulation!), thereby ruining my session. If i empty my balls first using the described technique, i will still be horny (and eager to use the Aneros), but i won't have this 'problem'.
The technique is also useful when watching CEI videos. Usually after orgasm i'll loose interest very quickly but with this technique i'll be able to enjoy my cum and continue masturbating."

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