I am looking to see if any other Aneros members that have unlocked there prostate can reproduce my results. As the title says I can have mutliple penile orgams without the ejaulaction response. I believe a few factors have been involved in me getting to this stage. So I want to share with the community with how I have done it.
First a little about me as I believe this may be key or at least understanding what sensations you should be looking for. I am uncut. So I when I traditionally masturbate I roll the skin. I believe this has lead me to be depenent on that sensation as causing the ejaulation response and orgasm. I have been working with strokers to shift that sensation.
Second. I use to watch too much porn and masturbate way to much. I have been getting better but I still do it once a day. This as trained to me to feel exactly what sensation causes the ejaulation response and I have been able to train my mind to hold off on that sensation. Like training your mind that you have to pee but you can't, sort of like that. For me this sensations is at the tip and I can chose to willfully ignore it. Until a point, but I can usually go 1+ hour if I want. This is hard to achieve for a few reasons. The most important for me at least, this feeling is the same thought process that controls how hard you are. If you ignore that sensation to much you become flaccid. If you allow to much of this sensation you blow your load. I find that I let my mind go wild when I first start to build up momentum and then dial it back. You can also do this by varying your stimulation until you learn what your sensations you're looking for and are trying to hold off on.
So with that out of the way. How to have multiple penile orgams. It would help if you have a vibrator but can be done with out. Haveing an Aneros can help make the penile orgams stronger if done right(Syn V is best with vibrations on). I do think that Aneros sensations are strong enough to break through but I think the more advanced Aneros users can do it easier. I usually go with a njoy pure wand I usually can find the sweet spot easily when I am about to orgams with the penis. This is the key to make the penis orgams stronger.
Now that you have taken care of prostate stimulation if you want it. The method.
Sounds simple enough. Now some explanation to the bullet points. I firmly believe that ejaculation/erection response only comes from sensations derived from the head of the penis. If you avoid this, it makes it easier to hear the sensations from the frenulum. I find vibrators help here. For me at least, it doesn't stimulate the head of the penis to cause the ejaculation response unless accompanied my stroking or twisting. The frenulum is sensitive like your prostate you just have to be willing to listen. It also ties to learning what sensation causes the ejaculation response. Stimulating the frenulum when you do O. This causes that sensation to bubble and if you chose to listen you will blow your load. If you can train your mind to ignore it. You can orgams this multiples times this way or if you do listen to the ejaculation sensation welcome to nirvana+. The prostate comes into play cause when your on the edge of orgam with the frenulum all egrouns zones come alive and just enhance your Os. The prostate being the best one. But you can squeeze you nipples, rub your inner thighs or tickle your perineum. They all work and they almost always carry me over to orgasm if I need a little boost.
Thanks for take your time to read this. I would love to hear back if anybody can reproduce my results or are already doing this. I still do love my prostate Os but this the cherry on top.
For thoses that are looking for penis vibrators. I have tried the Blowmotion Warming Vibrating Male Masturbator by Lovehoney(The cheapest option). The Archwave ion(The most pleasant). Lelo F1S V2(goes from 0 to 60 so quick you will have neck strain aka It doesn't take long to O). I am looking at purchasing a magic wand if anyone as play experience with that I would love to hear about it.(Does it fit on your perineum or is it to big?)
I haven't tried this, it sounds interesting. I have tried all sorts of different techniques, including frenulum-only stimulation, but it has never occurred to me to interpret frenulum contact as a prostate input... possibly because I haven't revisited that technique since I discovered my prostate.
Though I am a bit confused here... are you saying the frenulum stimulation can be felt in the prostate if you mentally direct it that way? (similar to nipple stimulation I think) Or is the pleasure located in the penis, but has some prostate-like quality to it? Or is it more of a vague full-body sensation?
Also what part of the frenulum are we talking about here? Closer to the head or the shaft?
Can you describe the orgasm in more detail? I've had lots of vague "sorta"-orgasms by masturbating a long time while avoiding the head, but I don't consider them equivalent to a proper full penile orgasm. My definition would include the pumping pelvic contractions, a sort of dry ejaculation with orgasm. (Which I have had before, but they're not easy to do.)
I have several hand held massagers which come with usually four attachments that I frequently use in the area of the frenulum and almost always can cum that way multiple times. Have also used the vibrators on my perenium which also feels amazing - probably is stimulating the prostate. The cup attachment fits nicely over the head of the penis.
I have also tried several techniques, slowly circling the frenulum with one or two fingertips has me leaking for hours with dry orgasms
@clenchy It is the same feeling that you get when you stimulate the prostate. It is located in the frenulum tho and not in your prostate. The key is ignoring sensations driveried from stimulating the head. Which usually is unavoidable. The trick is to keep your focus on the frenulum and not the urge to stimulate the head/and to have a ejactulatory response. When your on the edge, stimulating other engrouns zones helps bring your focus in.
I believe that the penile orgasm and ejactulatory response aren't one in the same but the usually occur at the same time. This is another key understanding
It's cool that you are combining methods. They are both good, but it can be difficult to master both. I think mastering both penile orgasms and anally mediated ones is the ultimate combination. One can switch back and forth between them for hours.
I've very experience with vibrators, being a collector with a total collection and experience with toys exceeding $20000. The Hitachi should fit most perineum. I don't really like my perineum stimulated. I always revisit this assumption just to find it doesn't feel much and is painful after a while. Instead, I put the wand on my asshole and push hard while edging my penis and my ass starts orgasming! If you are into edging, I recommend a simple $20 rechargeable vibrator on Amazon. It will be buzzy, but those things really help with taking edging to the extreme. They help me reach status orgasmus, where I'm having back to back penile orgasms over and over. I describe more in the video and guide reference below.
I don't think rewiring is essential for multiple penile orgasms, but it might have some learnings to translate. Perhaps it can build better interospection, encourage patience with longer sessions, and might intensify things, but it is not essential. As indicated by Alfred Kinsey, Diederik Janssen, Robin Fox, and even Mantak Chai, it is known that males before spermarche have multiple penile orgasms before the new upperbound psycho-stimulatory threshold-specific response, the PONR, is formed at puberty. They did not "rewire" their prostate, yet they can have multiple penile orgasms. Many adults also learn multiple penile orgasms without ever doing prostate play.
While you mention that sensational similarity in penis and prostate, many report that they are entirely different sensations. One that I personally find to feel like a powerful penile NEO or sensationally similar to my penile orgasms are my anal orgasms. I hypothesize that these are had through inferior anal nerve rather than the prostate. The inferior anal nerve also branches of the pudendal nerve like the dorsal nerve of the penis, which might contribute to the sensational similarities. My anal orgasms appear only when I'm at the edge of my penile orgasms, and I have a powerful vibrator on my asshole. Rather than the involuntary pushing out or tensing around the Aneros kind, these feel like my ass is exploding like a penile ejaculatory orgasm. They often even come with the same involuntary anal contractions as the ejaculatory orgasms, except that I can do them over and over again and sometimes they can last up to a minute for each instance, being only seconds apart.
Rather than thinking about the prostate, I try considering all the nerves in the region that can be stimulated. Sure, the prostate might be milked, but the actual sensations will come from the nerve pathways around it. One can stimulate the nerves of the prostate despite missing the prostate entirely.
I've seen versions of the idea you mention above being thrown around a lot on r/multiorgasmic stating that the top of the penis or the bottom of the penis are linked to ejaculation or orgasm, respectively, or vise versa. I've seen people say it either way. The most common advice is to avoid the frenulum and stimulate the glans actually. But it is no hard rule. The real reason that a region of the penis less likely to cause an ejaculation is not because a particular region is linked to a certain response (orgasm or ejaculation); regions around the top of the penis are just more sensitive so one approaches the PONR faster and with less control, increasing the likelihood of falling off the edge. The sensitivity of these regions is pretty consistent from individual to individual, as confirmed by biothesiometer studies. With this said, there is something unique about the top of the penis: the rosy palm technique on the top of the penis can help you pee and can cause male squirting. It is more prone to hypersensitivity through.
I provide a little more on this in my guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGk8Zruai8A
I also made a NSWF example if you look up: "121 Orgasms in 50 Minutes" on Hamster
My formal paper on this I'm still working on.
Great reading! Will have to try the powerful vibrator on the asshole while at or near ejaculatory orgasm! Sounds like an explosive experience!
@poptrek, I also can experience multiple penile orgasms since using Aneros. I match you in terms of my physiology and history, but can’t say I have a specific technique. I get this mainly when my partner is working my penis and rather than it being a particular part of me, or technique, I put this down to being able to last a long time and being much more aware of isolated feelings and orgasm responses. I think having a partner or toy doing the stimulating means I can focus much more on other orgasmic feelings and roll with them rather than building them up into a tension to be released all at once in a more traditional response.
WOW!!! So glad you chose to post this.
Multiple dry penile orgasms have been my "white whale" for several years now. I've had it happen only a few times, but is an awesome feeling. You get all the feelings with a normal ejaculatory orgasm, but no refractory period. You get to have your cake AND eat it too.
Keep the tips/techniques cumming!
Great job!
i just dropped in to say that this is very different to my experience, so while this could be the method that works for you, it is by no means the only method. I learned by avoiding the penis head but that is the only similar aspect. Otherwise I don’t use vibrations, just non vibrating toys and my hand, and for me it was just playing with edging until I sorta figured it out. Now I can touch my penis head all I want, have dry orgasms tens of times during PIV sex.