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Abdominal cramping/constipation? Please help!

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The day after an Aneros session, I experience the following symptoms:

  • Constipation/cramping (sometimes severe)
  • Frequent/urgent urination
  • Bloating/swelling of the abdominal area (think beer belly)
  • Abnormal stool/loose BM

Symptoms gradually subside, taking approximately 1 week to fully dissipate. My stool changes throughout this period -- initially very small in size/volume, then quite soft, then sludge-like (looks like mud), and then back to normal. It sort of feels like someone plugged the exit, with stool being forced backward, up my intestinal tract. This only occurs post-Aneros session; I don't experience these symptoms otherwise. 

I suspect this is the result of an enlarged prostate, which is pressing against my bladder (frequent/urgent urination), and possibly obstructing the pipes (colon?).  I have yet to experience non-ejaculatory orgasm when using the Aneros, so I wonder if it's stimulating/enlarging the prostate, but without any subsequent release/reduction in size? The day after a session, I can literally hear liquid swashing around in my stomach, and the lower part of my abdomen becomes firm and slightly distended/puffy. Coffee is my laxative, but it has absolutely no effect on these days. Curiously, I also feel a strong urge to use the Aneros the day after -- prostate thumping like crazy -- but I have to refrain as it only makes the symptoms worse/severe.

Through a bit of trial and error, I've noticed that shorter sessions (<30 min) and not changing positions helps to mitigate the symptoms. Using less lube, more lube, and different lube had no effect. These symptoms started to appear after ~1 year of occasional use, at roughly the same time I started to make progress with the Aneros (i.e., feel like it was working). I've gotten close to orgasm many times (shaking legs, butt cheeks), but have never made it over that hump. 

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, how did you overcome it? Thanks all!

P.S. This occurs with both the Helix Syn Trident and Eupho Trident.

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I can remember similar problems during my 1st year of use.  I changed lubes several times until the symptoms you describe just disappeared.  Have not been troubled since.  My guess is that your lube might be the cause (brand, quantity, method of pre-lubing).  I also thought that my episodes may have been the result of my session frequency (3-4 times/week avg. 2hrs).  Now my sessions are  less frequent and not as long (2-3/week avg. 1.5hr).  Hope this helps.

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Not a doc here, but possibly consider my response with your doc. I wonder if getting the spasms going that make the Aneros work also may be making your colon spastic? You may already suffer with this some and not know...how is your gut when you are under a lot of stress? Also, do you still have your gallbladder? Spastic colon and no gallbladder can lead to similar symptoms.

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