A word of caution.....
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A word of caution....

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I read and followed the thread about taking L-arginine, Pygeum Lecithin and zinc to increase precum. It did produce the desired effects but some undesired ones as well. First a little about me I am 51, work out on a regular basis (weights) and have some breathing issues such as sports related asthma and chronic bronchitis and some pollen allergies. About 5 weeks into taking the formula I started to get heavy in the chest and kind of raspy in my breathing. I started to get worse and decided to see my doctor. He did the usual checks and said that my lungs sounded like I was breathing under water. Long story short after an Xray, he said that I had extreme amounts of fluid in my lungs for no discernible reason. He asked me if I had recently been exposed to any kind of fumes or chemicals, when I said no he asked me if I had changed my diet or anything else along that line. I told him that I was taking some "sports" related supplements and told him what they were. What he told me; "Well the Pygeum along with the Lecithin can increase and thin all the bodies mucus type secretions and because of my propensity for bronchitis my lungs kicked into high gear as far as fluid production, the Arginine works to create more nitrogen in the body and has a direct effect on the heart and surrounding tissues (Cardio/pulmonary, lungs).

So just a bit of caution, if you are trying this formula and you feel your chest getting tight, notice a little more fluid in the lungs you might want to drop this formula before it may go to far. I would caution any with breathing issues to steer clear period.

Hoping some won't have to go through my experience.


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Thanks for this post. Last few weeks I've been waking up around midnight coughing (unproductively) due to fluid in my lungs. No evidence of a summer cold or other health issues.

Outside my window is a tree that's night blooming (plenty of pollen). I've also been taking a 1/2 tab of Viagra on an every-other evening basis.

Did some quick research on surpluses of Nitric Oxide in the body and Viagra. A quick Google produced this: http://www.nutritionexpress.com/showarticle.aspx?articleid=286. Sure enough, your observations and those of your doc are there, to read.

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As someone who has recently had pneumonia fluid in your lungs is something not worth chancing with. Particularly when it's been induced by self medicating for any reason

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@rook you take half a Viagra every other evening? Isn't that as expensive as hell? Where I live they are $40 a tablet.

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@xtimedt69, that is expensive. In AU the patent expired and the price dropped to $40 for 12 100mg tablets. I take 1/4 regularly which makes my dosage worth $1. 1/6 works better but too difficult to cut!! I use a double blade wire stripper to cut the tablet. Viagra cuts better than the APO generic brand which is a bit cheaper. You might want to check you local price again.

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@isvara there is no generic in the US so that is the price. Here is a screen cap of local prices. I get generic Levitra from another country legally, $70 for 40 tablets. Cialis has a daily tablet but I don't know how much that is.

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@xtimedt69, wow, strange. I would be happy with Levitra (20mg) but it is around $120 for 8! So no contest for me!

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why you want more precum ? and why you people taking viagra and all these pills I don't understand

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@sttc, the best way to answer the second part of your question is to ask, how old are you?

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@sttc, the best way to answer the second part of your question is to ask, how old are you?

@isvara, im 26, but even if i'm old i wouldn't take these pills not only not good for health, you don't need it to use the aneros right? that's the big advantage compared to regular sex, and I've seen plenty people asking how to increase cum/precum load, what's the reason behind this I never figured out, I love to be dry and hate ejaculation

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@sttc, thank you. I am over 70. For many males around 50 on, the body chemistry changes and erections become difficult to achieve. That means even an occasional ejaculation is impossible. So there is a health issue. Erections flush the penis with fresh blood, keeping all the tissues healthy. This reflects back onto the prostate and keeps it functioning AND healthy. Aneros is an amazing tool and I am glad I found it and it is very good to use for health's sake. At my age the simplest solution to staying alive and lively is to have the smallest bit of a Viagra tablet to get an erection, all it does is make more nitric oxide available to enable an erection the rest is normal. The erection also makes me more interested in my partner, in life, it increases my motivation and creativity - all by products. So with Aneros regularly and my bit of Viagra now and then I am a new man. See how you feel at 50, it may be easier for you.
I am not interested in increasing my 'load'

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@isvara, ah I didn't know erection is that important to you, maybe one day I'll know haha, thx

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You should always consult a doctor, even before taking any kind of supplement. You never know what side effects you can get, or what kind of underlying medical condition can be brought up by the use of certain supplement. If your doctor knows your medical background condition, he/she can further evaluate your condition, and offer you an advice as to what supplement you should take or not, or prescribe you a special diet, cure, to follow, to help you solve your problem, safely.
As for Lecithin, I read that prolonged use could cause serious blood pressure conditions, as well as liver/colon diseases. So, be careful not to use it very often.

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