If you've been practicing for years and have had little or no progress, you're going to want to read this...
It's taken a couple of years for me to arrive at the following findings. I'm going to try and keep this short, but there's a lot of info. I've arranged everything chronologically to try and make it easier for you all to follow along.
(Images are now attached to the end of this post)
I bought a Helix about a couple of years ago. I was sceptical and naive and my first experiences were not great. I was comfortable with basic anal play, but didn't find the Helix to provide any pleasure at all. I was disappointed and frustrated and I felt like I had wasted my money.
At some point I decided to try it again several times over the course of a week. After a couple of sessions I did notice that something was beginning to wake up. I had some interesting sensations and noticed that they weren't necessarily connected to actually using the toy. In hindsight I think the Helix helped, but I think most of my progress was coming from tuing in to my body. I could get some waves of tingle, interesting contractions, and some physiological response.
Trying to Move Forward
After a few more months I was frustrated. Although I'd awoken something interesting and genuinely exciting, I couldn't help feeling like I wasn't hitting the spot. My assumption was that my physiology was slightly unusual, and that the Helix didn't match up to my internal layout. I hadn't experienced anything like some of the things you read about on this forum - people talk about 'the spot' and I didn't relate.
Progasm - Reach further?
I'm 6'4" (193cm) and my assumption was that the Helix wasn't reaching far enough, so I bought the longer Progasm. I found the extra size and feeling of fullness to be good, and it was definitely poking something sensitive inside me, but not in a pleasurable or arousing way. Confusingly I felt I was missing the mark by an even greater margin.
Eupho - Let's go in the other direction
After some thought I arrived at a conclusion - maybe the extra size of the Progasm was providing too much pressure, and instead of a sledgehammer I needed a feather... I bought the Eupho and tried to keep an open mind, thinking maybe doing less is actually doing more.
To my suprise the Eupho was absolutely an improvement. I would get good things happening about twice as often as with the Helix, but I still had this feeling of tickling the very edge of the good bit.
Confused - Are my parts where I think they are?
I this point I was very confused. I'm tall, and it feels like the Progasm should have been the correct tool for me. Yet it's the Eupho that's getting the most results, albeit still only the hint of pleasure and without any sort of consistency. I was still have some complete washout sessions.
Like so many of you, I began to wonder if I was someone for whom this simply wasn't going to work. Maybe my body is just not capable of this? Is it even real? Maybe these nice people on the forum are just over exaggerating? Maybe none of it is real?
After some thought I decided that there was probably more to try before giving up. This is where I started to form a theory about what was going on...
Layout - Time for a treasure map
What if despite my height, my prostate is actually a very short distance inside? My experience so far would suggest that I've been consistenly overreaching, but the wisdom online suggests that this would be unlikely. Could there really be that much variation between people?
I invented a couple of small tools to begin to test this theory. The first was a rib that I could attach tightly to the arms of the Eupho to push the tab forward and upward, effectively reducing its maximum depth.
(See Image 1 - First Rib Design)
Using this rig I immediately had the best session so far, with some very exciting new feelings that ABSOLUTELY felt like I had found some kind of 'spot'. I can't believe I nearly gave up completely, when I was so close. This needs more testing!
(See Image 2 - Pad Design)
I actually prototyped and tested several of these ribs, before moving to a pad that was cut from dense foam. The pad was immediately superior and provided slightly more depth reduction.
Science time!
At this point I'd like to introduce a tool I've created to help understand what was going on. I photographed all of the options and created a scale anatomical diagram based on the one Aneros themselves use to demonstrate their products. Let's take a look at the basics...
(See Image 3 - Comparison of Unadjusted Models)
As expected here are the results for the unmodified Helix, Eupho and Progasm. For each model I've rotated the product around the fulcrum (front tab) and plotted the path using the forward most point as the constant. You can see each model's contraction path using the coloured dots.
(See Image 4 - Close look at Unadjusted Internal Positioning)
Interestingly the Helix has an upward trajectory when assessed like this, where the Eupho and Progasm are more constant.
Now let's compare the Eupho to the Eupho+Pad...
(See Image 5 - Adjusted Internal Positioning)
This confirmed the superior performance of the Pad was due to reduced depth. My experience with the Eupho+Pad1 was the best so far, but now I have a new question: Have I now located 'the spot', or am I still just on the upper edge?
Enter two further pad prototypes!...
(See Image 6 - Three Variations of Pads)
I'll cut straight to the chase and reveal that Pad3 (the largest one) has made me feel like I've truly understood what everyone has been talking about for the first time. I absolutely understand the feeling of finding the spot, my body is reacting all by itself and I can absolutely imagine how this could result in some fantastic pleasure - in fact it already has, nothing galactic, but real, flowing pleasure.
Some further learnings
Based on the above findings I decided to adjust the diagram to place the anatomical features into roughly the positions they seem to be in.
(See Image 7 - Adjusting the Diagram)
At this stage we can fully appreciate what was happening with my first attempts...
(See Image 8 - Adjusted Internal Positioning Comparison)
The Progasm and Helix are (at best) engaging with my seminal glands, and this would tally with my experience of feeling 'poked somewhere sensitive', while the Eupho is right on the edge of the ballpark.
So what's next?
I'm so excited by this result, but it begs some questions and draws some conclusions:
- There appears to be far more variety in internal layout than I could ever have predicted. I think this might directly explain the stark divide between people who can make this work and people who try for years with no luck
- My Pad3 prototype is working very well, but is also on the limit of what will actually stay in place during use, as the Eupho was designed to be held by your muscles at its narrowest point
- If your prostate is at a low depth, I believe the model would actually need to curve slightly forward internally to negotiate your internal muscular structures. This wouldn't need to be much, it would be subtle, but as you can see the existing models are mostly straight, which works well for deeper locations
- A model designed specifically for low depth would take the above into account. I'm hopeful that Aneros might consider my findings and design a model specifically for people with a shallow prostate
Get involved?
If you're one of the people who's had no luck for years, maybe you'd like to try and replicate my findings? If you do, then let me know how you get on, and I really hope this can help you on your journey.
Thanks for reading! Please discuss and I'm open to questions.
Thanks for being so methodical in your research. I find this very interesting.
Hi and thanks a ton for your work-intensive research. What an award-worthy contribution to this forum! Indeed your findings are in accordance with my perceptions when comparing my Helix with my Euphos (Syn and Syn Trident) and thus can explain my better results using my Euphos or even my Tempo.
Furthermore I can report that pulling out my Eupho a tiny bit for readjusting its tabs sometimes pushed my session to new heights.
Hey, I'm most intrigued to mold some pads and test them out. Ever thought of Sugru Mouldable Glue by tesa for your pads? [If so I'd suggest some thin layer between the tab and your molded pad for easier demounting.]
Best vibes! Mart
Thanks all, I appreciate the support!
@sowithoutaneros Thanks for sharing, that put a big smile on my face Regarding the Sugru, that sounds like it could be a good thing for rapid prototyping. One of the benefits of the foam is that it's very light, so doesn't really affect the movement or angle of the Aneros. Also it's easy to wash. I believe I actually used the foam that the Aneros arrived in inside the box. Would love to hear how you get on!
Brilliant approach to experimenting to find what worked with your anatomy. Sometimes a good old finger is good to get a sense of where the prostate is, but it could be hard to tell with a toy. The really complicated part of this is that so many different nerves run through the anus and many can feel good. Some people might have some response and miss the prostate entirely because they have a brain-down response or are stimulating nerves that share pudendal nerve or prostatic plexus branches. Hopefully the Aneros Team will take note of your post.
As some one within the last month as unlocked the prostate. I just have to say it is all about how much control as well as mind set for how well any of the Aneros products work. There is a lot more involved than just squeezing your PC. I would say I have enough practice that I know if I am forcing it upwards instead of forwards/downwards(Side to side if your really practice especially with Eupho). I would suggest getting a njoy pure wand(This is my second favorite thing to stick up there and yes it is the same toy ladies use for their g spot). If you truly want to find your sweet spot. You probably can get measurements of how deep your prostate is from this toy
Also it depends on how sensitive your prostate is in any session. I had one where I couldn't squeeze at all without pushing myself over the edge(I lasted 3 squeezes then balled up and cried in ecstasy)
Last final note it is not a strong sensation unless your prostate is hyper sanative(Aka super turned on). It is just knowing where the device is pushing and how it is pushing that will result in O. Just put on some porn and enjoy what even happens.
Fascinating findings. I wonder how the Peridise or Tempo would fit in your modeling. I don't own either, but many seem to get great results with those models.
EXCELLENT write-up!
Aneros should take note of your diagrams showing how each massager moves and write up some more modern detail instructions. I think it would especially help new users and maybe teach an old dog new tricks as well.
One thing about Aneros is you never stop learning.
I'm a more experienced user, but I'm gonna get me some foam pieces and experiment a little. Could be interesting.
What kind of foam did you use here?
I actually used the high density foam that the Aneros was packaged in - like the foam inside the box with the cutout for the model itself.
If you try it out remember to be very careful when you cut it, and don't cut or stab towards yourself, particularly when making the socket for the tab.
Wow what a post! I'll definitely try the foam to see if it makes any difference for me. Thank you for your amazing analysis!
You're welcome, and please do write back with results, positive or negative
Yes I tried doing something similar some time back. I tried folding a tissue once or twice and putting in on the tab. It increased something. Not sure what. But it was way more intense.
Great work !
I believe that people removing the tail portion of their Aneros achieve a somewhat similar result. Maybe this made more sense with the Classics since the handle had no actual purpose outside of maybe helping to keep the device in the right alignment. With the Trident, you would probably lose some functionality. Padding the P-tab is not permanent and leaves room for adjustments. For most people, this is probably the way to go.
Completely agree that for anyone who's already where they need to be that adjustment is useful, interesting or even essential. In my case the adjustment is so big that the model often fails to stay in place, I think because the narrowest portion of the shaft is not able to do its job...
I'm wondering whether to take these findings to other manufacturers. It's hard to tell whether this is something Aneros would ever consider addressing.
Great work! Very interesting approach, I think I’ll give it a shot as well. I would highly recommend trying the HIH950 this may be just what you are looking for.
@supaokami I gave it a try last night with my MGX and Progasm. I'm pretty sure I felt stronger sensations with both. From a guy who has been trying for 1 year and had only 1 HFWO I didn't expect a miracle, but I'm sure I felt slightly stronger sensations. Will keep at it. Next time I'll try to abstain/retain for a few days prior.
@Dundie Very happy to hear that! What thickness of pad did you go for?
@aneros_addiction Thank you for sharing that, I should probably get one of those on order! Will report back...
Small diameter of foam pipe insulation would work well for this! Already slit so can be put over the tab and cut to length and taped closed. Intend to try out on my Progasm and Eupho Syn Trident.
I have to try this. I've had best results with smaller toys like peridise and tempo, which has lead me to believe my prostate isn't as far up as others.
@Dundie Very happy to hear that! What thickness of pad did you go for?
I used a piece of foam from an old chair. Maybe they compress too much. I tried again last night with a pad about 2" tall (seems to compress to about 3/4". Using my progasm it didn't seem to stay in place without slowly slipping out. I didn't feel much last night. I removed the pad and still felt very little. Another dud night. Maybe I'll try my MGX tonight with a pad.
The pictures are not showing up for me.
This sounds really interesting, but unfortunately the pictures aren't loading for me either.
Hopefully you can get the pictures restored. I've definitely struggled with finding a toy that consistently hits the spot just right, so I'm quite intrigued by your experiments.
I'm still not sure exactly where my prostate is, so can never know for sure if I'm hitting it or not when using a toy.
If I push it up enough I will get the feeling that the toy is pressing against something sensitive, it's not the feeling of needing to pee, it can be kind of uncomfortable sometimes but seems like maybe it has the potential to produce sexual feelings. So I don't know if that's my prostate being pressed on or something else.
I would like to try what you have tried but the pics are not coming up for me either.
Apologies folks, the image hosting expired. Now re-uploaded so they should be visible again.
If anyone knows how to upload images directly to the forum I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
SO, Thanks for fixing the photo links. Very Helpful !
Apologies folks, the image hosting expired. Now re-uploaded so they should be visible again.
If anyone knows how to upload images directly to the forum I would greatly appreciate your assistance.
the images died again, can you please reup