Your pc muscles and Pelvic floor are the same thing. The basket,or hammock are the same thing too. For what we do here,the hammock sweeps around from the cock root to the ass hole,and we flex here and in between. Sure,you could pick one contraction to ascend to orgasm if you have the mental side locked down. But surfing sphincter to bulbo on the back of anchored tension is the the simplest thing to learn first in my opinion,it can be done in reverse too.
Im not sure I understand this stroking you mention,sounds like rolling to me.
How much lift may vary from man to man. I don’t think it takes a lot so hold off on the brute force. The idea is to hold this tension and not relax below its threshold. So your pc and anal contractions go from this spot,and when you let them off,they go back to but not below this tension level.
Too much may kill things,this is why I said hold off on the brute force.
No worries. Welcome to the forum. Don’t forget to post your journey experience and question.
I may have had my first, and second, anal orgasms yesterday. I had a relaxing setting prepared, and was excited for my session. Everything seemed difficult at first. Definitely more work than pleasure. And whenever anything did feel really good, I couldn’t keep it going in a linear manner. I canged positions several times, first on my back, then my side, then stomach, and then returning to being on my back, with pillows under my lower back and butt. I had some good visuals going on in my mind that had me turned on, and pleasure was increasing, but not continually. There were a lot of stops and starts. There were moments where I was being very verbal, and my left arm was twitching. Then, suddenly, my body tensed up, all contractions stopped, and I was still. After about 10 seconds, more body, and mind, relaxed. I think that was my first anal orgasm, subtle as it was.
i’d love to hear what anyone has to say about this experience.
i definitely want more!
Sounds like things are going in the right direction,just relax into it. The changing positions many times could be an attempt to push you over the finish line. Keep the anchored tension and contractions close together when you feel your almost there,it will feel more like all three are holds,or like your wiggling them.
Only you can quantify an orgasm. If you believe you experienced a peak of pleasure you associate with orgasm,then you did. If you didn’t,then I guess you didn’t.
Thank YOU! The anchored tension concept has opened up a whole new room in the building, just like walking through a door. The result was a new set of sensations that increased the pleasure and took me to a new level, time got lost, it felt like floating above the bed. I have felt progress along the journey, once again thank you for your posts!