The purpose of this post is hopefully to help a few people who are not getting the results they hoped for with their Aneros. By no means will these techniques necessarily guarantee you a Super-O, but they may help you on your journey.
I bought my Aneros models a couple of years ago (Eupho and Helix) and during that time they were a point of curiosity but nothing more. I didn’t do a whole lot with them, and I didn’t really do deep reading on either device. The few times I used them, they provided some interesting sensations, Super-Ts, and the like, but nothing close to a Super-O. In fact I pretty much thought a Super-O was a Super-T. I did do some reading in the forums, but when I read the accounts of the Super-Os, I thought they were impossible exaggerations designed to hype an overpriced piece of plastic. Boy was I WRONG.
Recently I’ve revisited these devices with incredible results. This time I went through and read everything, the Wiki, forum posts, etc. I took note of the advice and set off to see if I could get these doohickeys to fulfill their ultimate purpose… The Super-O.
The advice out there is excellent and with it, I have indeed found the Super-O, however I did not find the Super-O by using the instructions out there exclusively. While it is important to read the more frequently cited guides, just as important is reading between the lines. What follows is some of the information I’ve stumbled on in my own journey. Hopefully it might fill in the gaps for a few people who are frustrated in their own journeys.
First up… Exercise. 90% of the journey to the Super-O can be done without the Aneros. The key is preparation, and by that I don’t mean which lube to use. Two muscles are involved in making the Aneros do its thing, your PC muscle (the one you use to stop urinating) and your anal sphincter. Before you stick anything in your butt, locate these muscles and learn how to manipulate them. Contract your anal sphincter, then your PC muscle; then back again. Alternate contracting, then two contractions of one, followed by two contractions of the other, etc. Then try contracting them both simultaneously. The final skill set to learn is to contract them in a rolling motion, where say a contraction of the anal sphincter rolls right into a contraction of the PC muscle. Think of it like a belly dancer undulating her stomach, or peddling a bike, it’s not two separate contractions; it’s one wave of motion. While mastering this exercise, you may feel a P-wave. If so, that’s a good sign.
OK now that you know where all your key muscles are, and how to manipulate them, you’re ready to put the Aneros in. Now the great lube debate has always raged, but in my personal experience the best method is the condom method. I’ve tried many other variations, but nothing else gives me the reliability and mobility of that method. But whatever method you choose, here’s what you do next.
Pop it in and wait 10 minutes. This is often mentioned and it is sound advice. However during that time I usually do a few light contractions as a “mobility check.”
Now… position. In my early experiments I used to lie on my stomach, but my revised advice would be to lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat on the bed. I would also recommend placing a pillow under your lower back/butt to prop yourself up. Get yourself situated, and relax. But don’t “do nothing” instead play with the device a little. Do light contractions of your anal sphincter, your PC muscle, etc. Test mobility, play... At this point you should have no particular goal other than get your bearings down there. Do the exercises you did without it in, note the sensations.
When you’re ready for something more, try this. Contract both your anal sphincter and PC muscle and hold. You needn’t do a full contraction, just somewhere between 70-80%. Continue holding, hold for about 30 seconds. Then start to slowly release the contractions. As you back off, with any luck your Aneros will be caught in a “tug-of-war” between the two muscle sets. The key is an imbalance in the muscle forces. As you let up on the dual contraction, one or both muscles will still be trying to hold on, after have been gripping for awhile the muscle will be fatigued, and as you release the grip, but not fully releasing, it will like start to flutter with exhaustion. Like a weightlifter on his last rep. These are the elusive involuntaries.
The first time you pull off this “unbalancing act” you’ll probably get some interesting sensations which will no doubt be short lived, because the first time it happens, and you feel it, you’ll naturally try and control it, and the ride stops. The trick is to back off your grip just enough to trigger the muscle imbalance, and then hold it there, that's the only thing you need to control the hold, but it takes a little skill to manage that. After a few attempts at this you’ll get the hang of it, and the fun will truly start to begin. This is when you may start to shake, start breathing heavy, and otherwise notice new things. Your anal sphincter may also spasm at this point and pull the Aneros in, this is good. When the spasm subsides let up on it slowly and as the Aneros slides slowly down, it may trigger yet another one, this is the beginning of the Super-O.
If you can’t quite get the tension between your anal sphincter and PC muscle properly unbalanced, or you just haven’t practiced it enough, here’s a little trick to speed that along. While contracting both your anal sphincter and PC muscle, push down on the bed with one of your feet. This too will create imbalance down there and should start the Aneros doing its magic dance. I use this tip after a few Super-Os when my muscles are truly fatigued and I can’t control my muscles as precisely anymore.
Now to finish the job… When I’ve got the Aneros dancing down there and the sensations are starting to build to a fever pitch, while holding my contractions I straighten out my legs flat on the bed in a V shape and stretch as one often does when they wake up in the morning. This realigns my PC muscle and anal sphincter muscles giving them a renewed boost of strength and with that, the Super-O is almost always instant. Ride it out… But as your muscles release from all that action, and it slowly slides by the oh so special spot, it may kick off another one, or some would see that is an extension of the initial one, either way it’s loads of fun. When you become more advanced you can actually add contractions during the Super-O prolonging it.
Once that occurs, I’m in the zone. After the Super-O subsides, I bend my knees again, feet flat on the bed, and begin the tug-of-war between my anal sphincter and my PC muscle again. The dance begins, sensations build, stretch, Super-O. Another trick to pull to kick in the Super-O, while your knees are still bent and the sensations are building; rub your feet back and forth across the bed as if you were trying to build up static electricity to shock someone. The net effect is more imbalance down there, more stimulation, and when you go to stretch a greater chance of hitting Super-O land.
After a particularly intense session, my calves are shot the next day
So there you have a quick and dirty guide to attaining the Super-O. This is by no means meant to supercede any information already in existence, it’s simply the things I’ve learned along the way. Will it work for you? I don’t know, but I thought I would offer it up to those who are frustrated with their journey. This simply represents how I parsed down all the information that exists into an actionable plan that gave me awesome results. The techniques here work equally well with the Helix and Eupho.
Good luck.
P.S. There are times now when I'm doing my exercises Aneros free and I end up having have Super-Os through mere muscle flexing, no devices needed, though the ride is more fun with the device. The main thing to know is the Aneros is not a jackhammer, it's a paintbrush designed for skillful manipulation in the "hands" of an artist. It takes finesse, creativity, and experimentation to get it working. This is just my recipe.
To those of you on the verge... I have yet another little tidbit of advice that may help you find your way along the path. At this point your brain is pretty much saying… “Hey this feels really nice, but I normally don’t receive pleasure like this, so what am I supposed to do with it?” and you lie there teetering on the edge of something great, but never hit the mark. This of course is the rewiring process, you brain has to learn that this is a perfectly viable way to get off, but it may require a little nudge.
And here’s how you can give it a little nudge… Next time you’re on the verge of something, clamp down on the Aneros (with both muscle sets) and take the tip of your index finger and LIGHTLY tickle your frenulum for about 1-2 seconds. Make it as quick as possible. If you’re just at the right spot in the session you’ll feel a shot of pleasure span from the tip of your penis to your prostate. It doesn’t matter what state of arousal your penis is in either.
Your brain goes… “Whoa, I just felt some nice traditional stimulation! I know what that is!” but then it makes a connection… “But I’m still feeling it deep inside of me, something, something is sustaining that… OK let me go with that…” It’s like that little touch turns the nerve group into a “live wire” and then it opens it up full throttle to the new stimulus. I tend to think of it as burning the candle at both ends, but when you light the one end, it automatically lights the other.
Use this trick sparingly though; you’re trying to get the prostate to do its own thing. This is just to help train the brain for the ultimate goal. Once you hit that goal, nipple stim will likely serve the same purpose. That too, as outlined many times here, can get the job done, but the effect is more subtle, at least for me it was, and didn't fully kick in until I was "rewired."
Great post. Full of really good advice. I find the
section on the muscle exercises to be very
informative. Those exercises are something
I can do almost any where which is great.
I think to start this process I will try to contract
the different muscles while taking a leak to provide
myself with good feedback as to whether I'm
doing it right. I guess I'll be drinking a lot of
water from now on. Lol!
Forgot to mention, sessions usually last an hour and a half, with all things starting to fire about 45 minutes to an hour into the session. Takes a little bit to get the prostate warmed up, but once it is, look out!
With due respect to all our community members, this is one of the best posts i have seen in my seven years on this forum.
Required reading.
CaveOfMystery, way to apply your mind!
Rumel, can we get this into the wiki somehow?
Thank you for the well written synopsis of your thoughts and techniques which have allowed you to successfully attain Super-O's. I am hopeful many new users and struggling members will find this information useful as they search for and develop their own combination of techniques, perhaps using your suggestions as their starting point.
'darwin', I agree 'CaveOfMystery's post has value and is a worthwhile read for new and/or struggling members. However, I'm unclear about where in the WIKI some of this information may be most relevantly located. All the salient points covered in this post are already discussed at various locations within the present WIKI structure.
I do believe it is worth preserving and made more accessible though, Rather than allowing the thread to drift into obscurity over time, I have gone ahead and added it to my list of suggested post reads in the "Cherry Picks" Community Group section.
Wow, what a sick post with so many things I have to try out
Somewhat basic question, though: Where is the difference between a PC and anal muscle contraction? The only difference I can feel is the location of both muscles but it seems impossible to isolate either one from the other.
Your "tug-of-war" description is brilliant.
I'm not really a fan of the contraction method, but this is the most practical, comprehensive guide I've seen anywhere on the subject.
Required reading indeed.
Wow, what a sick post with so many things I have to try out
Somewhat basic question, though: Where is the difference between a PC and anal muscle contraction? The only difference I can feel is the location of both muscles but it seems impossible to isolate either one from the other.
It takes a little practice, but if you are having trouble isolating them, then try this. Do a full anal contraction, and while holding it, see if you can send signals to contract your PC muscle with very light contractions in rapid succession. The only purpose here is to learn the different sensations each muscle group has. As you do your light PC contractions back off the anal contraction. After awhile you should be able to differentiate between the two, and control them independantly. But the best part is you can practice this skill anytime, anywhere.
I agree with grayfox, I'm still not quite sure what an anal contraction is. If stopping yourself from urinating helps identify the PC muscle, what helps identify the anal muscle? An anal contraction isn't the bearing down "push" you make during a bowel movement, is it? Or is that a rectal contraction?
I agree with grayfox, I'm still not quite sure what an anal contraction is. If stopping yourself from urinating helps identify the PC muscle, what helps identify the anal muscle? An anal contraction isn't the bearing down "push" you make during a bowel movement, is it? Or is that a rectal contraction?
Anal, rectal, or sphincter contraction, different words, same action. It's not the bearing down push, but the finishing move you make after the push, the proverbial "pinching off." Or... The muscle you use to hold back a BM when you have to go really bad, but there isn't a toilet available.
Add a summary and chapters with proper paragraphs, and this might well be wiki material.
Hi Folks,
Here's my take on the different contractions. Like grayfox, struggler, and probably most other new Aneros users, when I first started this journey I had no idea what the different contractions were and how to apply and/or control them separately. It was only through repeated and regular Aneros sessions with plenty of experimentation did I eventually figure these things out. Particularly the whole PC muscles thing. As that is not quite as obvious in my mind as the anal and rectal contractions. So don't be discouraged if you can't figure these out after just starting. Give yourself plenty of time and patience when you practice.
An easy way to make a distinction between anal and rectal contractions is as follows:
An anal contractions will pull the Aneros inside of you.
A rectal contraction will push the Aneros out.
If you are having trouble just recognizing the difference between these two contractions from just the sensations in your anus, just lightly put some fingers on the end of the Aneros so you can feel what direction it is moving.
The PC muscle contraction when you've got it down right, will feel like you are pushing your prostate harder against the end of the Aneros. Your prostate being closer towards the front of your body, and the Aneros behind it. So when you squeeze your PC muscles, your prostate gets pushed towards the backside of your body. This one is a little more difficult to separate from an anal contraction. And sometimes I even end up inadvertently combining the two. But once you get this figure out and mastered, you'll be able to do it without an Aneros inserted to help guide you so to speak.
An easy way to make a distinction between anal and rectal contractions is as follows:
An anal contractions will pull the Aneros inside of you.
A rectal contraction will push the Aneros out.
I thought it was exactly the other way around? Confirm/deny? :confused:
Wow, what a sick post with so many things I have to try out
Somewhat basic question, though: Where is the difference between a PC and anal muscle contraction? The only difference I can feel is the location of both muscles but it seems impossible to isolate either one from the other.
Me too. I seem to have an issue isolating them. I can do an anal contraction independently of the PC contraction, but when I try to do a PC contraction on its own, invariably I can feel the PC contraction spilling over into a partial anal contraction.
Thanks much for the excellent post, CaveOfMystery, but: do you have a method one can follow to get the PC contraction without anal contraction also?
It might help if you read about Pelvic Floor muscles in the "Your Body" section of the Aneros WIKI.
An easy way to make a distinction between anal and rectal contractions is as follows:
An anal contractions will pull the Aneros inside of you.
A rectal contraction will push the Aneros out.
Ooops... Yeah I guess a rectal contraction isn't the same, but then again I never really thought of it as a contraction until now, I always viewed it as an "expulsion," but I guess if you don't contract, you don't expunge.
Me too. I seem to have an issue isolating them. I can do an anal contraction independently of the PC contraction, but when I try to do a PC contraction on its own, invariably I can feel the PC contraction spilling over into a partial anal contraction.
Thanks much for the excellent post, CaveOfMystery, but: do you have a method one can follow to get the PC contraction without anal contraction also?
That shouldn't hinder you too much, but in time you should be able to separate the two. The more you flex those muscles the greater amount of control you'll get. It's kind of like learning to swing a golf club, you've got the raw components, you've just got to develop the muscle memory to gain precise control.
Your excellent advice has had immediate results for me. I’m going into my tenth month with Aneros; progress has been much slower than I expected, but I am delighted with how far I’ve come. The Helix and now the Progasm have opened up a new world of sensory pleasures and insights. I have read through most of the advice on this invaluable forum, but I have not yet had a super-O or even any involuntary contractions. After reading your post I began to realize that I have not appreciated the importance of the PC contractions, and of contracting them separately from the anal sphincter.
I have been doing mostly anal contractions, followed by contractions of some of those interior abdominal muscles that seem to pull directly on the prostate. After reading your post last night I began practicing the separate control, and rolling one contraction into the other. I awakened at 4am and inserted the Helix, and within ten minutes I was having the best ride ever. The anal-PC roll-in followed by the tug-of-war worked just as you said it would. Soon I began having my first involuntary contractions. They didn’t last long, but after this long a wait, for me it was a huge step.
Today, whenever I practice the sequence, the P-waves are instant and powerful. For me at least, your routine has worked beautifully.
Thanks to you, I have reached a new level, and have much more confidence that the best is yet to come.
Your excellent advice has had immediate results for me. [...]
Thanks to you, I have reached a new level, and have much more confidence that the best is yet to come.
Hear hear! I had a feeling we'd get this kind of response. I'll try to get a chance to find a home for Cave's post on the wiki in the next few days.
Your excellent advice has had immediate results for me. I’m going into my tenth month with Aneros; progress has been much slower than I expected, but I am delighted with how far I’ve come. The Helix and now the Progasm have opened up a new world of sensory pleasures and insights. I have read through most of the advice on this invaluable forum, but I have not yet had a super-O or even any involuntary contractions. After reading your post I began to realize that I have not appreciated the importance of the PC contractions, and of contracting them separately from the anal sphincter.
I have been doing mostly anal contractions, followed by contractions of some of those interior abdominal muscles that seem to pull directly on the prostate. After reading your post last night I began practicing the separate control, and rolling one contraction into the other. I awakened at 4am and inserted the Helix, and within ten minutes I was having the best ride ever. The anal-PC roll-in followed by the tug-of-war worked just as you said it would. Soon I began having my first involuntary contractions. They didn’t last long, but after this long a wait, for me it was a huge step.
Today, whenever I practice the sequence, the P-waves are instant and powerful. For me at least, your routine has worked beautifully.
Thanks to you, I have reached a new level, and have much more confidence that the best is yet to come.
To quote Obi-Wan Kenobi…
“You’ve taken your first step into a larger world.”
But now that you’ve found some success don’t go at it too hard too fast… Take it easy, relax, put a few days between sessions. It was about 8 sessions after I taught myself that trick that I nearly ripped the headboard off the bed…:)
Just play and have fun now, hone your skills, and with any luck you'll hit that plateau.
I've managed to develope the ability to use one muscle group to pull-in and forward into the prostate, and use another muscle group to pull-in and pull away from the prostate, essentially rocking the Aneros back and forth. What muscles am I using? Seriously, I have no idea.
Hello Rod of Plastic,
Originally Posted by Love_is
An easy way to make a distinction between anal and rectal contractions is as follows:An anal contractions will pull the Aneros inside of you.
A rectal contraction will push the Aneros out.
I thought it was exactly the other way around? Confirm/deny? :confused:
It is as I typed it. I don't want to say I'm never wrong... But I feel quite confident in observing and feeling my body sensations that this is the effect each contraction does.
Thanks CaveofMystery for a great post. I find I can get the rolling motion between PC and ANUS going in a better fashion by relaxing both sets of muscles before I clinch/tighten them up. So the process is a four step practice set to make the rolling happen. (1) Relax PC muscles, (2) Clench PC muscle, (3) Relax anus muscles, (4) Clench anus muscle. Doing these four things over and over makes the rolling action and P waves happen for me, especially when I add nipple action.
I feel warmth in my anus when I do lots of these in a relaxed fashion without the aneros inserted as CaveofMystery says we can do for 90% of the time. I hope the warmth is a good sign.
Hello Rod of Plastic,
It is as I typed it. I don't want to say I'm never wrong... But I feel quite confident in observing and feeling my body sensations that this is the effect each contraction does.
What I meant is that I thought that the anal group is the one called rectal and the other way around...
Anyway, for challenge, tried putting the "tug-of-war" concept to practice with a Progasm tonight. CoM could really be on to something, as focusing on dual contractions both increased the sensations of the initial phase, and considerable prolonged the pleasure experienced during the latter half of the session, way past the point when I normally start to peter out.
Commenting on the initial post only, and not the subsequent posts. [COLOR="#ffa500"]CaveofMystery you have put into words that which I have failed to do. What you explain in such precise detail is exactly what I feel and do with my Aneros device. However, when someone asks what to do, I have not really been able to add anything substantial. What I mean to tell them is the wave motion that you so brilliantly describe. I think that's the key motion exactly. I try to coax my muscles into making the device do a "come hither" motion as if it were a finger. Your tug of war imbalance is the very thing that sets off sweet vibrations throughout my body. I thank you for adding another level of detail and clarity to that which already exists.
Hi again Turnrow!!
Thanks CaveofMystery for a great post. I find I can get the rolling motion between PC and ANUS going in a better fashion by relaxing both sets of muscles before I clinch/tighten them up. So the process is a four step practice set to make the rolling happen. (1) Relax PC muscles, (2) Clench PC muscle, (3) Relax anus muscles, (4) Clench anus muscle. Doing these four things over and over makes the rolling action and P waves happen for me, especially when I add nipple action.
I feel warmth in my anus when I do lots of these in a relaxed fashion without the aneros inserted as CaveofMystery says we can do for 90% of the time. I hope the warmth is a good sign.
The warmth is a very good early sign, and at many other times too. Great contribution here CaveofMystery!!! Great handle too!
patiently wait for the signs as those that do come to you in your unique way all
I'm a bit puzzled right now since everyone talks from the rolling motion. In the OP it seems like this only serves as a training exercise so where is the point to use this motion during a session?
I'm probably the only who thinks this, but to me it's all about awareness and for this awareness to come about the pathways have to be cleared. When I started off, I'd been reading all the tips and tricks of members that already had a super O, with basically an elaboration of what was already in the Aneros instructions, mechanically explaining the interplay between the various muscles, but I never got any real pleasurable sensation even though I was aware of my different muscles. I started wondering if perhaps it was wrong of me to use my pc muscle as everytime I used it it just made me want to shit or pee.
It was only when the pathways had been cleared and I'd become aware of that special feeling that I was able to use the muscles to great effect and what I'd read previously started to fall into place.
I think it's a bit like puberty. Before puberty you're aware of your penis, you might even get an erection, but only during puberty does it all fit into place when you start getting sexual thoughts.
For women it is the same thing--you need an acute awareness and strengthening of your PC muscles for vaginal orgasms. Also the pathways do need to be cleared. I think this is both a mental process and a physical one, the physical part needing a good baseline of balanced hormonal and neurotransmitter levels (and I'm convinced my diet helps with this).
For women it is the same thing--you need an acute awareness and strengthening of your PC muscles for vaginal orgasms. Also the pathways do need to be cleared. I think this is both a mental process and a physical one, the physical part needing a good baseline of balanced hormonal and neurotransmitter levels (and I'm convinced my diet helps with this).
The strengthening of the pc muscles isn't to be able to have orgasms, but for the intensity. You might be able to lift 100 kg with your dick, but if there's no awareness and the pathways aren't clear I doubt it will happen.