A PROGASM to go alo...
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A PROGASM to go along with my MGX

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Well the Progasm I ordered not too long ago came in the mail yesterday. After starting a session with my MGX I decided to "have courage" and give the Progasm a try. Right off the bat I was amazed at how good it felt and the fullness of it. The length seems to get in there a little further and aggressively which feels amazing. Of course, being new to this particular model, there seems to be some initial soreness but that was the case with the MGX too at first.

So the Progasm feels fantastic...more intense than the MGX. Now I have more intense feelings that come about but nothing that hints of an orgasm despite how good it feels. This is definitely a different kind of "good" compared to penile stimulation, and I have been putting so much into this that I concerned nothing will bring about the Super-O or even just a good dry orgasm.

Does the Super-O just come out of the blue as you have these nice feelings? I ask in that it's been said here countless times that the orgasm is not achieved in the traditional way of more stimulation bringing about the orgasm as with the penis.

I have put A LOT of time into all of this and I don't know if it's leading anywhere. The Progasm feels great, but I don't know how it will lead to orgasm...and this is TOUGH when you've gotten yourself turned on the max and can't climax in one way or another. After abstaining for the week...I had to give in the traditional route to an orgasm the other night.

I've looked at Artic Wolves videos on X-tube trying to see if there is a certain way that is bringing him to those orgasms...but I'm stumped..despite the visual reference!

Any thoughts?

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I’m a little confused here.
You said “…I was amazed…”, “…feels amazing.”, “…the Progasm feels fantastic...”. These are all good statements that show you are obviously deriving enjoyment from your new toy. Then you negate your experience when you said “…but nothing that hints of an orgasm despite how good it feels.” What constitutes a hint of orgasm for you?

“Does the Super-O just come out of the blue as you have these nice feelings? I ask in that it's been said here countless times that the orgasm is not achieved in the traditional way of more stimulation bringing about the orgasm as with the penis.”Yes the Super-O does sneak up on you, but what makes you believe this orgasmic experience doesn’t require a paradigm shift in thinking to achieve?

I infer from the balance of your post a certain frustration and sense you are 'pressing' for some expected results. If you are consistently expecting something more than the “fantastic” feelings you are getting now, I fear you will be consistently disappointed. While ‘ArticWolve’s video was impressive, I don’t believe one can learn much from watching such videos.

My advice to you is just forget about trying to have a Super-O or any kind of orgasm. Pursue the pleasure and allow your arousal to build to higher levels before giving in to the traditional ejaculatory orgasm paradigm. High arousal levels and allowing yourself to relax and 'let go' are necessary to get you into the 'O-Zone'.

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I think I understand what you are talking about. The unit seems to press on the described spots and causes strong pleasant sensations, but none of them seem to build beyond a certain point. After a long time of this, you begin craving a release but you feel trapped between this fantastic experience and the realization you've basically hit a dead end. You can't move forward and you certainly don't want to stop, so your only way out is through manual override.

I know that I'm contracting way too hard for the super-O to have a chance. But it feels SO good...even though it's the wrong technique for what I'm ultimately after. I'm gonna trust the experts on this one and relax more and forget about trying to see stars. They must be tired of typing it and I know I'm tired of reading it, but relaxation seems to be the key. Instead of sensations related to climax, I'll try to listen in on what the nerves and glands are communicating to each other. I think the trick is to detect those nerve impulses and encourage them to grow until they begin to take over. Our conscious minds are only good in this situation to make sure that nothing gets in the way of these nerve impulses -- including our conscious minds!

Whenever I see unexpected pornographic scenes or a really hot chick, I get this sensation behind my testicles -- as if the bottom of my perineum dropped out. Immediately, a little shock goes through the back of my penis to the glans. All of this happens in a fraction of a second and is completely beyond my conscious control. With the aneros, I'm looking for similar sensations - little impulses that I did not intentionally call up. So far, I haven't felt any, but I don't know if this is because I am too clumsy to detect them or if they are not occuring. With either situation it's gonna take repeated practice and lots of relaxation (damn it!) until I can coax them out.

Hmmm..maybe those sensations are afraid to come out 'cause they know I'll clobber them to death with my strong contractions. But it is REALLY hard not to focus on those wonderful feelings I can purposely generate and instead allow something else (aneros) to initiate and control the sensations.

Best of luck to you. I think I understand what you are going through...


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