A nice progress day
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A nice progress day

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It seems I had progressed today more than I did in months.

I was having a session with helix syn - I am not at home, so I only had helix syn with me, without any porn or additional things I usually do.

I had very little expectations, but I kind of felt like having a session. I had some nice feelings, but nothing major. But then it grew and grew while I was having a feeling sort of similar to prolonged cumming. It was like an orgasm stretched into minutes. I definitely had involuntaries, which I almost never get. The orgasm wasn't as strong as ejaculatory, but it made me even more aroused.

I ended the session satisfied, but as the day went on, I still felt tinglings in my prostate, so I had a slow wank. And something incredible happened, which I thought would never happen to me. As I was closing to orgasm, I relaxed and sort of let go, and instead of ejaculation, clear pre-cum liquid came out, which felt amazing. And the amount was also like a normal ejaculate. I actually said WTF. But the best part was that I was still as aroused, so I kept going. I had another orgasm, where only small glob of cum came out and I ended the session.

This was a good day because I actually felt like my prostate has awakened. Now I just have to manage my expectations for further sessions.

This topic was modified 4 years ago by pirontras

Helghast, divine_oblivion, helical and 6 people reacted
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Great to hear about the progress. There are a couple of nuggets from your description worth remembering. You had no expectations, and you seemed relaxed. You also listened to your body, which is just as important.

Wishing you well on your jouney.


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Posted by: @pirontras


I ended the session satisfied, but as the day went on, I still felt tinglings in my prostate, so I had a slow wank. And something incredible happened, which I thought would never happen to me. As I was closing to orgasm, I relaxed and sort of let go, and instead of ejaculation, clear pre-cum liquid came out, which felt amazing. And the amount was also like a normal ejaculate. I actually said WTF. But the best part was that I was still as aroused, so I kept going. I had another orgasm, where only small glob of cum came out and I ended the session.

Once I discovered this method, I started doing it on a regular basis while edging.  To me, it's a form of milking my glands and like you say,  the best part is that refractory does not engage and you can continue to pleasure yourself.

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