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Can anyone O whilst sitting on one’s knees?. I’ve been training some A-Less sat on my knees in what is a very similar position to a woman up right while on top.

Ive figured out if lift my abs an and lead a little bouncing thrust with the pc/perineum,the pc and sphincters massage the gland just generating great pleasure,with no more effort than some tension. Wife cuffs my hands behind my back to encourage me to spread my cheeks to generate pleasure spikes instead of nipple tweaking and it’s working. The o’s come thick and fast this way as it’s a very arousing position. Think it might be easier than on back but it’s tiring.

Zentai reacted
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Yes yes yes ! It's a very strong position and really align things. I tend to sit on my heels but it's similar, and you can spread you cheeks hands free by doing this, then add nipple stim. 

Edit : To be honest, I get gloriously close to deep Super-Os in this position, but I'll switch to my back at some point anyway once I'm really ready to fly. 

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The objective of tied hands is to bolster my o’s whilst I’m on top pegging. I still can struggle a little without the nips. Gotta train that reliance out. 

Yea,everything aligns and tightens in all the right places! Makes me feel sexy 😂😂

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@zentai Kneeling is my go to position and I get amazing Super O’s and big flow or precum

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@Helghast Do you remember any post describing your journey unlocking the power of the Aneros? I'm very curious since i'm trying to acomplish the same deed myself. I had my first aless orgasm over thirteen years ago, but i still to this day havent been able to orgasm with the aneros inside.

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Not that comes to mind,you’d just have to read through them. I did A-Less first,so while it was challenging when I started massagers,I had A-Less experience to springboard off. Plus,I had belief on my side. I pulled too hard with toys,so had to adjust. I also had my wife to help,especially with arousal 😂. 

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I really struggle with getting bored during a session / starting to hold my breathe to keep the pleasure going (which just takes it away when you need to breathe).

I've had some of my best Aless while on the computer or the phone sitting down. Laying down I can fall asleep or drift off, but using the PC or phone keeps me engaged.

The one thing for good Aless I have found is no masturbation. As soon as I masturbate I lose the feeling for 36 hours... after 36 hours the Aless feeling starts to slowly come back and I can turn it off and on at will. 

So if anyone is having problems with not getting the feeling this would be the first area I would look at.... the first 36 hours of no masturbation is hard when you start..  but after that you almost feel dumb to masturbate as you can have incredible A less anywhere anytime... 

I have found this allows me to meditate easier as the feeling are so blissful, or even just relax when out while being off the phone (def feels like the world is addicted to technology).

The meditation and Aless goes very hand in hand, Anerous turned me down a bit of the spiritual route and the prostate is located next to the root chakra which is pretty much where the energy is stored in the body... which is exactly like what Aless feels.... they say with practice and meditation... and patience you can move the energy from the root chakra to the other chakras thru the body and be in pure bliss (buzzing thru the entire body)....... which is what we look for when having a super O...

Both are pretty much the exact same thing we are aiming for.

It's a good read and look into if people are looking down the super O path... they are super similar things.

Before starting this journey I would have laughed at anyone suggesting these things... but we all know the powerful energy from the prostate and how it flows during a super O.

Helghast, Ghusa and Ggringo reacted
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