A buzz...then nothi...
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A buzz...then nothing

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Hi guys,
I'm having a bit of trouble. I've been going at this for a few months now and have had little progress past a teeny tiny little bead of precum every couple of sessions. I've tried a lot of recommendations on this site and I was looking for some help. First, I've been using vaseline coated on my aneros helix and silicone lube with an injector, but every time I'm done with a session I pull it out and it's bone dry. Second, I finally got a little buzz today while half an hour into a session and then it immediately vanished. I didn't try to make it feel any different, didn't move a bit, hardly recognized it until it was gone, but I finally think I know what it feels like to have the aneros on my prostate, there was this very specific pressure somewhere inside of me that was very...unique. Then the tingle came and now I can't seem to get it again. Can I get a little help from you guys? I would appreciate it so much!


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Hi there!
It's great to know that there is someone on this trail with me...sometimes browsing these threads make me feel like I'm some kind of freak who will never get to dry orgasms or super orgasms. A little back story, I'm in chastity and have been for 2 years with only 2 penile orgasms. I do know that I have a functional prostate because my wife pegs me and it has led to some pretty intense orgasms. I've cum multiple times, with precum flowing within seconds of it being in. I stumbled on aneros at a get together and everyone there told me how great it was. I'm kind of self conscious asking them for help because they make it sound so easy, and have said things like "you must be dumb to not let it work." Anyways, I've tried multiple positions, all of the recommended ones, and it seems like kneeling and face down are the best for me, but face down gets incredibly uncomfortable because of the chastity belt. How have you enjoyed the progasm? I'm not sure if I just need something bigger, because I'm used to taking large dildos, if my prostate is higher up than usual, or what, but I'm tight on money right now and really can't afford to throw away another good chunk of money on something that may or may not help. Can someone who has had experience with multiple Aneros give some insight into how best choose an aneros? I know exactly how far up my dildo I get the good feeling, maybe I should use that?

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I've been going at this for a few months now and have had little progress past a teeny tiny little bead of precum every couple of sessions.

Initial progress can be slow as you need to re-tune your focus on the more subtle sensations of prostate massage. Precum, may or may not be enhanced through Aneros use, so don't let that be a measuring tool for progress (see the user poll ->How much precum... do you produce?).

First, I've been using vaseline coated on my aneros helix and silicone lube with an injector, but every time I'm done with a session I pull it out and it's bone dry.

5ml of injected lube should be enough but if you feel any drag to movement then try injecting a little more. Using Vaseline as a base lube for your Helix is OK but you may want to drip a few drops of the silicone lube on top of that for insertion purposes.

Second, I finally got a little buzz today while half an hour into a session and then it immediately vanished. I didn't try to make it feel any different, didn't move a bit, hardly recognized it until it was gone, but I finally think I know what it feels like to have the aneros on my prostate, there was this very specific pressure somewhere inside of me that was very...unique.

Yes, these sensations are usually very subtle, especially when first learning to use your Aneros. They are often intermittent in occurrence and of varying intensity, hence the attribute of wave like phenomenon. These will not seem like the macro intensity of a dildo or pegging so please don't be expecting that.

Then the tingle came and now I can't seem to get it again.

That is a pretty common complaint. You have to realize there is a cyclical nature to the production of P-waves, so..., being patient for the next round is necessary, but also realize you can't force progress by trying to impose your will on your prostate. That's a fool's pursuit. There is a kind of Zen mind state needed to optimize your Anerosessions (see ->The Tao of Aneros). Patience, relaxation and practice (adventurous exploration of techniques) will eventually bring you rewards of ongoing pleasure. Good Vibes to You !

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It's odd that you only get a tiny bead of precum. I got it from day one. I guess everyone is a little different. I am using a Progasm though so it probably puts more pressure.

I felt the little buzz before too. I guess that is a good sign. How long have you been trying it out? I am about a month and still waiting.

I am sure you read through the guide, but check to see how many milestones you hit. I wonder how sequential it is.

For me, it's like relaxation then I do kegals with my breathing. Over time, I can feel a swelling inside of me. I am assuming it's my prostate. As it swells, more precum comes out. The pressure gets more and more. To me, it feels like there is a balloon that is growing in me (someone blowing into the balloon and it's contained in my abdomen)..intense pressure, although it's pleasant it's not like I feel anything building. It feels like the swelling will displace the Progasm and push it out but it doesn't. I think I feel involuntaries after this. They are not essentially strong, but like the kegel action is going on its own without me doing it. If the Progasm is moving, it's very subtle. I always position myself so that it can move freely. This is probably the longest part of the session. In the beginning if I got sexually frustrated, it would go no where. But now I practice patience. If I feel like I am getting too frustrated, I just finish myself off and try again next session. I am pretty good about no longer getting frustrated, but it's only because (mostly) I want a Super-O and MMO (even though I tell myself, if it doesn't happen it's OK). During this period, it sometimes builds into the buzzing. I have no idea physically what is happening but it's unique. I always get somewhat excited because it feels like I made the next level (sort of like a video game). At this time, my penis is usually rock hard. Sometimes it bounces up and down, like it has a mind of it's own (probably does). When I am this hard, precum does come out. Sometimes this buzzing can last a while and even though I feel rock hard I will look down and see I am flaccid. Sometimes it will cycle and I will get rock hard again. At this point, that's where I get stuck. A few times it felt like I might be getting close but it seems to disappear even though I relax into it. It's that feeling right before you cum and even if you wanted to stop it, you couldn't and your penis starts shooting and contracting. I don't get dry orgasms yet, but at times, it feels like it starts to tingle, like it's going to start something.

I try to relax and not chase it, I read on these forums, that once you get to involuntaries and buzzing, your body will take over and know what it needs from the Aneros. That hasn't been my case. I also tried to hold a contraction, and continue light contractions and that hasn't really made a difference (when I am at this stage). Eventually with the do nothing method, the buzzing will go away and it feels like things are starting to cool off so I start voluntaries to start the engine again. At this stage it can be frustrating because it feels like you are close and you are rockhard and feel like it's your time for some release. I try to continue relaxing. Sometimes, I can have a few body /leg shakes but it doesn't seem to be correlated with an orgasm building. I thought maybe my motor wasn't revved up enough and watched some porn. I try to pretend I am the male actor and I am penetrating a woman's vagina from behind. It doesn't get me closer to orgasm, if I was flaccid during one of the flaccid/rockhard cycles, it makes me back to rock hard with pre-cum. Im not sure how effective this is because sometimes it fuels frustration, and I feel like a caged animal that cant wait to mount a female.

I'm not sure what to try yet other than relax and maybe my body will figure it out. I chose the Progasm even though I am a beginner because it looks like it's well made. Before I purchased it I saw a couple of videos linked from this forum of some guys using Helix and it looks like they had to keep adjusting the P tab (the arm that goes under your sack). It looked bendable and it looked like a distraction to keep have to position back to the perineum. I read that the Progasm is a classic and tried and true. The arms don't move and I never had to adjust it, it just sorta stays where it stays. Also, the arms have round balls on the end, so I didn't experience any discomfort on my perineum. If you prepare yourself, it's not hard to insert it. Not to be gross, but bigger things have come out of there. I never tried anything like this and I am straight so I have no backdoor experience. Until now, I always thought it was exit only. I guess there is a lot to learn on the internet.

I'm not sure how to move to the next level though. You might try different positions though. For me it's either back, but as strange as it sounds, my legs get fatigued when I have them up for a long time. Side and kneeling didn't do anything for me. Face down is more comfortable but I dont know if my penis will get too much stimulation. One time, I tried it and I thought I had a dry orgasm when it was wet. Face down is a little more comfortable and it might hit something more pleasurable. when I am face down, sometimes I spread eagle and it feels like something is more pleasurable (like a get a little more tingle) I have been staying with face down and do only contracts and I am careful not to rub my penis face down. Knees to chest didn't do anything special and wasn't comfortable for a long time.

Sorry if I hijacked your thread, I'm a noob too and I don't know what else to try. I just wanted to share my experience to see if anything was similar.

This is essentialy my story exactly, time span and all! It's kind of crazy actualy.

I have no idea what to do now, it takes so long just to get to the buzzing point where my penis rocks up and down on its own, that I have no energy or will to continue after it fades away.

While these buzzing sensations are very pleasurable and addicting, they're pretty much a tease and get me super frustrated (when they begin to fade.) I can get the sensatuons to build but only to an extent, but hopefuly I can get past this with patience. I truely believe this phase is the last opstical in my way to 'atleast achieving a mere dry orgasm. I haven't had anything so far but that won't stop me.

If you ever get any breakthroughs to this delima you should let me know. I'll do the same.


P.S. this 'buzzing' phase can last for a long time for me. Up untill 45 minutes so far.

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It's odd that you only get a tiny bead of precum.

No it isn't!

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sometimes browsing these threads make me feel like I'm some kind of freak who will never get to dry orgasms or super orgasms.

Dont feel bad. It looks like there are a lot of us out there

A little back story, I'm in chastity and have been for 2 years with only 2 penile orgasms. I do know that I have a functional prostate because my wife pegs me and it has led to some pretty intense orgasms. I've cum multiple times, with precum flowing within seconds of it being in. I stumbled on aneros at a get together and everyone there told me how great it was. I'm kind of self conscious asking them for help because they make it sound so easy, and have said things like "you must be dumb to not let it work." Anyways, I've tried multiple positions, all of the recommended ones, and it seems like kneeling and face down are the best for me, but face down gets incredibly uncomfortable because of the chastity belt.

I am pretty plain when it comes to everything else. So the chastity thing may make things a little more challenging. I'm not sure. It seems like that community would have more suggestions on how to do both. Maybe you get more honest answers online than in person. I think people are less to be completely honest in person.

How have you enjoyed the progasm?

Yes I have. I dont regret not purchasing and dont think I should have another model. I think the Aneros line basically all do the same thing. But different models have slight variations that some men like over other things. I wouldn't think that you need to buy another model. You just need more sessions. The way I look at it is on the milestone wiki, each one of the items is like a achievement unlocked in a game. So that is progress.

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No it isn't!

Sorry, you are right. :

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This is essentialy my story exactly, time span and all! It's kind of crazy actualy.

I think more sessions will just allow it to happen. How long for you? Same?

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I think more sessions will just allow it to happen. How long for you? Same?

Yes it is nearly the same time, and I've jad maybe 20 sessions. I hope more sessions will do it, now that I know how to reach that point I don't want to find out its not that way.
