6th Session and OMG...
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6th Session and OMG! Thanks Crimsonwolf!

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Well, I guess this thing works!

Bought Helix in December. Didn't get to use it for a week because I had no time for myself.

I was prepared for the long haul after reading the forum and I wasn't expecting instant results so the first session wasn't a let down.

I enjoy sticking things in my ass, it turns me on anyway so it was nice to have it in there - the silicon is so comfortable and the sensation of it sliding in felt amazing.

For my first session I did contractions for a couple of hours and felt some nice tingling but nothing much other than various levels of arousal.

The following sessions were me contracting my PC and sphincter muscle whilst kneeling on all fours with my ass in the air, I found that during a full, held contraction I could get the involuntaries going as long as I held the contraction but because I was holding it hard I found that I wouldn't be able to hold it for long enough and the nice sensations dropped off.

This continued until I had to leave home for a couple of weeks for travel and I had a little break until recently.

My 5th session (which was the other week) had me more able to hold the full contractions until involuntaries but the minute I was forced (through muscle fatigue) to let go the good feelings disappeared.

It also was uncomfortable having to hold that level of contraction and I knew from everything I've read that it wasn't the way it was supposed to be.

However, I was getting nice feelings from the involuntaries and I now found different positions pleasurable that I didn't at first like lying on my side or back.

The other day I was browsing the forum and I came across a blog post that explained how I should just observe the pleasurable reactions to the aneros and let them happen.

I knew deep down that this was going to be the key to my success because upon reading it I remembered the natural twitching in my anus the minute I slid the Helix in each time.

So, this morning I got the Helix and put her in. I then lay in a comfortable position with the Helix able to freely move (ie not touching anything) and just breathed normally.

I observed the twitching and warmth in my ass from the Helix and as I breathed I started to feel more feelings.

In between sessions I had been masturbating whilst rubbing my nipples in order to awaken them, so as I lay there I grabbed some vaseline and started rubbing my nipples lightly with it.

I kept relaxed until I felt an overwhelming urge to contract which I did.

This was the same level of contraction I would hold before but now it felt EASY and without effort. I could still breath normally without the contraction releasing (unlike before). It was wierd because it was almost half conscious effort and half just my body doing it. I could relax it if I wanted to but it felt good to keep it tense.

Again, it felt EASY because I waited till my body wanted me to do it and it helped me hold it.

A couple of times the contraction relaxed and I just let it go and relaxed but after a few seconds of just relaxing and enjoying the sensation of the Helix inside me I felt the urge to contract again and I did.

Involuntary twitching and pulsing started in my ass and PC muscle like before and my cock started getting hard. My PC and sphincter muscles tensed up (contracted) even more and I started to feel a sight "aching" feeling in my prostate.

I started to get quite horny and fantasies started flying through my mind. Within a few seconds of that I felt that LUST feeling you feel when you are about to cum, that overwhelming lusting feeling that you feel as you approach the point of no return. My cock started pulsing and I rubbed my nipples faster and faster as I felt the sensation you normally feel right as your body prepares to ejaculate.

And then I can't really describe it with words.

It's not pleasure like you'd feel with a traditional orgasm per se, although the build up feels like it. It's just....intense, out of control surrender.

To be honest I wasn't really conscious of the pleasure during this first O because all I could focus on was muffling the screams coming out of my mouth. I felt like I was possessed. I whimpered and screamed, and cried and screamed and laughed and whimpered like a girl.

This went on for about a minute I think.

And then when it was finished I lay on the body shaking and laughing in shock.

I honestly think I had an out of body experience because it was like I was watching myself possessed by an entity that made me scream and thrash about. I can only really remember the pleasure as it built up and as I thrashed and screamed I can't remember the pleasure if that makes sense. All I could focus on was "holy shit what's happening to me".

It's like the first time you skydive, for the first 5 seconds or so you have something called "sensory overload" where your body goes "holy shit this is too much to take in" and just shuts down perception for a few seconds whilst it does system checks to check you aren't dead.

This is why most people's memory of exiting the airplane only starts whilst they are about 5 seconds into freefall, the actual moments of exit are blocked out or hazy.

I think something similar happened to me.

After I had calmed down I changed position to my hands and knees and tried again but I was trying too hard to contract and force it so my fatigued muscles would give up. So I layed on my side and just relaxed and breathed again.

I wasn't breathing deeply, but normally, I didn't want to distract my focus away from my anus and feelings within.

Within a few seconds of relaxing I felt the urge to contract which I did. I followed my body's urges and relaxed when it wanted me to relax and contracted when it wanted me to contract.

After a couple of these I felt the urge to contract again and this time my body wanted me to hold it in.

The sensation of wanting to ejaculate hit me again and the lust filled sensation of "fuck yeah I'm gonna cum" washed over me as my cock grew hard. I didn't rub my nipples this time and as my cock got hard the tip pulsed several times along with the orgasm. I arched my back and groaned as this orgasm went on for maybe 10-15 seconds before subsiding.

After that I flipped onto my back and finished off with a traditional orgasm which was wierd at first as the first spurt just oozed slowly out of my cock before the second spurt sent cum flying over me. Note - I only did this because I had a Dry O or maybe a Super O (not sure yet), in all previous sessions I left traditional orgasm until a few hours later with my girlfriend or solo masturbation.

Suffice to say it was a completely different experience and one I can't wait to repeat again.

I think the important thing to realise is that this feels very different from a traditional male orgasm - it's less physically "intense" in a exploding OUT male "fuck I'm gonna cum UUGGGG" way and more of an emotionally and physically intense sensation of surrender and giving in to the pleasure.

It's more of an implosion rather than the explosion that we get from a traditionally male orgasm. So don't be thinking it will feel like a regular orgasm and don't be disappointed when it doesn't feel like it.

I can totally get why sex is more of an emotional thing for women now and why sometimes they can cry whilst having an orgasm. Having something inside you and giving up to the pleasure it is giving you is intense and why perhaps some men on this forum still have issues with achieving success with it.

So, to wrap up. If you are still struggling just relax and enjoy the sensations your body is giving you in your ass. It doesn't have to be the prostate, pleasure can be felt on the sphincter, in your cock. It can be just a warm feeling as lube oozes out of your asshole or it can be actual contractions. Just focus on that general area and be aware of sensations down there.

It helps to get horny beforehand but don't look at porn during. Get horny by looking at porn or whatever turns you on first and then start your session. I tried looking at porn during but it distracted me.

Think of it like a meditation session. But a lot more fun 🙂

BTW, here is the link to the article that pushed me over the edge. It's written by a user called Crimsonwolf....


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One thing that interests me is the visualising a fantasy, I find that nothing i visualise lasts long enough to be sustainable... Anyways.

Your approach doesn't sound like crimsonwolfs, could explain what you followed in his article exactly? He uses the do nothing approach where as yours involved voluntary contractions?

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One thing that interests me is the visualising a fantasy, I find that nothing i visualise lasts long enough to be sustainable... Anyways.

Your approach doesn't sound like crimsonwolfs, could explain what you followed in his article exactly? He uses the do nothing approach where as yours involved voluntary contractions?

Before my successful 6th session I WAS doing voluntary contractions but because they were voluntary and planned my muscles couldn't hold them too long.

On my 6th session I just relaxed and let my body do what it wanted to do. It gave me the strong urge to contract so I LET it, when I got the urge to relax I let my body relax.

I was just trying to explain the fact that letting your body do what it wants still feels like it is partly under conscious control because you are focusing on that area. It's like when you focus on your breathing it feels like YOU are controlling your breathing even though it is an automatic reflex.

Re. visualising. I didn't consciously visualise the fantasies - they just popped into my mind briefly as I reached that point where you feel you are going to cum.

Do nothing approach doesn't mean don't do anything - it means allow your body to tell you what to do. Lie there, relax, focus on the feelings in your rectum and around your asshole and listen to your body. You will KNOW when your body wants you to do something because it will be a strong urge to do it - so strong that you can barely control the action.

It's like wanting to scratch an itch - you can force yourself to not scratch it but more often than not you will scratch it. So the action of scratching IS a conscious decision BUT you don't really have a choice....

That's what the urge to contract is like when you just relax and enjoy the feelings down there. Then when you do contract you let your body hold it until it wants to relax...or not.

It will FEEL like you are consciously contracting or relaxing because you are focused on that sensation but in reality it's your body doing it.

To know whether you are deliberately trying to contract and force something try this experiment.

Right now contract your PC muscle and sphincter to 100% FULL STRONG contraction and HOLD.

After a few seconds or several (depending on how strong you are down there) you will start shaking. Maybe your abdomen sucks in deeper and deeper as you struggle to hold it.

You start getting involuntary twitches perhaps. BUT....you can't hold it for long and maybe after 30 seconds to a minute you are forced to relax because you can't breath properly without letting the contraction go.

THAT is FORCING IT and VOLUNTARY contractions.

On the other hand, when you relax and contract when your body gets the urge, hold it for as long as your body gets the urge and relax when your body gets the urge then the contractions FEEL the same as before BUT there it is EASY to hold it. You can breath normally without the contraction releasing.

You can hold this contraction almost indefinitely because whilst you can consciously release the contraction you aren't forced to through fatigue because it is a natural contraction of the muscle that is involuntary.

That means when you get that final urge to contract and hold, you can hold it all the way through shaking, orgasm build up into dry O or super O because you aren't forcing it and therefore it doesn't get fatigued.

Make sense?

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Ahh, very happy for you! Congrats!

And honored that I was able to make a difference in your experience!

We're all biologically the same, but so much of what we experience in our bodies is driven by how we perceive our world - sex really does start in the brain.

I have been exploring the fine subtleties of deep arousal as compared to overt horniness - in the simplest terms, look at something hot, read something hot, or listen to something hot, but do not watch something hot (porn video.) You serve the deep arousal when your mind has to start filling in the blanks, so to speak.

Also, I believe there is something to "randomness" - in effect, surprising your body. Try this: Once you feel yourself becoming aroused, place one hand across your chest with two fingers on one of your nipples, and place your other hand resting near your penis. Lightly brush across your frenulum once, and follow immediately with a light caress across the nipple with your other hand. It is DELICIOUSLY CONFUSING for your senses, and if you time it right, wonderful things start to happen. I'm gonna get my girlfriend to do this for me with a couple of little paint brushes.

Anything that helps brake up our linear thought patterns helps serve the arousal factor. Be sure you leave these ideas at home though - too much non-linear thought, and you'll start thinking like a chick. And that, gentlemen, simply will not do. 😉

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Just had another thought: I would compare what I'm going through now to when I started to explore my sexuality as a boy.

Of course, guys my age (40s and over,) will remember this very differently than the younger dudes. I remember finding my dad's Penthouse magazine in the back of the bathroom cabinet...and at age 10, those women were goddesses...jeeeesus, I remember how viscerally stirred I was by those images. And I had the most amazing time discovering how good I could make myself feel.

Before we were desensitized by the proliferation of pornography, we had to fill in the blanks in our imagination. Now it's as simple as pulling a lever...and not at all deeply arousing like it was when we were at the beginning of the sexual journey.

I will say I started to recover some of that when I bought my first Fleshlight (Ice Wonder Wave,) and holy shit what a great investment that was! Seriously, I was in a sexually unfulfilling marriage, and that little appliance saved my sanity.

So here's a silly metaphor:

Traditional quick-fix, porn-inspired wanking is Igor. All he can do is pull a fucking lever. All he can do is focus on the lever.
Your awakening of the glowing sexual monster inside you...that's Dr. Frankenstein. He has to work with the subtle energies of life, carefully observing the results, assisting nature when he can. Silly, huh?

"IT'S ALIVE!!!!!"

I will leave you with something one of my skydiving instructors once told me:

"If all you have is a hammer, eeeeeeverything starts to look like a nail."

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Your nipple stimulation is eventually going to hinder you. You will grow too dependent of it, and will not be able to orgasm, once your body grows tired of that particular stimulation.

One on the chat was speaking of eradicating nipple stimulation from his sessions. Perhaps you should take heed to this. Becoming the puppet to external stimuli, of any sort, generally will not serve one well.

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Even though I've just gotten started, I have to agree with you - I've already reached a point where I have frustrated myself with outside stimulation in the heat of the moment. But it's getting better and a tiny bit easier almost every time. Since my first super, a few days ago, I've had a few sessions with full-on multiples, but a couple of times, it took for-eeeeevvvvverrrrr for the first one to arrive.

I've reserved nipple play (and other peripheral stimulation,) for after the first super-o has subsided...it's a fantastic trigger that seems to immediately make my prostate feel like it's throwing off sparks, and sends me off into another orgasm. I lose count after the fourth or fifth, 'cause I just lose my fucking mind, screaming and crying into my pillow.

Seriously, thank you all. I'm amazed that I waited so long to try an Aneros product. It's changing things, and I'm grateful.

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