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1st time user, no prostate contact?

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Helix trident and progasm purchaser here. Trying for the first time. Read wiki. prepared thoroughly.

I started with the Helix for 2 hours and didn’t get anywhere so tried the progasm. Also nada. I know what it feels like to have my prostate checked by dr. Was expecting a faint sensation like that with one of these, and then looking forward to manipulating that with anal/rectal muscles, but not feeling it even a little. It just doesn’t feel like the models are pressing against the prostate at all. Has anyone found the same?

This topic was modified 5 years ago 2 times by Miles1234

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Hello Miles1234,
Have you persevered in your trials with Helix or Progasm?
The first sessions I did (with the Helix) produced only small sensations and I didn't feel that my prostate was affected. Then things improved and now, after a year of sessions twice a week, I have excellent orgasms!

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Same thing here, doesn’t feel like it hits home but it does feel good squeezing it. Can I just leave it in and do nothing but lay there before bedtime? I have figured out the different muscles.

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Posted by: @miles1234

... Was expecting a faint sensation like that with one of these, and then looking forward to manipulating that with anal/rectal muscles, but not feeling it even a little. It just doesn’t feel like the models are pressing against the prostate at all.

First off, I'd like you to read my Introductory Message to New Members.

Second, 'expecting' anything may lead you astray. I know this is a difficult concept to accept, after all you bought an Aneros to perform a function, to bring you pleasure, so it is reasonable to have expectations that it will do so. The problem is you may have already constructed a mental projection of sensations based upon speculation from reading other men's accounts of their experiences. While this is quite natural it can also create an obstacle to progress (please read Identifying Obstacles to Progress). Such expectations may cause you to ignore or dismiss the subtle sensations your body IS generating. As I noted in my introductory message, expectations often cause problems and the solution is to simply "Just Let Go !", be patient and mindfully aware as you practice an Anerosession.

Thirdly, It is quite common for new Aneros users to initially report feeling little or no prostate engagement sensations. You need to understand that you have begun a learning process and may be beginning with little actual sensual experience of prostate stimulation, this will change with continued practice. As you become more attuned to your body's response you will learn, at both conscious and subconscious levels, techniques to amplify the pleasurable sensations. However, this process is not immediately apparent for many men and you may need to try many different combinations of techniques to see results.

Finally, you may be harboring subconscious beliefs/fears about Aneros use as a taboo practice. Please read @Trojan 's archived post (#10) for details.

Good Vibes to You!

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You sure can, but remember a few things. You may need to train yourself to bear down if it wakes you and your reflex is to draw in. The lesson learned otherwise will resemble a bicycle bar incident. On the other hand, I have many times been awakened to a tickle and an orgasm...a few times even in super O territory.  

Make sure you have a lot of lube that will hold up for hours because the free floating mobility of the device is one major factor in getting more pleasure from the practice.

And don't try sleeping with the classic versions that still have the tails...it will get in the way and can wake you with discomfort. I have found the Eupho syn Trident to be the perfect sleep device...it just started moving all around on its own. 


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It took a few sessions for me to feel anything but now the sensations are amazing! Stick with it and I’m sure you’ll start to get there with it!

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It took me a few weeks of sessions to even start to feel anything let alone be able to get pleasure from it...There is an EXTREMELY common trend among new users where they expect to have orgasms after their first session but that will never happen...It would like being sat down at a piano for the first time and told to play Beethoven...it simply won't happen.  It takes time and patience to listen to and, more importantly, understand the sensations your body is producing in response to the aneros.

My point is to stop having expectations and just enjoy what you get...even if that is not much.  Any progress is good even if its not what you "expect" it to be.  Let go of wanting to have an orgasm with every session until you're much further into your journey.    

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Hi, older guy here with enlarged prostate. Will that have any effect on orgasm? Do I need a longer version?
