The Myth of Super O...
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The Myth of Super Orgasm

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Part One
The term "super orgasm" can easily be misunderstood. Inspired by @Rumel's great post about some of the myths of aneros, I'm going to write this as a bit of a clarification on super orgasms, pleasure and arousal building.

A super orgasm is NOT a more intense version of an ejaculation. Though it CAN be.

It should really be called a "non-ejaculatory orgasm" Or a "different orgasm". We are all guilty of trying to classify our orgasms into "that was a mini o, that was a dry o, that was a prostate o, that was a penis o, that was a super o" etc. But they are ALL the same. They are orgasms with different INTENSITIES. Trying to classify things like this causes problems because it leads people on a wild goose chase trying to find the mythical super orgasm thinking that what they are feeling "can't be it".

How many times have you read someone going "great session but no super orgasm, just dry orgasms". With that attitude they will never know they've had the so called "super orgasm" because they always view it as something "better". Its like chasing the end of a rainbow, it ain't ever gonna happen.

Every orgasm feels different and one persons "super" orgasm is what another person would call a "dry orgasm". It is completely subjective. There is no objective yardstick that says "this is a dry, this is a super, this is a mini".

When you read someone's description of their "super orgasm" it DOES NOT mean that your super orgasm will feel like that. Non-ejaculatory orgasms can feel so different from what we have been conditioned to expect from an orgasm and CAN BE so different from what we are used to from orgasms that it is hard to put into words. And when they are put into words these words can mean different things to different readers.

Even the word "intense" can mean different things to different people. Define intense! An "intense" non-ejaculatory orgasm doesn't mean it was more physically intense than an ejaculatory one. In fact it might be physically the same or even weaker than an ejaculatory orgasm but it might come with strong emotions of emotional well being and it might last for 10 minutes.

The problem is many users might experience this "calm seas" orgasm and disregard it as "not a super orgasm" when it WAS. That doesn't mean that ALL your super orgasms will have weaker physical sensations than a "regular" orgasm but just this one did. I'm positive there are users out there who are having mind blowing levels of orgasm greater than most people on here and they are still saying to themselves "wow great dry orgasm but that wasn't the super orgasm"!

Because the super orgasm has been blown out of all proportion as people struggle to describe a what is a very BIZZARE experience that has no real easy way of describing what it feels like. It's like trying to describe the moment of exiting a plane in flight to someone who has never done it. You can't really put the emotions, sights, sounds and physical sensations into coherent words. All this unnecessary labeling and quantiying intensity levels leads to people constant thinking they haven't quite had a "super o".

When I give an example of my recent orgasms a bit later in this post is DOES NOT mean that your orgasms HAVE to feel like mine to "qualify" as a super orgasm. My "super orgasms" might be crappy compared to your "dry orgasms" but we will never know. Using other people's orgasms as a yardstick to measure your own orgasms is a losing proposition. You will NEVER be satisfied if you do this.

Lets define an orgasm.

An orgasm is either one, or a combination of:

1. Pleasurable physical sensation

2. Pleasurable emotional sensations (love, contentment, bliss, joy, excitement, feeling desired etc.)

3. Pleasurable "spiritual" sensations (sense of time and/or space falling away or changing, merging of senses, basically any "far out shit")

Ejaculatory orgasms TEND to fall into the intense physical sensation category and are short lived.

A "super orgasm" might have a really weak physical sensation compared to an ejaculation but have an incredibly powerful emotional aspect.

For example, I've come to realise that once when I was having sex with my girlfriend a few years back I had a "super orgasm" when I was feeling incredibly turned on and I was almost overwhelmed with the most intense sensation of pure love as I was inside her.

The problem is we have been so "blinkered" by our experiences with ejaculatory orgasms that we only see orgasm as a spectrum of the same sensations as ejaculation. Remember we are having more "female" orgasms when we have non-ejaculatory orgasms. When you have one you'll start to understand why sex can be such an emotional thing for women because their orgasms (vaginal at least) are very emotional orgasms like our "super orgasms".

Every pleasurable sensation is an orgasm of varying intensity

To steal a concept from KSMO - every time you have a pleasant sensation in an aneros or aless session - whether it is physical like a p wave, emotional like happiness or well being or spiritual like a loss of space or time then you have had an orgasm.

"That's it? My sensations suck though. They are really weak! If that's true then this is a waste of time!"

The sensations you feel (echo effects in KSMO terminology) in response to stimulation (your aneros for example) are orgasms of "weak intensity". OVER TIME as you learn to RELAX into these sensations, feelings and emotions you start to feel them MORE and MORE intensely until they reach what you would recognize as orgasmic heights. This doesn't mean it will happen in one session. It takes a number of sessions to learn to relax and let them happen to you before they SLOWLY start to grow.

One session your sensations might be okay. Then the next they will improve and be a little bit more intense. BUT, be aware this isn't a constant upwards journey. Maybe you don't have any increases in intensity of sensations in several sessions. Maybe it stays the same for several sessions. Or maybe you lose intensity for several sessions. This does NOT mean you've fucked up. As long as you are relaxed and allowing your arousal to build slowly then your body is just regulating itself and will unlock the "next level" when it can cope with it.

Once you are able to really relax and can stoke your arousal gently (so you are "rewired") then your pleasure will start at a low level during a session and will grow in intensity throughout the session. Much like described in @Crimsonwolf's "Confident Boomarang" post. Then the pleasure reaches what you would recognize as orgasmic heights and you will often be hit by a myriad of physical, emotional and spiritual sensations.

The "Mindfuck" that is the Super Orgasm

When those levels of pleasure reach high intensity you will (because of your experience with ejaculatory orgasms) be expecting an "edge" to fall off or a "release". You'll hang on that level of really intense arousal and pleasure and be expecting to fall into a release. But there IS NO edge or it is VERY POORLY marked. The expectation of an "edge" creates a level of tension inside your mind and body and this creates a sensation of "frustration" and "so close but no satisfaction". But, when you give up the idea of falling off an edge into pleasure and just RELAX you'll realize that this high level of arousal that was so frustratingly close to satisfaction IS the super orgasm and it was only your expectation of a release or edge that made you feel frustrated.

When you relax at this high level of arousal you suddenly realize there is a wonderful sense of ongoing release and contentment going on but it was your expectation of a "higher" level or expectations of an "edge" that made you feel frustrated.

A "super orgasm" aka a non-ejaculatory orgasm is therefore VERY different from an ejaculatory orgasm in many ways THOUGH the build up to a super orgasm CAN feel like a build up to an ejaculatory orgasm (I'll explain in a second).

Super Orgasm come in all shapes, sizes and intensity

Any orgasm that you have that does not involve you ejaculating is a super orgasm. If you want to call it a dry orgasm then you are just putting subjective labels on it that you CAN NEVER VERIFY.

Super orgasms come in different intensities. The intensity depends on how "rewired" you are. At the beginning of your journey your pleasure sensations that come and go, whilst they are technically orgasms, they are weak compared to what they will be. As you grow in your ability to gently coax your arousal whilst staying very relaxed and in the moment you begin to feel these sensations more intensely during your sessions. Until one day you arrive at a point where your sensations grow in intensity in the same session and reach a high point of intensity that you would recognize as "orgasmic".

Remember open your mind to the fact that intensity doesn't just mean physical. Intense pleasurable emotional sensations can also constitute a orgasm.

Your "super orgasms" also change in intensity even when you are rewired. Sometimes they are really strong in either physical, emotional and spiritual (or all 3 or 2 or 1 of them). Sometimes they are weaker. Its just like ejaculatory orgasms. Sometimes you have really weak ones even when you were expecting it to be a big one.

The "super orgasm"/dry orgasm/MMO/whatever DOES NOT LIVE IN THE PROSTATE

"Super orgasm" does NOT mean that you necessarily feel the orgasm in your prostate or the only pleasure that will take you to super orgasm is prostate pleasure. Listen, the prostate is NOT some mythical place where the "super O" lies dormant waiting to explode from it if you rub it enough.

The Aneros is just ONE method of AROUSAL AMPLIFICATION. The manufacturer explains this on the wiki. Aneros is an "arousal amplification device". In the same way KSMO works because the key sound amplifies arousal. Orgasm happens when arousal is high. The higher the arousal the more "intense" the orgasm.

When we trigger the ejaculation reflex we ejaculate at the same time as orgasm. IF we AVOID triggering the ejaculation reflex WHILST pumping our arousal higher and higher then we have orgasms without the ejaculation. Aka "super orgasm" aka MMO aka dry orgasm etc.

The level of intensity that you orgasm at depends on your level of arousal. When you get good at this stuff you can have your first super orgasm and then the second one is even more intense because your arousal is pumping even higher and wasn't killed like it does get killed after an ejaculation.

The REASON the Aneros stimulates the prostate is because (for most men) it is a highly sensitive spot full of nerves that, if stimulated, builds massive arousal WITHOUT triggering the ejaculation reflex. If our ears were that sensitive instead of our prostate then you can bet your bottom dollar that we would be stimulating our ears instead to reach orgasm. So, the prostate is NOT the "key" per se. Its just a very good tool to build arousal in a way that does not trigger our ejaculation response.

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Part Two
The Penis and its role

The reason Aneros instructions are to avoid the penis is because for MOST men (especially at the beginning of their journey), stimulating the penis triggers the ejaculation reflex. When you learn to stay relaxed you can use the penis to help build arousal without triggering the ejaculation reflex. @Crimsonwolf says he does this in his Aless sessions and I do too.

A lot of people WRONGLY think "I'm supposed to feel all the pleasure in my prostate". NO.

Look pleasure trumps all.

The prostate is NOT the tool, it is just an efficient tool to build arousal without triggering ejaculation.

You probably WILL feel pleasure in your penis and genitals before, during and after "super orgasm". In fact a lot of the pleasure actually feels exactly the same as the ejaculation reflex. But if you stay relaxed you'll keep building pleasure without ejaculating. And if you do ejaculate it is probably because you are tense somewhere in your body.

On the way to "super orgasm" I feel rising pressure building up in my cock just like my ejaculatory orgasms and the sensations just before I go into super orgasm feel just like I'm reaching the point of no return but instead of ejaculating I just have a super orgasm. So don't think something is wrong if you feel that build up in your cock. Just stay relaxed and enjoy the pleasure.

It's NOT the AREA or TYPE of sexual pleasure that is important. What is important is that you feel sexual pleasure ANYWHERE on your body and especially in your genitals and you stay RELAXED and enjoy it. That is what will drive you to "super orgasm". The goal is NOT to avoid any pleasure that isn't in your prostate. The goal is to feel sexual pleasure and then stay relaxed as it builds.

You might feel pleasure all in your prostate and everything in your cock during a session but because you stay relaxed and relax into the sensations you have a super orgasm. You might feel sexual pleasure in your lower belly and not in your prostate. Doesn't matter, you can "ride that pleasure" to super orgasm too.


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Part 3
Example of a couple of my super orgasms

My "super orgasms" tend to involve a LOT of penis sensation - typically a sensation of flowing wetness out of my cock along with incredible emotions of pure love and bliss along with a physical sensation of really high arousal all over. This high arousal is incredibly "satisfying and releasing" instead of being a "frustrated" arousal that. That is the closest to a release as I get from my super orgasms.) In fact, in my Aless sessions I NEED to use my penis to have a super orgasm because it really helps me build arousal.

What I do is I lie in bed at night on my back and stimulate my nipples for a few minutes whilst thinking sexy thoughts and relaxing as much as possible (especially focusing on relaxing my PC muscle). Then I turn to my front and lie on my belly. I place my cock pointing downwards towards my feet (instead of being rested against my belly and pointing towards my head). So the top of my shaft and cock head is pressed lightly against the mattress. Then I focus all my attention on relaxing my abs and my PC muscles.

I usually start to notice my PC muscle fluttering but I just keep my muscles relaxed and close my eyes. In the back of my mind I have a "slideshow" of sexual images or ideas to coax along arousal. Close up of pulsing wet vaginas, images of cocks ejaculating, memories of my previous sessions etc. BUT, I don't focus too much on that slideshow though. I barely pay attention to it. If it disappears I don't care because my focus is on the sensations in my PC muscles and cock.

Right, so I'm focusing on the pleasurable sensations being generated in my genitals WHILST keeping relaxed. I pay special attention to keeping my PC muscles relaxed. If I lose physical sensations then I focus on the images for a while till it comes back and then drop them the instant I feel things again. This is rare though because the light stimulation of my cock against the mattress is enough to slowly build arousal.

Note, I'm NOT rubbing my cock against the mattress, the top of the shaft is just pressed against it by virtue of me lying on my front. It is THIS that creates my arousal during an Aless session. With an Aneros inside me it is the Aneros against my prostate that performs this job. But even with the Aneros inside me I focus on the feelings of sexual pleasure in my GENITALS.

REMEMBER - it is NOT WHERE the pleasure is that will take you to "super o" but the fact that you HAVE sexual pleasure in your body. A super orgasm/dry O whatever you wanna call it is just that pleasure (even if it is in your cock and feels like its going to be an ejaculation) building up to high intensity without triggering the ejaculation reflex. It becomes a full body orgasm because you are RELAXED and this relaxation as you reach orgasm allows the energy to spread across your body.

So, my penis is bring lightly stimulated and my PC muscle is relaxed. If it was being heavily stimulated and I was tense I would ejaculate. BUT because it is being lightly stimulated and I am relaxed I get all the arousal building to orgasm without triggering the ejaculation reflex.

I then start to feel jolts of pleasure. Almost like a mildly pleasurable hypnotic jerk that either emanate from my penis outwards like a burst of energy spurting out my cock or shoots up my penis into my belly. There is an urge to tense my body when this happens but the trick is to RELAX. If I tense then it blocks the energy and it cannot build in intensity. As I relax into this feeling it becomes like a soft warm tickling each time it happens and it slowly builds in intensity until the waves travel all over my body. By this point I have no need for any mental fantasy and in fact if I do go into a mental fantasy I lose my relaxation and connection with my body and I kill my building arousal.

So, all I do is really relax my belly and my PC muscles as much as possible. At this point I feel twitching, tightening, pulsing and fluttering of my PC muscles and urethra. This isn't really "pleasurable" per se. It just seems like it is the ejaculation response trying to kick in but because I'm RELAXED down there it can't get going so it just pulses and twitches to no avail. During this whole build up my cock has been getting harder, then softer then harder as arousal grows then dips back and then grows some more. The build up is like 2 steps forward 1 back then 1 step forward 2 back and then 3 steps forward and 1 back etc.

Again relaxation and non attachment to the result is key. As I approach the peak of arousal my cock is REALLY hard and is really pressing down into the mattress. My PC muscles is NOW REALLY HARD AND TENSE. Try as I might I cannot relax it so I just focus on keeping my body relaxed and trying to relax my PC muscle. I keep breathing nice and slow. Suddenly I hit by the FAMILIAR feeling of ejaculation build up.

I STAY relaxed and don't panic. I tell myself if I ejaculate then its absolutely fine.My body flushes, I feel that warm feeling in my lower belly and the sense of pressure and tension building up to a peak in my cock. It feels like I'm about to ejaculate but I keep REALLY relaxed and breath NICE AND SLOW. THEN suddenly it feels like the bed has disappeared. I feel like I'm floating in space. Not just the physical sensation of floating in space but I it feels like I have ACTUALLY been transported to another dimension. I am in my bedroom but it is NOT my bedroom.

About 30 seconds into this I become aware of this vague sensation of liquid pouring out of my cock and the sensation of pleasure in my penis. There are pulses and throbbing but it is mainly a REALLY good feeling on CONSTANT pleasure in my cock combined with the vague sensation that something like liquid gold is pouring out of my penis. I say vague sensation because I know I am not releasing fluid because I can't feel wetness on the sheets. This confuses my brain because it has two opposing signals, one saying I pouring sexy wetness out of my cock and the other saying no I'm not. This creates the weird sensation of "I am but also I'm not".

It is wonderfully pleasurable. At the same time I am feeling this amazing sense of well being, just like bring wrapped in a blanket of pure love, contentment, oneness and desire. I also feel this indescribable feeling of what I can only allude to as "delicious sexy arousal" where I feel so incredibly aroused and sexy and desired and wanted but in a satisfying why that has no sense of frustration. I don't need or want any release from this high level of arousal and desire. In fact I could live like this.

I just feel SO OUT OF THIS WORLD sexy and desired and loved and happy. I can imagine this is what heroin feels like. I'm not groaning or screaming. Its not like a sharp peak. Instead of "holy shit UGGGH" peak and then drop off its like: "OMG this feels so good ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhh hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" A constant feeling of pleasure without defined peaks. And that soft, enveloped in a bath of pure satisfaction, love and delicious sexiness for like 5 minutes.

Then last night I had an aless session and the physical feelings got even more intense. The feeling of physical pleasure was even more intense.And at some point I actually felt drops of liquid pushing out through my cock slit. In reality there was nothing (I checked). Then I went to sleep and woke up again in the middle of orgasm. In fact woke up half asleep and found myself curled up against my girlfriend. And this is where things got pretty freaking cool. I don't know how it happened but basically I woke up half asleep and found myself starting to rub her pubic mound and clit with the palm of my hand. I was orgasming and it felt like my cock had disappeared. I was rubbing
my girlfriends pussy when suddenly I realized that my movements of my hands were creating the sensations in MY pubic region. My girlfriends pussy had become MINE.

Holy fuck it was cool and felt AMAZING. I'm not saying this to boast. I'm trying to get the point across that ANY sexual pleasure you feel in ANY part of the body (including the penis) IS pleasure that you CAN RIDE with experience to a non-ejaculatory orgasm, super orgasm or whatever you want to call it. AND you need to understand that pleasure in your penis is absolutely fine. "Super orgasms" can start in the penis. Mine during Aless sessions are primarily penis based.

The prostate is not the "site" of the super orgasm. Its just one method of increasing your arousal without triggering ejaculation reflex. So don't go thinking that the only "good" pleasure that you need for "super orgasm" is in your prostate. ANY sexual pleasure can be harnessed to build into super orgasm.

Orgasm, "super orgasm" etc. is just a response to high sexual arousal. So if you want to have "non-ejaculatory" orgasms or super orgasms or however you want to call it then all you need to do is build arousal and feel sexual pleasure without triggering ejaculation. And if you can use your penis to do that like a lot of guys here can then GO FOR IT.

REMEMBER - everything I feel during my sessions could be COMPLETELY different to your sensations that you will feel when you have an orgasm.

Don't focus on trying to feel what I've just described. Just look for and observe the pleasure in your own body. If you are feeling pleasure then that's all you need to ride to orgasm.


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Hi @neros,

What you write is so beautiful! Your prose causes my Aless into high gear. My Aless is very sweet right now, but also pulsating! Like most guys I follow closely the suggestion that the penis be ignored in my Aneros sessions. Yet, the Aneros in my nearly three year journey has enabled me to get in touch with body in a direct way.

Like most baby boomers, I was circumcised as a neonatal. By the age of five, I reveled in the fact that my circumcised penis was a smaller version of my dad's. When you speak of a guy's cockhead, I think of my GLANS! 😉

Yet, I also revel in the fact that I can observe closely what the Aneros and Aless does to my entire sexual anatomy, even my entire consciousness as a man! It is so beautiful and affirming.

I am bookmarking this thread.


P.S. I appreciate @Crimsonwolf's posts as well!

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The last paragraph of your treatise says it all:

"Don't focus on trying to feel what I've just described. Just look for and observe the
pleasure in your own body. If you are feeling pleasure then that's all you need to ride
to orgasm."

But I enjoy reading and meditating upon your aphoristic style of writing. Actually at times, it makes me horny! 😉


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great stuff @neros!

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@neros, i have written some long posts in my day, but, that is absolutely the longest post ever posted on this forum, by far. i'll read it later.


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OMG...we need new stickies...among other things. My vote....this should be ALL that newbies should see when they first visit here, as this is all they need to know. Lets be honest…most newbies wont read the encyclopedia they are sent when they first register here (unless they are into reading textbooks, nothing against nerds…I am one I just realize that most people aren't)…this though the way it is written is engaging interesting and make (I feel) the average person who maybe isn't  a voracious reader (and really just wants to shove the new toy he got in his or her ass) WANT to read it. It pulls the brain in engages it and the body follows. This post I feel would make a person new to this actually want to get into what I truly feel aneros is. Makes them want to connect with something they may not have connected with in themselves before. Often times I've seen so much poor "info" or "advice" given and this post is the basis of it all. So many come here who fall into a trap of labeling and focusing on the trivial things that in the end don’t matter (position, lube, how to keep quiet, what model, what type of porn should I watch, where do I find video tutorials, what are all the types of orgasms called and what do they feel like, etc.) Just follow the pleasure, that’s it…its that simple this is NOT rocket science…its not science at all if you want to know the truth of the matter. When I see those saying oh leave your penis alone, don't ejaculate for 21 days, don't masturbate, you need to work on your time went on I wondered if I was the only one that realized that's a crock of...fill in the blank. What is pleasurable for one may not be pleasurable to another... one must simply read their own body and go with it, and be openly free and comfortable with doing that. Things that were posted years ago still getting attention when they were never really clarified (or edited for clarity) if they were ever even a clear statement to begin with. Those that admit they are poor with written language contributing heavily to things that new people will read and ultimately more than likely fail at....that says something in itself. Those unclear statements leave people with the inability to filter things appropriately for themselves vulnerable to the this idea that this indeed does take ages to master…when really time shouldn’t even be considered in the equation at all. They often end up chasing their tail for a until the light comes on, the pleasure light, then everything clicks and falls into place. The realization what others were experiencing is not important and not even needed at all, how others do it is not important…all that is important is where the pleasure guides them as an individual. What @neros writes leaves very few pit holes to fall into. This info will truly be a help to masses if put in the correct place on this site, after all that's what this forum is supposed to be for. This is the type of info a few select members were requesting, but it fell on deaf ears and blind eyes, because of what I think was a fear of change and a few other things.


@neros time is priceless, and I truly appreciate the time you put forth to write this and I'm sure it will help to get many who were lead astray back on track, and for those who are beginning a great start. brilliant post. I would like to expand on a small section if I may. The part where @neros describes the intimacy with his girlfriend. This is the part that I want people to not gloss over. Yes the entire post is gold, but this gives me an opportunity to point out something that maybe somebody might miss and also. Often times I see where guys try to incorporate aneros with a partner (not talking just female…could be male as well for what I'm about to say gender doesn’t matter). What he describes when he talks of his partners genitals becoming his…that is true connection. That is when you have crossed into a realm truly being able to perceive things beyond your on physicality on various levels. See I'm sure many can attest to being in love emotionally bonded etc, however when you can take those intangible parts of a relationships and they become at least a bit more tangible that speaks deep volumes.

Now moving a little further to things I can relate to (an many other women). This is what women want. A bond that goes beyond penetration. Intimacy that is not based on the "traditional" aspect of sex (penetrate, pump, & shoot). A man that can truly derive pleasure in many ways. See often times (I know for me) I kind of dread the approach of my partners ejaculation (I love cum but just follow me), I know that will more than likely be the end. Arousal will drop off and soon he will be snoring. However the idea of being intimate through touch sound smell taste I know those pleasurable feelings can go on for long drawn out periods. I know that with him I can experience pleasure for as long as we chose and its not based on how long can he evade ejaculation. I also know that at times when I don’t want to be penetrated (yes guys there are times when we don’t mind intimacy…we just don’t feel like you pounding us…),or in the case of post menopausal women its now uncomfortable to be penetrated there can still be that intimacy and true eroticism that can be shared. The idea that aneros helped to open the door for that type of pleasure enhancement in a relationship cannot afford to be overlooked. Any woman worth her salt when presented what she wants and aneros used as a tool to get that…she will understand it at least on some level. Guys who wonder if aneros will wreck their relationship and they hide it, or the partner they are with don’t like it or shy away from it, think its gross etc. This post in itself shows what is truly positive, and what works. Now I know the pessimist in some will say well this wont work for my relationship…and my spouse or significant other isn't into this. Well do me a favor ask yourself these questions…when was the last time I truly just held and caressed and enjoyed the simple things my spouse offers? The sound of his/her voice, his/her scent, the texture of his/her skin, the sensuality and taste of his/her kiss…when is the last time I made love to my partner without penetrating them and had some great orgasms of all intensities and varieties??? When was the last time that his/her body and what they felt translated into my body and I felt what they felt? When was the last time you took the intangible love you felt for them turned tangible???

This post was modified 2 years ago by Aneros Team

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Thank you for the excellent write up expanding upon the understanding of what constitutes a Super-O. This is another post which should become essential reading for every new Aneros user. I would really like to see you propose a synopsis of this thread for inclusion in the Aneros WIKI.
Good Vibes to You !

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@devajones and everyone else thank you for your kind words.

Thom - glad you got so much pleasure out of it 🙂

@darwin yeah she was bitch to write but it had been brewing for such a long time.

@inhope you seem to have deleted your post but I saw it earlier.

Better than ejaculatory orgasm is a super orgasm? Okay but then which ejaculatory orgasm? The shitty one you have when you aren't very aroused or the super intense one you have when you've been so close to the edge for so long?

If you had an orgasm that was like a shitty ejaculation but you had the most profound spiritual enlightment during the orgasm then was that a super orgasm? Or do we now create a new category for "spiritual orgasm"? Another thing to chase for.

We label "dry orgasms" or "mini orgasms" as "less good" than "super orgasms" and that sets us up to not appreciate all our orgasms.

Its silly. If we are able to have MULTIPLE orgasms WITHOUT ejaculating that is AWESOME! Who gives a fuck whether it is "super" or not. Define "super" as an objective standard that everyone can use.

Better than ejaculation? How? Whose ejaculations? Mine? Yours? Obama's? Which specific ejaculations?

There are so many men out there that don't have that ability or have never heard of it. They only get one short orgasm and then its over for a period of time.

But instead of relaxing and enjoying each orgasm and its own intensity for what it is our human minds have this compulsive urge to label and want more, bigger, better. That was not good, this was better.


When we look at it like that we see the trap for what it is. Each label is taking away from pure experience.

@rumel cheers buddy. Certainly, you'll have to give me some time though! It was already a condensed version of what was in my head!

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@neros yeah I deleted it because you actually addressed it in your post, I just missed it initially. Also I'm sure there have been threads on this over the years, I even thought rumel made it? Saying very similar things you're saying here too, anyone find it?

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@neros --- Thank you!

You have put into words what I have experienced in totality!

I also had several orgasms of varying intensities as I read through your posts.

The floating sensation has happened once and I look forward to it again when the time is right!

My pleasure comes from anywhere on my body, which I find absolutely incredible!

I'm at the point where I'm mentally sensing individual muscles causing exquisite pleasure as they twitch and trigger a cascade of rippling waves which extend outward...another twitch..,another set of rippling waves...such pleasure!

And, I can do all of this sitting in a sushi restaurant as I'm typing this message! Man...I love this experience!

Thanks for your efforts! It should be one of the first things anyone new to aneros should read, and read again to let it sink in!


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Very simply, this is as close to "just right" as I can imagine.

You have explained a long standing question of mine -- in that how nipple stim , late rather than early in my arousal cycle, causes me to loose control and fall into ejaculation.


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Hey neros,
I just wanted to say thanks for the effort you put forth to share knowledge on the subject. This is an amazing write up. It definitely rings true for me. Now I haven't experienced much besides a mild intensity non ejaculatory orgasm with aneros but I have had a lot of orgasms from dildoing and pegging.

For a while I wondered what "kind" of orgasms I was experiencing as they do vary in intensity and the feeling of where they originate from. I usually didn't give it too much thought because I really didn't care exactly what "type" they were. All I know is that they are ALL grand experiences and I now feel, that is all that matters.

Rumel once told me (in a different context) I shouldn't question or over analyze my experiences so much. (thanks Rumel!)

Again man, Thanks for sharing the wisdom.


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@Neros, let me just quote your passages that stood out as important to me as a summary for myself.

"Orgasm happens when arousal is high. The higher the arousal the more "intense" the orgasm."

"The intensity depends on how "rewired" you are."

"When we trigger the ejauculation reflex we ejaculate at the same time as orgasm.

IF we AVOID triggering the ejaculation reflex WHILST pumping our arousal higher and higher then we have orgasms without the ejaculation. Aka "super orgasm" aka MMO aka dry orgasm etc."

These 3 statements taken together cleared up a lot of confusion for me. They also put a understandable perspective for coaching new users. This aneros/dry orgasm stuff is soooo alien to us men and can be overwhelming.

"An orgasm is either one, or a combination of:

1. Pleasurable physical sensation

2. Pleasurable emotional sensations (love, contentment, bliss, joy, excitement, feeling desired etc.)

3. Pleasurable "spiritual" sensations (sense of time and/or space falling away or changing, merging of senses, basically any "far out shit")"

"The problem is many users might experience this "calm seas" orgasm and disregard it as "not a super orgasm" when it WAS."

These 2 statements helped me conceptualize what has been going on during my rides. Calm seas describes most of my experiences, with and without aneros. So I'm going to start assuming that I've had my super orgasm after all! They are a combination of the 3 types you list. Yay me! 🙂

"REMEMBER - everything I feel during my sessions could be COMPLETELY different to your
sensations that you will feel when you have an orgasm."

This is important to me because I have strong energetic experiences while riding, either from moving energy around with my hands to increase arousal, @chuckjo2000 style, or actually moving the pleasure to an energy center like the chakras. This is actually as important and interesting to me as the whole super orgasm thing. And I know there are other men here describing very different experiences. So we are all different.

"Remember we are having more "female" orgasms when we have non-ejaculatory orgasms. When you have one you'll start to understand why sex can be such an emotional thing for women because their orgasms (vaginal at least) are very emotional orgasms like our "super orgasms"."

I'm glad you put "female" in quotation marks here because you are talking about experiences that men are capable of and have always been, even before aneros. I assume you are making the comparison to woman's orgasms for the benefit of straight men to relate their experience. For instance my orgasms are often very emotional.

"If our ears were that sensitive instead of our prostate then you can bet your bottom dollar that we would be stimulating our ears instead to reach orgasm."

I know a man who can orgasm to ejaculation if I suck his ears. Sure surprised me.

And thank you for the vivid description of your aless session. Mine are more anal oriented but I can see what I may be missing. Will give it a try.

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The problem i feel is whomever coined the term 'Super O', specifically the 'Super' part has led to a lot of us having a preconceived expectation of what one is. For example the dictionary describes it as:


"of the highest degree, power, etc," and "larger, more powerful" and "of extreme or excessive degree" it goes on like this...

you can see from these definitions it is creating false expectation, i know it sure did for me! The sticky threads at the top of this forum need rewording, 'Super' is not the correct terms for it, as @neros said its "different" orgasm, this is a better term. 'Super' just makes us all think its going to be better than what we already experience.

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@inhope, the word super may have come from the fact that any other type of orgasm then just the traditional one could be called "super" lol. Maybe "amazing" would have been a better word, either way someone had to describe it in the first place. I agree it may have not been the best word to describe it, but then again what would be the ideal word? I cant really think of a good one.

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"Prostate orgasm" that would have been more appropriate or perhaps "prostate centered orgasm" 'p-orgasm' or 'alternative orgasm' or even 'different orgasm' looking at the definition there, until this thread, what would your view be of your sessions? You would feel you never acheive a super because your perception of it is wrong from the outset. Heck even calling it just a 'dry orgasm' would be enough, because that's what it is, if you have a something more intense, closer to the definition of the word 'super' then you could say it's a very intense dry orgasm.

Because of this new realisation I am sure I've now had a 'super'

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@inhope yeah I like the "dry orgasm" definition cos that's what it is.

"Prostate orgasm" might still give people the impression that the prostate has to be involved or its the "key" which is not necessarily the case as you know.

@euphemistic thanks! Man who can cum from ear sucking, wow!!

BTW I read your blog about your "no lube" experience. Sorry I forgot to reply to it. Sounds like you had fun!!

@rook @alterdst8 and @Theme_gasm thanks for your kind words!

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@inhope, well its tough to say for me. That rush you get when you orgasm traditionally has not happened in my aneros sessions in a very long time. So no dry O's of any type. Though the feelings keep getting better and better, like holy shit this feels soooo good, but alas no orgasm. I know what a dry O feels like, ive had some over the years, but for the last year or so nada. I wil still stick to my guns though that I have had two super O's. They were like a dry O but pretty intense.

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@neros @ineverknew

I'm confused again, I just read this from a new post someone made:

"It felt like a normal orgasm but from your prostate" not sure I identify with that, to me it's always been a different feeling, orgasm yes, but nothing like ejaculatory orgasms, even when it's intense. I have though experienced this once during that day I outlined on my blog, it started with two orgasms through my penis that were basically dry. It felt exactly like a normal ejac orgasm and I even expected to see semen everywhere, but nothing came out at all. Then a little later I ejacualted (massively) to me that was a total fluke, an abboration.

What is this? It doesn't sound like this fellow had a prostate orgasm as such, but something else? THIS was my problem, thinking because I've not had an orgasm that is exactly like a normal orgasm but with no seem shooting out. I'm confused!

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@inhope, i wouldnt worry too much about that. We all experience things differently and are at different points in our journeys. So whether its specifically coming from the prostate or penis doesnt really matter, does it? I have read of both happening. There are times when my prostate and penis have felt united as one, and plenty of other times where I only feel pleasure in my prostate. There are even times when I feel pleasure that is really hard to describe, almost like the aneros is touching my soul, if that makes sense. Its not my prostate but something deep inside me.

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Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!

I purchased my HelixSyn in May and I have used it a lot since then. In September I bought an Eupho and a Maximus.
The Maximus is OK, the Eupho is amazing.

For a while now, I have been thinking that the sensations I have been experiencing during my sessions are more intense than my traditional orgasms, just NOT an orgasm. I would experience amazing feelings that go on and on with my prostate pulsing and my Eupho moving in and out and dancing on it's own. I would tense up thinking that if I were tense then that might allow my body to release that tension into an orgasm. After each such session I would think that it was amazing but sadly just short of my GOAL. There was no noticeable point where I would experience that release I have during a traditional orgasm.

@neros After reading your well written posts I went into my next session with a different mindset. I observed the sensations I was experiencing, I quickly realized I have been experiencing orgasms of significant length that have NO DEFINED beginning and NO DEFINED end. While coming to that realization, I allowed myself to relax and to really feel the sensations which caused them to grow even greater. Truly amazing!

I think now that the release of tension I had been hoping for with my Aneros is probably the release of ejaculation during a traditional orgasm and that maybe the satisfaction of a traditional orgasm is actually the onset of the refractory response.

I cannot thank you enough for your extremely well written posts and pointing out to me what I am actually experiencing. I have had two truly amazing sessions.

My wife who is aware and supportive of this is also a beneficiary as my sex drive is much higher and we have been having a greatly improved sex life, we are becoming closer and closer as a couple.

Thank you to this Forum. I have found an answer to every question I have had through the experience of everyone.

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Thank you so much Neros....this is the most amazing thread I've ever read in this forum. It has clarified for me what I've been doing wrong all this time and what I need to start focusing on.
I'm bookmarking this thread and will re-read it many times.
And yes, it should be required reading for every new member of the aneros family!

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Bumping this up

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This is the best description of the wet, warm energy that I feel coming out in slow motion when things begin happening. Liquid gold indeed. Excellent description of the bliss, heroin like love that bathes your cells when I have my best sessions.
What I see over and over now after having read a few books are the tie ins to Tantra, Energy Medicine, etc. We'll have to see about a thread on that topic

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I tried "being an orgasm" today. Whoa! Thanks for the advice.

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