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Whole Body Orgasm for Women - EVI

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Thanks Brian for adding your comments. I just can't think of it all. lol
Yes, the sensation of peeing or concern how a partner may view this is dirty, nasty or wrong can be a concern. I suppose if I remember back to the first time, I think I may have been concerned of what if I peed? If you think back as a child we are taught to be potty trained and some of these factors aren't done in bed. It's not the same, but it is likened to it. It's just improper in one's mind.
I'm unsure what you mean by "push." I don't make myself do anything (push) during these moments. For me, it's really more about relaxing and allowing myself the opportunity for someone to help me. It's a most trusting experience and yes, surrending is exactly the word for it.
Progasm - yep, it was my first gspot experience. But, yes it was manually moving it and it just happened! I know I've seen mention of this in the forum. I believe it was that it was sold in some stores such as Babeland or some such store and found that women were using the Progasm for this reason. I think the mention may have been by BF Mayfield I cannot navigate this forum as well as Rumel and BF Mayfield. Perhaps they can locate that thread or he can post on it further.

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Thank you for your honest and generous sharing of information for the benefit of other women visiting this site in search of such information for their own use. I am sure having a female discuss the use and benefits of this newest Aneros device (EVI) will have significantly greater impact than a hundred men trying to explain things through their gender restricted vision. I hope other women will join with you in developing a robust presence here on this Forum for the understanding and benefit of us all.

@xtimedt69, You can read 'Alana's post about her encounter with the Progasm here -> Alana's Voice...for WOMEN everywhere AND their Partners.... You can also read about some of our other female authors threads in the new ANEROS WOMEN Category Forum.
Good Vibes to You !

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@nurselady so last night I asked her again about why she stops me during Gspot stimulation. After all this time she said "It just gets too intense and I want to F^&K!" Can't argue with that!!!! Now can I? LOL!
The point is fulfillment. I showed her the Progasm and she is interested. Discovery is fun

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@xtimedt69 - i can see how it may feel overwhelming. Perhaps something she may try is concentration on her breathing. I've never given this much thought. But, I think I'm more in tune with allowing him to take me to that place. If she can trust you with this feeling such as in you offering her oral sex - that she's dependent on you for this gratification-maybe that's a way to think of it? To hang in there as there's something to be gained or obtained.
You've really made me stop and think on this one! Geesh. But I believe I concentrate on breathing and again surrendering myself to my partner.
Does that help?
Btw, remember the germ factor between your Progasm and something she would use in her girl parts.
Yes, discovery can be fun.

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@nurselady The other night I was paying attention and I noticed that when she gets aroused her breathing gets shallow and like a panting. We have talked about breathing, but during the heat of the moment that sometimes slips out the window.
I am highly aware of the "Germ" factor and careful. I must preface this with I am not really all that interested in porn, but have been exposed to it. The trend of ass to vagina and ass to mouth is rather disgusting and dangerous. I fear that people will get that it is safe women will be getting sick.

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Update .... I stopped talking about it and she has pretty much abandoned the EVI. I think women want something more active. I wonder if Aneros put a small vive in the clit area or some sort of active Gspot stimulator if this product might not be more popular?

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@xtimedt69 - I wonder if this is more a cultural, sexual, and gender training issue, on top of learning a new technique, in that a lot of women expect to just lay there and let the man be the active partner and bring her to orgasm. I suspect that the EVI may break a lot of stereotypes for what a woman has to do with it compared to traditional masturbation and sex, just like the prostate massager's have for men.

This is purely speculation on my part. But it seems to make sense. Some women can have just as difficult a time learning to discover G-spot orgasms as some men can learning to have super-O's through prostate stimulation. Much like we hear on this forum all the time of prostate massager newbies saying they've tried it a few times and feel nothing, I've read and heard from various women that G-spot stimulation does nothing for them. There is so much variation in peoples sexual response from person to person. Hence even on these forums for men we see several different approaches that men take to achieve super-O's.

I'd bet that for some women the EVI will require some commitment to regular sessions for a while to figure it out, if even to feel much of anything. Strong parallels to what we men experience with the prostate massager's.

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Almost a month ago now I had a serious discussion with my wife about my, often joked about, interest and indeed like of anal stimulation and how i was interested in experimenting with a prostate massage device. As I suspected my wife was indeed supportive and interested. It was a huge relief actually.

Anyway, this morning my wife joked she needed a device like my Aneros to exercise her pelvic floor etc. She has been loathe to go for a jog with our daughter because, in her words, it feels like she might either wet pants or her innards feel like they are about to drop out!.

I then mentioned that i might surprise her with the Evi for her upcoming birthday....as an extra little side present. She didn't say no....

Appreciate any points in the right direction if there are other toys better than the Evi?

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@4onthefloor, Lelo Luna balls are also helpful. My partner finds Evi a bit big at the moment. 50shades of grey seemed to get the Luna type balls out into the public. Lunaballs have an internal mobile weight to are "responsive" to movement. Females seem to respond better to "live" toys.

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@4onthefloor My wife was interested too. I got her an Evi, she used it about 3 times and now it is in a closet. I don't think my wife has the patience for a thing that she says doesn't really do anything.
Even in the beginning, I did get some interesting sensations from Aneros on my Prostate. I am now in a dry spell and I find that I lose patience too after nothing happens for an hour or so.
Like @isvara I am going to suggest the Luna balls because they 1 - do add some stimulation 2 - exercise the muscles and 3 - they can be work while doing other things.
This is just my/our experience. You know your wife better than we do. She may be willing to lounge around with the EVI in, mine won't.

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@isvara Ok Luna Balls, my wife loved 50 Shades and has read the complete set...I'll ask her about those balls, rather than go like a bull in china shop and buy an Evi.

@xtimedt69 i find giving toys a rest or even retiring them sometimes happens...thanks though, sound like the luna balls might be interesting. You know i reckon my wife would lounge around with the luna or evi in, she is a nut for all sorts of exercise.

Thanks heaps peeps!

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There are all sorts of pelvic muscle exercisers for women out there. It's really amazing how many. Just use your favorite Internet search engine. Any woman is going to have to experiment with different devices, and probably initially just see it as muscle exercise just like any other exercise for other parts of their body. Boring to do, but useful in terms of urinary continence, not having vaginal prolapsing issues, being able to grip your partner's penis inside of her, and eventually stronger and possibly easier orgasms.

Another thought is to actually use lube and weights on the devices to make it that much more difficult for to keep in. Thus it being more exercise. See the following link:


I don't know if the EVI was ever designed with this in mind. But I'm sure someone could easily rig up a loop of string on the end and add some weight to it.

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Does the EVI really rub the G-spot while doing kegels? Anyone who has gotten orgasms from this?

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My wife notices a mild arousing sensation if she focuses on it, but won't come close to an orgasm, but she is difficult to get there anyway. Some women can orgasm just by thinking about it so I'm sure it has happened, just depends on the woman.

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My wife gave up. I am thinking of drilling holes in it and turning it into a pipe and smoking cherry tobacco in it at Christmas while dressed as Santa

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Well.. sounds like the evi is pretty useless.

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I asked a close female friend about this. Known each other since kids and share the most intimate secrets although never been partners, just life time friends.

Anyway she said women have a more direct path to their g-spot vaginally. For males the only way to the prostate is anally. That doesn't mean females don't get anal pleasure, but it's no G-spot orgasm.

Makes sense to me.

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Yeah my wife said basically the same thing.

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Wait evi is supposed to be used anally?.. I thought. Uh haha nevermind

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@MMO_RPlol I think if you put EVI in your butt, you might not be walking around for a few days!!! LOL! But I am told that one of the regulars on the forum has done it ... ONCE!

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@xtimedt69 Well you have a spare one! So tell us how it goes.

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@braveneworld I studied it and decided against it.

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The EVI is not at all useless, as is blogged earlier, it sure is very effective for braintumbling orgasms, though you need to be patient, move a lot, use oil for smooth movements to the clitoris. if it is will be effective and produce stronger muscles, the reason why I bought this thing, it's to early to say. I have the EVI since 2 days now and have had some heavenly hours while excercizing.

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Hi @oggy welcome to the forum.Well done I am glad to hear you are able use the EVI to its potential.It would seem that as you say patients is needed which some people just dont have.
Well done we would love to hear more on your experiences with this device.

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Hi @oggy welcome to the forum.Well done I am glad to hear you are able use the EVI to its potential.It would seem that as you say patients is needed which some people just dont have.
Well done we would love to hear more on your experiences with this device.

Yeah, and my wife is one of them, and the queen of skeptics/cynicism. When she looked at it, she determined it was worthless and probably painful, so of course, it was. Now, she wants nothing to do with it and has absolutely no patience to keep a quiet, open mind and believes everyone else is a liar.

I, too would love to hear more of your experiences with the EVI and how it works for you.

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I got an EVI for my wife when they first came out, as she saw how much I enjoyed my Aneros products and was willing to give it a try.

She had previously tried a hard plastic vibrator, and did not get on with it at all...

She tried the EVI 2x;
- First time she found it uncomfortable.. (she's "small".. ), and didnt really know how to use it.
- Second time we warmed it up in hot water, used more lube, and yet it still didnt really do much for her.. the "outside" tongue didnt really reach her clit properly, and the inside bulb was not deep enough for her to enjoy. Even so she ended up rubbing one out herself, and got some enjoyment.

So it's now consigned to the "discard draw".

However it did get her to try other toys, and we've now worked out that....

- She likes a "soft" outer shell (silicone) with a reasonable amount of give.. the hard toys are too much for her as she gets very tight, and as I said, she is small. So whilst the toy can have a reasonable girth to it to match me ! :-), it has to have some give to it.
- She likes deep.. which means the "softness" of the shell needs to be for most of the length of the device.
- She like cascading vibrations.. so ones that change speed.
- She likes access to her clit to be "open", so the "rabbit ear" devices are out.. That means either she, or I can simultaneously access her clit whilst she is having the vagina stimulated.

So a "fail" for us, but it did open her up to the idea of other toys, which are now used and enjoyed.

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