Clear all Aneros posting

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Hi - as a few of you know, I have a topic on here where I bought the Helix for my hubby. I've tried to just read and learn and not comment too much on something I really don't know much about. I don't have a prostate or a penis! So, just so you know I'm a woman posting, so you are comfortable. My husband has not posted yet, but you will know it's me posting cuz at the bottom I type mm's wife.

ANYWAY!!!! On to the point!

I am bi-curious. I go on a website - when you first get on their openning page - on the top right hand side is a part for shybi-guys. So yesterday I went on to the shybi-guys side and signed-up and posted a topic about the Aneros and male g-spot. At the beginning of the post I freely admitted to being a woman and then went on to explain how I found out about the Aneros and that I bought one for my hubby and the availability of this website and to see if anyone on there had an Aneros and/or their experiences. I was kindof trying to advertise the Aneros I guess.

Because of admitting to being a woman I was kicked off. I wasn't mad, I understood why (because of the men being uncomfortable), but I was bummed. Now I can't even check my topic and see the posts. I was able to see four posts before I was banned, and two out of the four men did have an Aneros and seemed to love it and were having success with it! Cool huh?!

So, if anyone on here is bi and looking for a site. There ya go. And if your willing, I'd love to hear how my post is going. sigh

I did email the moderator or leader of the site and mentioned to them that maybe their spouses would like a small section to discuss just like there is on here (A Wifes Perspective.) ????? I guess time will tell.

mm's wife

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Oh, and even if you aren't bi or curious - there was a post in the general discussion about "What Men Wish Their Wives Knew" - it was soooo good and funny and interesting and informative! If someone knows how to transfer if from there onto here I would LOVE it! I wanted to show my hubby, but got kicked off before I had the chance. Thanks!

mm's wife

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Hi musicman's missus 😉

First let me say how lucky you and your husband are. I am at the opposite end of the 'sexually together' spectrum. A quick search for my very first post here will give you an idea.

Re your post at shybi-guys, the mod there has said the following...

Quote: "Though you aren't allowed to be a member over here, please know that you're free to be a guest and read over the posts, in fact, a couple of members on the sister site have told me that they do as much. All of the best to you and your hubby."

If you can't get in clear any cookies and saved passwords for the site and you should be able to get back in as a guest. There is one supportive post saying that he did not mind you being there, two others saying they'd got an Aneros and one asking what the male G spot was!! (Oh well, I didn't a year ago.)

Have fun,

Old Wolf

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Old Wolf, thanks for visiting my post. Your first one was a doozy! I'm sorry your wife isn't interested in this. I find most things sexually interesting. It doesn't necessarily have to be something I want to do, but I'm a curious creature. As for the Aneros - I love watching my husband masturbate and cum. So... with the Aneros, I hopefully some day will get to watch him cum for extended lengths of time. What fun!! 😀 Plus just to watch him in ecstacy (sp?), what a turn on!

Thanks for being willing to go on and check out my post. You are right about that they said I could come back and look around, but when I go on now - it is blocked. I'm not really computer savvy, I don't even know what a cookie is!, so to clear any cookies or passwords is going to be hard cuz, I have no clue. LOL I did see where one guy was o.k. with me being there but, of course, you can't go off just the one guy. And I did see that two of the guys that responded had an Aneros.

Anyway, I'm glad you are having such success with your Aneros'! I hope that my hubby has some success soon. Tonight maybe we'll get to play with it or hopefully tomorrow morning for sure. Tonight, us - tomorrow morn, him.

Thanks Old Wolf

mm's wife

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mm's wife;

To clear cookies if you are using Internet Export select Tools from the menu at the top of the screen and then select Internet Options. A new window will open up. Make sure you are on the General tab and you will find a Delete Cookies button.

That's for your posts. I've enjoyed reading them. Your husband's a lucky man to have such an open and caring wife.


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DC - thanks for the help! I just went and deleted the cookies (still don't know what one is though! lol) but I haven't went and checked to see if it worked. Will do that later. Thanks for the compliment about my posts. I've enjoyed being able to come on here and be myself. I usually don't feel like I fit in when I'm on sites where I can post (even the shybi site for women), but here I feel pretty comfortable. 🙂

mm's wife

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mm's wife,

Thanks for the site. I think it will be helpful to me. Your husband is lucky to have you.

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Your welcome catchemup I do hope you can get something from that site and/or on here; and thank you for the compliment. I like to think that my hubby and I are pretty well matched for each other. Enjoy both sites and your Aneros!

mm's wife

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DC - thanks for the help! I just went and deleted the cookies (still don't know what one is though! lol) but I haven't went and checked to see if it worked. Will do that later. Thanks for the compliment about my posts. I've enjoyed being able to come on here and be myself. I usually don't feel like I fit in when I'm on sites where I can post (even the shybi site for women), but here I feel pretty comfortable. 🙂

mm's wife

Personally I really enjoy having women on here such as yourself, Zane, and other women's perspectives. Women have a unique way of looking at things, and always good IMO to interact with them - particularly if they are open minded and motivated such as yourself.

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Thanks OH!!, I'm just being myself. Good or bad, for better or for worse, this is who I am. I've always tried to be as open minded as possible and do my best not to judge others. I know what it's like to be judged and found lacking or not good enough. It's painful. I don't ever want to pass on that pain. It's not fun. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, but I do try to always put myself in the other persons place.

🙂 Take care OH!!

mm's wife

p.s I know this is going to sound stupid, but what does IMO stand for? I just can't figure it out. lol

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musicman’s wife,

There are no stupid questions, just stupid answers.

IMO stands for In My Opinion, if you go to the WIKI, look at the Glossary page and there is a list of other frequently used acronyms.
BTW were you able to get hubby to start reading from the WIKI?

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DC - thanks for the help. I did go back to see if your suggestion worked and it did! Thanks so much! I went on and was able to see that it was getting talked about. Heck! one guy even bought one, has gotten it and tried it out and sounds like is having some success/feelings going on. I think that is pretty damn cool!

mm's wife (abbreviated for musicman's wife)

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Hey mm's wife,

How about having your own ID for this forum? I will bet that musicwoman is available. When and if the hubby wants to stop by, he can use what you set up for him. I really hope that he does. Maybe when this thing really takes off for him, he will have no choice but to come over and check us out.

I wish you continued luck bringing musicman along.

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Hi Buster - I tried to go and make my own user name, but I will have to get a different email address. It won't let me use my email address twice, even with a different screen name. I think that he has come on here and read stuff, but as for posting... I do hope that it takes off for him though. I think that once he gets the hang of it, there'll be no turning back (especially if it is all that some of you guys say it is and it happens to him.)

Thanks and take care, mm's wife

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