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Missing the female touch

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International Women's Day being a week ago, I've had the women of the Aneros forum on my mind recently.  It was all before my time, but we used to have some witty and wonderful ladies posting, like Devajones, Zaneblue, Lynn2694, Nurselady, and others.  I don't know why they aren't around anymore, and hope it wasn't because some poster was acting like a jerk.  All I can say is that I'm sorry we don't have your perspective anymore. 

We also used to get many wives/girlfriends seeking advice on how to introduce the Aneros to their SO's and I've found it heartwarming to read those topics and the responses from some of our wizened sages too.  There are some great examples there regarding couples' relationships and I hope that when I eventually find the right woman that I have that same kind of deep connection I'm reading in these posts!

I don't think that just because these toys (*ahem* tools...) are primarily for men that this entire forum should be a boys-only club, so I hope you all still feel free to join in the conversation.  (Apologies if there are tons of women on here and I just couldn't tell, the new profiles leave little option but stark anonymity)

This topic was modified 3 years ago by Aneros Team

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I'm afraid nurselady is no longer with us. 🙁

It's been a while since I was last in touch with Deva.

I too welcome hearing things from their perspective. It has definitely helped me in my own relationship.

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I‘m missing you girls as well!

If you have problems concerning the new forum, we‘d like to help! 


Ladies, if you only knew

the benefit of a multiorgasmic man,

you all would storm this store!

Sincerely yours, Mart

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I am really worried about these situations. I'm an old member, but I don't use my old memberships.

This post was modified 3 years ago 3 times by xhope

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Posted by: @sowithoutaneros

Ladies, if you only knew

the benefit of a multiorgasmic man,

you all would storm this store!

Truer words have never been spoken. A great sex life between couples should feel like an exciting and fun adventure together, not like a sisyphean task that may never yield a fruitful result. 

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I also thought it was great when we had female participation. They gave a great perspective on things. Had some great conversations and feedback with/from them. I wonder why there seems to be zero interest, curiosity, or participation from females here any longer.

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indeed I always appreciate comments and observations from women 

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I've been thinking about this again recently.  While having read quite a lot of the backposts on this subforum (and honestly a lot of the questions have been answered already), I still wish that there were more ladies taking part in the discussion.  Surely there are still questions out there that haven't been asked, or advice that could be given still about how to introduce anal play into the bedroom, or even about how a woman can try herself!  Now that I'm thinking about it though, female participation might have coincided with the Aneros Femme line which is long gone, sadly...

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Hi Faith-Manages! You got your wish.  Here is a new lady member.  It's LLL from MH.  Only I'm going by LovelyLoyalLady here.  I can't give much advice (yet) on how to introduce anal play, but I want to research it.  If nothing else, I want to learn about it so I can pleasure my future husband.  I hope we can chat here or elsewhere.

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@lovelyloyallady you're definitely the new blood we needed! 😊

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@faith-manages I definitely have a lot to learn in this area, but I want to! And from conversations we've already had, I'm very interested in talking more with you, that is, if you are.  I hope I'm not coming on too boldly.  I've just been thinking and praying a lot lately (and counseling with my pastor) and I feel I need to put myself out there a little more so my potential husband can find me.

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@faith-manages this website won't let me respond to your other message until I have five approved posts!

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@lovelyloyallady then you need another post, don't you? 😀

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@faith-manages I don't know if it means five posts in total or five posts only by me. 


If you are at all interested, I have the Session app which is a private messaging app.  It's discreet and anonymous.  I can give you my i.d. if you want to talk that way.

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I don't want to say it, but this sounds promising between LLL and Faith-Manages!!! 

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@techpump it has indeed been incredibly promising and rewarding so far, and I feel confident in saying that for both of us.  Your prayers are appreciated.

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