Kudos to our women
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Kudos to our women

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Just read the average quality of posting in this very section...
Just think of your mother that brought you in this world of marvels...
Just think of the wives and girlfriends that love, care and take care of us (if not our offspring too)...
Just think of this huge sextoy trend evolving for them for years and now giving so much to you...
Just think of the GSpot Orgasm that nature invented for the vagina, women refined through immemorial times and we get to share twice : once as a partner and second time in its residual male version, the PSpot Orgasm.
Just think how nature, called the Devine Feminine by most of the ancient spiritualities, gives us so much... And how we get to enjoy all of that.

Kudos to our women !

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Stop gazing at your navel (or porn (which is just gazing at blinking lights to avoid the sight of your navel), you are not alone.

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Very nice but I might be biased. This provoked some very interesting thoughts. Thanks for bumping this otherwise I wouldn't have seen it. Too bad no others commented.....

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I, too, am sorry I missed this post! LOVE IT!!! I agree with everything and believe in this a lot 🙂

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I just wish with my heart and soul that I might see something of the expression in reality. I just see degradation, pain and suffering, slavery and deprivation of basic human rights. I wish I could say more but culture all over is extremely lopsided and looks like even getting worse. This might be okay if in the next life all men come back as women, heh heh heh!,

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@isvaraDo you really think so? I think the world is far better today than it was at any time in the past, despite all of the problems. We've done pretty well for a bunch of primates that evolved to survive in the african savannah. Thats off-topic, though, so I'll just say that, ya, women are great!

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@JudgeAaronSatie, I may have over stated the case, I'll stop reading the papers! I think women are fantastic, it am just amazed especially with the differences.

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Now that I've had time to think on the original post I've formulated a bit of a response to it. Its probably partial and wont make much sense but i'll try to respond to it line by line....maybe this will move somebody somewhere.

Though I don't have children I've experienced the very beginnings of it. I wont get into that here but I find it incredibly powerful that a woman can take one type of love (for a man) and with the assistance of said object of love turn that into new life (yes I realize not all babies are created this way). I find it increasingly telling of the feminine energy and capacity that immediately (usually) upon conception she can love a being she's never met or seen, then nurture it until its needed physicality is complete.

I find it increasingly true with me that my love for someone is usually always shown in a caring way. Its almost as if I cant help it, unashamedly when I want a man in any capacity the signs are I want to care for his most basic needs. If that's food I cook, if its sex I get naked, if its support I'll be his rock...just whatever.

LOL I agree with the sex toy thing, I honestly think female sex toys do more for men than women in a lot of cases....but I wont deny most of them are made for us. Maybe that will change at some point and become more even...but idk because men buy more fleshlights (and the like) than the law allows so why create anything new? You guys BLEWIT....lmao couldn't resist.

The orgasm one spoke to me the most. This is where I'm torn. I agree totally but I also know how many people aren't experiencing orgasm that way. I feel deeply for those, they are missing what I think is the essence of life. I mean if you're here you read this forum....just look around. Most of the people who post are partnered...however hardly any mention of their partner is made (unless their partner is their asshole wrapped around plastic). There is a very short list of those who actually are sexually active in a reasonable way with their partner and it shows very clearly in their posts even if the posts aren't about their partner (their responses are more intellectually sound I think because of enlightenment through partnered orgasm...but that's another thread entirely). I guess what i'm getting at is I wish both men and women could work together more to get this. Yes there are differences between male and female but there are way more similarities. That notion men are from mars and women are from venus was probably from a sexless person with a quarter of a brain. Nothing is further from the truth. Any person who has ever made love and felt the power of mutually caused orgasms knows this without doubt. I say relish is both the similarities and the differences because that way you are getting the whole picture....not a partial.

The last on spirituality...I have a strong desire for maybe some of that to return to current culture. I realize through lots oppression there is a large sector of women who are (if you ask me) raving lunatics. They go too far. In a lot of ways I see what women were/are striving for...but they got it totally backwards. Loving being a woman and what we offer the world does not men you shit on the male counterpart, there is room for both to exist peacefully intertwining the best of both. Men are needed. I think all the great women of old (and even some of the current ones who possess truly what it is to be a woman) knew this including the female gods...why where they the way they were? They were usually in love (don't think simply more depth is required there is more than one definition of love and more than one type of love). Usually some man brought out the best in them. Traditionally women are thought of as the "weaker" at least physically but I've never seen a stronger woman than one who is in love and loved in return. Just look at how a woman who is doting on a man looks at him...cares for him its undeniable her strength. I know those were some of my strongest times in life.

So with all of that being said thank you to all the physically strong yet still intellectual men who remain spiritually open not fearless but brazenly courageous. I am but one of a dying breed that celebrates you as much as your masculinity calls to celebrate me. There are others out there like me that celebrate you, want to listen to you, desire you and your input, and so much more.

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Mary had more Goddess than God within her, it took giving birth to a boy for her God side to fully express, and boy did it express!

Maybe male is women's hidden potential and female is men's hidden energy.

We are vessels within vessels and also vessels of ourselves. A her within him, a world outside. A boy within her a holy father in every atom of the universe. The world is born of us as much as we are born of the universe. We are just dancing on a gender's foot at the given time. Just slipping inside a body through a tempo we call fate. The whole is within, the whole is without. God is the score. Goddess is the dancer. The score is written by the dancer as the dance unfolds with its infinite details in perfect harmony. The dancer's very body holds up together only through every fiber of the universe being the exact and constant essence of the full score. Goddess is extreme. God is extreme. Otherwise there'd be no universe at all. But the universe is no extreme. It is whole. Humans are half whole half divine. We play within ourselves an half intense part of the God and Goddess dance and we play in the world our own part of the universal dance. We are not extreme, we only partly appear so. There is no understanding women without understanding both God and Goddess. There is no understanding men without understanding both Goddess and God. Hence, nobody understands anybody at all... That is, unless one can just intuitively understand oneself and, seeing past the deities ungraspable divide, perceive the same in the other... Love.

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