EVI - The Next Aner...
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EVI - The Next Aneros Evolution

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Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been around in a while...been very busy of late and haven't had much time to post, much less spend quality time alone with my Aneros. However I'm trying to get some of my time back and invested in the Progasm Ice and the Evi for my wife. Both should be here late next week.

My concern is the complete lack of information about the Evi. I know the operations for the Evi are similar to that of the male models, but was searching for details so I could maximize her first experience. She's not new to Gspot simulation as I've trained her how to squirt, and boy does she!

Is it that the product never really took off as expected? Is it not a effective as hoped? Or is it simply that the Aneros line has typically been such a male oriented product, that they can't break out of yet mold?

If the information/details/experiences are out there can someone point me in the right direction. If it works for her I'll certainly try to convince her to open a blog, in order to provide some of this info as well.

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Here are some independent reviews I pulled off the internet.
Like most sex toys one type of stimulator will not please everyone. After some good initial reviews there is at least one reviewer who was underwhelmed by this new Aneros offering. I suppose there are going to be some women for whom this new device will not prove useful, just as the men's devices do not satisfy all men.

"Is it that the product never really took off as expected?" I think it is still too early to say just how well this product will penetrate the market.
"Is it not a effective as hoped?" According to some reviewers it is very effective, I think, as with the men's Aneros devices, expectations can limit early success.
"Or is it simply that the Aneros line has typically been such a male oriented product, that they can't break out of yet mold?" I don't think that is or will be a significant factor in product acceptance.
Good Vibes to You !

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Thanks Rumel!

I noticed also there's no real home for the Evi in the Aneros forum, nor is there any Wiki information. With any Aneros product there is typically a learning curve (or retraining period) in order to achieve maximum results. Some of the positive reviews likely come from the few that have immediate results, but there's no place for the rest to really get their questions answered. Seeing as how this is a predominantly male forum about men sticking something in their ass to achieve the ultimate pleasure, that might be a little off putting to many women not familiar with the product. Has anyone considered ways to attract women to the forum, or better yet create an Evi forum? My wife knows and participates in some of my Aneros sessions, however I can almost guarantee you she will never post her Evi experiences on this forum. An Evi forum of predominantly females, I suspect she would feel more comfortable with however. Provided membership was approved and mods closely monitored.

Just a thought...I'd hate to see the product line die off in it's infancy.

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@stumpy - Some good questions and ideas. I do hope you'd be able to get your wife to write about her EVI experience. I to had hoped that women would join the forum here, write about, and ask questions about EVI usage. I'm not sure what is going to encourage that.

@rumel - Some interesting reviews! Thanks for posting those. The review from DangerousLilly makes me wonder if Aneros has any plans on making other types of models like the EVI to accommodate the differences in vaginal geometry between women? Such as moving the location of and/or enlarging the G-spot stimulation area, and tilting the T-bar more forward. Or to stimulate other areas, like maybe making the T-bar longer on the backside to offer external anal stimulation for women who like that. It seems like a one size fits all model is not terribly realistic. I hope Aneros tries to work with people that the EVI didn't work, like DangerousLilly, to find out why, so they can improve on what they have or offer other models that work with different womens anatomies better. Of course, this is assuming that these sell well enough to be worth while continuing down this road.

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@Love_is: good observation of 'anatomical' difference issues. My sample size is limited and ancient. I do know though that we had a significant g-spot migration or change after the birth of our first child. I tended to blame the gynecologist for his episiotomy repair.

@tks Rumel for the video links. Might expand the scope of our EVI activity.

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I showed my wife the EVI, she read the description and just didn't get the benefit??? I wonder how many women have the same reaction when their experience is that a toy moves, vibrates, tingles, etc???

B Mayfield
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Is it that the product never really took off as expected? Is it not a
effective as hoped? Or is it simply that the Aneros line has typically
been such a male oriented product, that they can't break out of yet

@stumpy, to the contrary, from what I've heard the response to the EVI has been nothing short of overwhelming! I suspect that HIH will be coming on line soon with an EVI forum and more comprehensive resources for users.

I showed my wife the EVI, she read the description and just didn't get
the benefit??? I wonder how many women have the same reaction when their
experience is that a toy moves, vibrates, tingles, etc???

@xtimedt69, these comments closely mirror those that appeared in reference to the first generation MGX so many years ago. As with the men's devices there will be some women who achieve success immediately with the EVI while others will require some learning to enjoy the full benefits of this product.

BF Mayfield

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@ BF Mayfield
Good to know. I'll try to encourage my wife to participate. Hers came in today...so she'll have a little time to practice with it.

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I haven't been around for a while as well. I've been an Evi user and have to say I've enjoyed her from the beginning. I hope your wife has a great experience with it, as I have had on my own. I've heard from others that Evi has had many good reviews. I believe I've heard she may have her own website at some date down the road, but maybe it's taking some time? I think it will be an eyeopener for many when it comes to fruition.
If your wife would like to chat with me; I'm here.

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Do you have a blog on your Evi? My wife needs information on how to use hers better than the included instructions. Sometimes, she's not too creative, but always sceptical.

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Hi Badger,
I don't have a blog. Let me see what I can do. I may need the help of support. I'm clueless at times. Can you tell me what kind of questions she may be having or issues? Maybe she could IM me and I can offer some assistance.

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Well, she has two major problems: 1) she's very skeptical, and 2) she doesn't like to follow instructions.

She didn't think it would work, so when she tried it, it didn't rock her world right away, because she didn't follow instructions and didn't believe it would do anything for her, so, in a self-fulfilling prophecy, it didn't work the first time she tried it.

If there was a forum or thread somewhere out there with everyone's inputs on how they found out how to make it work for them. Detailed instructions that are more thorough than the pamphlet that came with it might be helpful. Any kind of encouraging words on how to make it work would be wonderful.

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Badger...I suspect we're married to the same woman. Lol

My wife has tried it, in private, and didn't indicate it did anything for her. I've advised her research and practice is crucial. However my wife is like a typical man, when it comes to playing with herself, 2-3 minutes with the magic wand and she's done...any longer and she gets frustrated. I have to tie her down to play with her for extended periods, yes I mean that literally.

We're going to play together next week, but I wanted to give her the first few times alone, as I have much better sessions without her involvement. Not to mention it takes away any pressure she might feel with me present. Maybe I'll tie her to the bed and please her orally while blindfolded next week, then after she's reached orgasm a few times insert it and give get a light body massage. Will let you know how it goes.

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Stumpy...I envy that you CAN tie your wife down. That'll never happen with mine.

However, I eagerly anticipate your results with the restraints and oral Os. You lucky dog, you.

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Evi was mentioned in COSMOPOLITAN's January 2014 edition. Page 81: http://issuu.com/casopis.hr/docs/cosmopolitan_01-2014

Thought this was pretty cool if you ever flip through the pages at the check out stand

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@Aneros2, from comments I have read and from my partners experience I think there is a need for an Evi2. The idea is good but the surface is too hard. A hard core surrounded by a soft layer. I acknowledge this could be a manufacturing problem. The male glans has a hard core surrounded by a spongy layer. Just a thought.

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It's a product for women...but I saw it for the first time and said, "hmmm, I want to try it!" Any men try it yet?

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I notice the Evi sticky has been removed. Perhaps it was not as successful as hoped for.

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