Dry orgasm-gctid147...
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Dry orgasm-gctid147617

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How to make him have a dry orgasm. We use helix Classic and peridise. He can now stop the ejaculation by clenching just in time before PONR for several times but it is impossible he says to have an full orgasm without ejaculation. With external perineummassage he says it is really enjoyable all the time but no orgasm ( or at least he doesn't think so, I think of it as at least p-waves). With internal massage I can see he enjoys it a lot with a lot of precum but suddenly he just ejaculate ( and the fun is over for this time).
I am planning for a real nice evening and night on our on (the kids are sleeping away). Some advice wood be nice.

The stubborn wife.

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@Lovingwife Oh, most of us guys should have this problem! The Helix Classic is somewhat aggressive. The Peridise is not really a prostate stimulator. How about going down in size, perhaps to the SGX or even the HIH 950? I have both and find that they are "gentle" on my prostate. A smaller massager may be just what he needs to achieve a dry O without ejaculation!

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@goldenboy I think they are to short, just like my middlefinger it is hard to reach in some positions. But perhaps we can try the MGX or the Eupho, ( he think Helix Classic is big enough so nothing bigger for now on).
About last fridaynight it didn't follow my plans. One of the kids went ill and came home again. After a delicios dinner with tournedos and a bottle of Rioja we fell asleep on the sofa and woke up in the middle of the night and was so tired so we just went to bed. (The following morning I woke up early and had a shower, I went back to bed and woke my husband up, we had a nice hour together before our kid woke up.) We will continue to work on the dry orgasm.

The stubborn wife.

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Hey @Lovingwife ,

I almost never drop by here in Aneros-Women, so I just saw your question.

How to make him have a dry orgasm.

Well, basically you can't. There is no hidden switch to find, it's a matter of learning which is something he must do. You can (and should) accompany him along the way though. There is a 30 years old book, that's recommended here from time to time which is written for couples and offers a clear roadmap to super-o for both sexes:


He can now stop the ejaculation by clenching just in time before PONR for several times but it is impossible he says to have an full orgasm without ejaculation.

It is indeed. This techique is wide spread (unfortunately) and I tried to learn it myself when I began my aneros journey. It's a suppressive method and I don't recommend it. In fact, the trick is to relax out of the urge to ejaculate not to suppress the ejaculation itself it with even more tension. One can learn to re-wire the penis and to build up arousal w/o using the hard-wired ejaculative path. But imho, that's an advanced skill, which one should only attempt to learn, when properly re-wired (being able to orgasm hands-free with the aneros). There is are some very good threads about this topic like this one and this one.

Cheers, Unfug
