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Yeah, yeah, yeah....the title speaks volumes.

After a month or so of promising or threatening, (however you want to look at it) I finally purchased the Peridise. I decided that I was tired of you men having all the fun. It was time to join you and have an experience or two (probably more 😉 ) of my own to share. I would love some feedback from anyone who can offer some advice.

Today I tried the Peridise...twice 😉 . I will have to say...what I felt was remarkable. From the moment I pushed it in me, I felt waves of pleasureable sensations and also contractions automatically began. It was instantly arousing. Most of you know...or suspect, that I have had limited experience when it came to anal penetration. Using the Peridise made me absolutely crave it. The Major and I have had anal sex, granted not extreme amounts but he and I always enjoyed it. Granted, the Peridise is smaller in size compared to what I'm used to with the Major (he'll be glad I mentioned that!) but I enjoyed it on the same level. With simple clitoral stimulation, I was able to achieve several intense orgasms back to back...non-stop. It gave me such an extreme, arousing and intense sensation that I struggle to put it into words.

The second time I tried the Peridise....

As I reached orgasm, I found that I had uncontrollable TIGHT contractions. I couldn't relax to save my life. Everytime I attempted to calm myself and relax...I tightened again and went into another wave, of what I can easy call, ecstacy. As my orgasm slowed, the contractions would feel more like a flutter. It was fantastic.

Guys, if your girl doesn't have one of these....please consider it!!!

I'm sure as time goes on I will add more to this thread. I feel like I'm actually a contributor now. ha-ha.

Again, feel free to comment and throw suggestions out for me. I appreciate it.


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B Mayfield
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Yeah, yeah, yeah....the title speaks volumes.

After a month or so of promising or threatening, (however you want to look at it) I finally purchased the Peridise. I decided that I was tired of you men having all the fun. It was time to join you and have an experience or two (probably more 😉 ) of my own to share. I would love some feedback from anyone who can offer some advice.

Today I tried the Peridise...twice 😉 . I will have to say...what I felt was remarkable. From the moment I pushed it in me, I felt waves of pleasureable sensations and also contractions automatically began. It was instantly arousing. Most of you know...or suspect, that I have had limited experience when it came to anal penetration. Using the Peridise made me absolutely crave it. The Major and I have had anal sex, granted not extreme amounts but he and I always enjoyed it. Granted, the Peridise is smaller in size compared to what I'm used to with the Major (he'll be glad I mentioned that!) but I enjoyed it on the same level. With simple clitoral stimulation, I was able to achieve several intense orgasms back to back...non-stop. It gave me such an extreme, arousing and intense sensation that I struggle to put it into words.

The second time I tried the Peridise....

As I reached orgasm, I found that I had uncontrollable TIGHT contractions. I couldn't relax to save my life. Everytime I attempted to calm myself and relax...I tightened again and went into another wave, of what I can easy call, ecstacy. As my orgasm slowed, the contractions would feel more like a flutter. It was fantastic.

Guys, if your girl doesn't have one of these....please consider it!!!

I'm sure as time goes on I will add more to this thread. I feel like I'm actually a contributor now. ha-ha.

Again, feel free to comment and throw suggestions out for me. I appreciate it.



May I be the first to congratulate you on joining our little club! Although you’ve been a member here for some weeks, this constitutes a change in your status, lol. Seriously, I’m so delighted to hear that you’ve had such wonderful results from the Peridise! You’ll certainly have something to tell your S.O. about now. You’ll also have something to share when he comes home!

Just curious, was there visualization or any outside source of stimulation that was used in your session? As great as your response has been this time, I suspect that there are even better things to come. Stay with it and don’t forget to keep us posted.

All the best,

BF Mayfield

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BF Mayfield,

Thank you for your comment. I appreciate it. I also feel proud that I was your 1200th post. You certainly are an icon on the Aneros site.

To answer your question....I was already aroused from the start. With the fact that I am lacking a physical sex life with my S.O. due to his service to his country...it's not hard to get me worked up. 😉 lol. I will say that I was able to keep my arousal through a phone call in the middle of my "alone time". I just hope the person on the other end enjoyed my tone. LMAO 😆 Who knows, maybe it brightened their day too. The only physical stimulation I had was my own. The Peridise was the only toy in play today. I just stimulated my clitoris gently and off I went. I hope that answered your question.


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Perhaps your thread could have been sub-titled ‘A “PERIDISE” IN WOMAN’. 😆

I’m glad you chose to be adventurous and tried out the Peridise. I think you will find this ticklish little device is deceptively powerful in its effects. While you have used it in combination with traditional self stimulation techniques, I would like you to consider trying a few sessions hands free. That is, just focus on using your sphincter and PC muscles to make the Peridise move and see where those sensations alone can lead you. I think you will find yourself being tantalizingly teased into a very high arousal state, perhaps to orgasm as well. This is probably the best way for you to feel the same sensations as we men do. Enjoy.

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Perhaps your thread could have been sub-titled ‘A “PERIDISE” IN WOMAN’. 😆

I’m glad you chose to be adventurous and tried out the Peridise. I think you will find this ticklish little device is deceptively powerful in its effects. While you have used it in combination with traditional self stimulation techniques, I would like you to consider trying a few sessions hands free. That is, just focus on using your sphincter and PC muscles to make the Peridise move and see where those sensations alone can lead you. I think you will find yourself being tantalizingly teased into a very high arousal state, perhaps to orgasm as well. This is probably the best way for you to feel the same sensations as we men do. Enjoy.


Thanks for your comment. Like Brians, I know I can always count on you guys to be supportive. I will most certainly try your suggestion and keep you informed. Thanks again. It's nice being a part of the team now and not just the towel girl in the locker room. 😉

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congrats to you on your adventurousness, and to Aneros for success in bringing women into the fold.


i second what rumel suggests... try going without manual stimulation down there. how bout trying what all the guys are doing: just nipples!! though, of course, the dudes have to avoid certain things to be able to have multiples while you don't, so it is not as important. just sport.


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How great that you're enjoying this like us all now. From the sounds of it, you had a really good time! I must say that I envy the person that called you in the midst, what that must have been like, lol.

I don't own the Peridise at this point, but your comments have me thinking about getting it. I've enjoyed reading your posts, it's wonderful to have a woman's perspective. I for one appreciate how open your are about expressing yourself here.

I do have one question, I read elsewhere in the forum where you had referred to some kind of his and hers lube, is that what you used or was it something else?


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How great that you're enjoying this like us all now. From the sounds of it, you had a really good time! I must say that I envy the person that called you in the midst, what that must have been like, lol.

I don't own the Peridise at this point, but your comments have me thinking about getting it. I've enjoyed reading your posts, it's wonderful to have a woman's perspective. I for one appreciate how open your are about expressing yourself here.

I do have one question, I read elsewhere in the forum where you had referred to some kind of his and hers lube, is that what you used or was it something else?


Thanks for your comment. When it comes to the lube...I've used KY, Yours and Mine a couple of times. I think it would be something that would be alright for the occasional use, but I wouldn't use it often. It does give quite a different sensation...but I'm not sure it would be a wise choice to use consistantly. In this case...I used something different.

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I'm so glad you feel what's it's like, I am really new to this myself.
AND all my thoughts go out to your S.O. for serving our country!

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I'm so glad you feel what's it's like, I am really new to this myself.
AND all my thoughts go out to your S.O. for serving our country!

Thank you so much for your comment. I'll pass your thoughts along to the Major. He's really a egood man. 😉

As far as you being new...Welcome to the group. I've been on here talking for a month or so now and learning what I can to share with the Major when he returns home. I never thought I would get my own level of physical pleasure in my search to please him. He loves that I'm doing this....for both of us.

Thanks again and good luck! 😉


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No doubts there will lots of fun and new things to explore!

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Hello Lynn2694,

And Let me throw my hat in the ring, in welcoming you into the Forum Club!

We definitely need more females in the Forum!

I'm sure you are proud of your hubby, for making this Country safe for you and
for all of us here in the U.S.! (We should ALL give thanks to our Soldiers!)

As for the Peridise, Congrats on having the courage to explore your sexuality
and to share your results with this Forum! Way To Go!

IMHO, you should "always" just go with the flow and do what works for "YOU".

I always like to mix up my stim in Aneros sessions some with: audio (Rumel's
or others), video, nipple stim and visualization with my sleep mask on to make it
nice and dark! I find the visuals easier to view and hold on to, with total darkness.

And of course relaxation and tummy breathing in long slow breaths!

Good luck and please share your results!

Later, Hlaser99

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Hello Lynn2694,

And Let me throw my hat in the ring, in welcoming you into the Forum Club!

We definitely need more females in the Forum!

I'm sure you are proud of your hubby, for making this Country safe for you and
for all of us here in the U.S.! (We should ALL give thanks to our Soldiers!)

As for the Peridise, Congrats on having the courage to explore your sexuality
and to share your results with this Forum! Way To Go!

IMHO, you should "always" just go with the flow and do what works for "YOU".

I always like to mix up my stim in Aneros sessions some with: audio (Rumel's
or others), video, nipple stim and visualization with my sleep mask on to make it
nice and dark! I find the visuals easier to view and hold on to, with total darkness.

And of course relaxation and tummy breathing in long slow breaths!

Good luck and please share your results!

Later, Hlaser99

Thank you so much for your kind welcome. The Major and I are not married, but he has potential...lol 😉
He is a good man and I'm thankful for what he has to do every day, however I hate that it seperates us for so long. He is worth the wait!!!

I've always been adventerous when it came to sex. I like to be creative. Anal play is not entirely new, but trying something like this is. I came looking for pleasure for him and I think what I found is a great source of pleasure for us both. Sometimes my "alone time" is hard to come by, but next time I have a chance to be playful with the Peridise, I will be more than happy to try everyones ideas and for those of you who know me from this site....I have no problem speaking up....lol.
Thanks again Hlazer, I'll be happy to share any results with the group.


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Hi Lynn2694

I enjoyed reading this thread... I too have server in the military and spent many weeks and months away from my loved ones. Since leaving the service my current job results in me working away from home alot and these little devices not only give me pleasure but stops me looking for local pleasures.

I have used a Helix for about 2 years which I guess is not be of interest to you, however, I purchased a Peridice some 3 months ago and I can honestly say it is the easiest to get working. After about 2 mins I can feel it working its magic.

Have you looked at Tantra? I have been doing some research and come across a lady who practices Tanra sex and who I think speaks alot of sense. You can find here videos on the following web page:





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Sorry it's taken a little while to add an update, but it was well worth the wait. I haven't had a whole lot of opportunity the past week to explore with the Peridise and try the terrific suggestions that was made on here and through PM's. I appreicate all of them.

Today I took a little time for myself...once again....twice.

The first time I will admit, I tried the nipple stimulation and no clitoral. I felt a lot of contractions and fluttering inside of me...but nothing like the activity of that with the added stimulation. It felt fantastic...but I didn't have the same type of results. After about an hour and a half, I did add that extra stimulation and reached a remarkable orgasm...ok, actually 3, but who's counting?
I wondered if some recent unpleasant news had hampered my "alone time" today. I know that my mind wasn't as clear as it could be. I tried everything to clear it. (The Major was very near the suicide bombing in Bahgdad, but he is fine). I decided to lay and sleep for a while and try again...more refreshed. I'm glad I did.

After I woke, I started thinking of those personal, passionate moments the Major and I have had. It made me so aroused just concentrating on those. I worked the Peridise in me and immediately started contracting. I stayed on my side this time. I had an almost instant shiver go through me and my nipples got very hard. I started rubbing and twisting them. I felt pleasure sensations rush through me. But just as last time, the phone rang. I thought to myself that I really needed to turn that thing off. But who happened to be on the other end....the Major himself. What a gift!!! I told him he was just in time as I explained what I was doing at the moment. It had been 10 days since I've heard his voice. With every piece of info I passed to him of what was happening in my body, I could hear him exhale deeply. He started telling me what he'd love to be doing right at that moment. I rubbed and twisted my nipples again, this time...more sensation. I started wiggling around and it felt as though my body was just shaking. I felt myself contracting uncontrollably around the Peridise and soon my vagina started quivering too. At this point I had only done nipple stimulation and listened to the sound of his voice. Hearing him get so excited made me ache inside. I heard him start to reach orgasm himself and it's like something clicked. I felt the Peridise almost dance inside me, I was contracting and it almost thrusted in and out. My vagina throbbed, flexed and quivered so intensly. I was cumming. With no stimulation other than the Peridise, my nipples being rubbed and pinched and the sound of his voice. I came like I never had. It was so deep and intense. It was way stronger than the orgasm I experienced with my very first attempt with clitoral stimulation. What was even more amazing was what happened next. Just as my orgasm was starting to ease, I reached down and just gently with my whole hand...gripped my vagina, clit...the whole package and I instantly went over the edge. I erupted into a complete orgasm again. I didn't do anything more than a light grip/touch and I came once again. There wasn't anything in my body that didn't seem to contract and quiver. The Major was blown away by this. He definately can't wait to come home now!!! What an experience.

So now I ask....what the hell happened and was that cheating? 😉
If it was...sue me. I wouldn't change that experience for anything!!!

I've never came without direct stimulation before so I'm in a bit of a WTF phase right now. Any advice, comments, opinions are most welcome!!!

I hope you enjoyed, I did!!!

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OK, let’s see what we have here.
Session #1 - you started off with a few mini-O’s then continued through 3 regular O’s.
Session #2 – Arousing conversation leads into intense HFO, sequencing into Super-T with FBO manifestations. If you hadn’t touched your ‘hot button’ you might have transitioned into a Super-O, maybe next time you will when your mind is more at ease.

There will be no tort liability in these proceedings as cheating is only defined by you. All in all, it sounds like a pretty fantastic afternoon with Full Moon amplification providing a little extra boost.

I think as you continue to practice at the hands free technique (hands off clitoris, nipple stimulation is OK), you will find yourself with the ability to become so supremely aroused that additional stimulation anywhere else on your body by the Major will likely send you into Super-O territory.

Keep practicing, as what you are learning now will be extremely valuable to the Major in his education as well.

Just think Lynn2694, it is only going to get better for the both of you here forward.

Progasm001 reacted
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OK, let’s see what we have here.
Session #1 - you started off with a few mini-O’s then continued through 3 regular O’s.
Session #2 – Arousing conversation leads into intense HFO, sequencing into Super-T with FBO manifestations. If you hadn’t touched your ‘hot button’ you might have transitioned into a Super-O, maybe next time you will when your mind is more at ease.

There will be no tort liability in these proceedings as cheating is only defined by you. All in all, it sounds like a pretty fantastic afternoon with Full Moon amplification providing a little extra boost.

I think as you continue to practice at the hands free technique (hands off clitoris, nipple stimulation is OK), you will find yourself with the ability to become so supremely aroused that additional stimulation anywhere else on your body by the Major will likely send you into Super-O territory.

Keep practicing, as what you are learning now will be extremely valuable to the Major in his education as well.

Just think Lynn2694, it is only going to get better for the both of you here forward.



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I don't know what happened to you, Lynn, but that was one hot story!!! Thanks for sharing.

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I don't know what happened to you, Lynn, but that was one hot story!!! Thanks for sharing.

😉 Thanks, it was a hot, intense moment. I hope it can be repeated....again, and again. I can't recall a time when my body reacted the way it did then. I'm still trying to make sense of some of it...and I was there!!! 😆

I think the emotional part of experiencing it with the Major, even though he was thousands of miles away was a real key to this experience. I can't wait to add the sensation of his gentle touch, the feel of his breath on my skin, the taste of his kiss. If it was this good just hearing his voice...I might just explode when I have the rest of him too.

I began this "journey" as a means to enhance our sex life together, I had no idea that it would be this involved and sensational. I'm sharing this with the hopes that other couples might be encouraged to try this together too. Maybe if other women know they can have these same experiences, they might be more willing to try and also be more supportive of their men who want to explore.

I just hope I'm not being too graphic in describing my experiences. I don't want to offend anyone... I hope to pass on the pleasure I've felt.

Enjoy! 😉

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Hi again lynn

I don't know what happened to you, Lynn, but that was one hot story!!! Thanks for sharing.

😉 Thanks, it was a hot, intense moment. I hope it can be repeated....again, and again. I can't recall a time when my body reacted the way it did then. I'm still trying to make sense of some of it...and I was there!!! 😆

I think the emotional part of experiencing it with the Major, even though he was thousands of miles away was a real key to this experience. I can't wait to add the sensation of his gentle touch, the feel of his breath on my skin, the taste of his kiss. If it was this good just hearing his voice...I might just explode when I have the rest of him too.

I began this "journey" as a means to enhance our sex life together, I had no idea that it would be this involved and sensational. I'm sharing this with the hopes that other couples might be encouraged to try this together too. Maybe if other women know they can have these same experiences, they might be more willing to try and also be more supportive of their men who want to explore.

I just hope I'm not being too graphic in describing my experiences. I don't want to offend anyone... I hope to pass on the pleasure I've felt.

Enjoy! 😉

It is wonderful that you have the Major's attention already and his curiosity stoked! 😯

Don't worry about being "too graphic". 😳

It is by sharing in as much detail as possible that we all learn from each other here in this rare and astounding Forum! To be able to share in such fundamentals of our human nature and our "being in the world" as individuals and as sharing couples and relationships is a huge privilege, opportunity and joy. Thank you and all for sharing as fully and explicitly as you can...

great joy to you and the Major and to all


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Here’s an issue we can resolve for you right now. Let me reassure you that you are “… not being too graphic in describing…” your experiences. We’re all adults here and have seen, heard about or experienced many different sensual scenarios in our lifetimes.

It is quite obvious from your postings to date, it is not your intent to offend anyone.

IMHO, your candid discussion of these experiences is a delightful addition to the Forum. Hopefully, it will encourage many other women, like ‘NunyaGA’, 'buttercup' & 'musicman's wife, to more fully participate as well. I believe diverse viewpoints of practice and usage enrich us all by providing expanded possibilities for us to experience as individuals. This Forum is an ideal place to express those viewpoints.

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I was quite taken by your comments about your last session with your boyfriend. If the descriptions of your previous encounters have been any indication, it's clear that you have had some rich experiences in intimacy. This newest session however, seems to have created a distinction for you of sorts. The concept of using a new source of physical stimulation, one less pudendal, coupled with a powerful source of arousal (fantasy and phone play) is very much in keeping with what we're about here. As Rumel pointed out I had once referred to the Peridise as a Tantric Swizzel Stick. Apart from the obvious shape comparison, I've always felt like this device had the capacity to mix things up for people energetically....functioning much like a catalyst to transform sexual arousal into orgasmic bliss.

The Peridise is as minimalist as an Aneros gets, providing very subtle yet substantial stimulation of the anal kind. I'm so delighted to hear that you were able to appreciate this for yourself.

On the arousal side of things, I too have enjoyed this kind of fantasy play on occasion, and I am well acquainted with the intensity of it. With the right individuals involved, it is possible to make a deep intimate and yes very real connection with someone, over hundreds if not thousands of miles! This is sharing of a unique kind where desire can be given free reign. The only limitation is one's imagination and their capacity to visualize! Not only can this be a legitimate resource for orgasmic release, it is also a terrific way to exercise your mind.

I'm certain that you would have preferred to have had your loved one with you....in the flesh, so to speak. But consider for a moment that his absence has led to this personal discovery that will no doubt have powerful ramifications for you and him in the future. It's fantastic!

Here's to your journey!


BF Mayfield

p.s. As one who penned my own Pulp Fantasy several weeks ago, let me say that graphic description is fine...so long as it is respectful of the other forum members (i.e. nothing abusive). Very nicely done!

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Hello lynn2694, 🙂

After having been absent from the forums for a few months, I'm pleased to have found that their are more women posting here. And like everyone else has said, your posts are not to graphic. It is certainly gives good insight as to how the Peridise model can effect women, as opposed to the majority of men here. Thank you for sharing. I've been wondering for quite some time if the Peridise really can have a pleasurable effect on women. Now I know.

On the comedic side...
Your posts got me all hot and bothered and provided plenty of porn fantasy visualization for me to use in the future . Thank you! 😆


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Hi All, Lynn I have also enjoyed your posts I think it would be great if more women would tell us of their journeys so us guys that are trying to get our SO's to try would have some ammo to get them excited. Tell the Maj. THANK YOU for his service. See Ya, W. 😆 😆 😆

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wait ...how come women have a super-owirh anal stimulation alone?!?! They don't have a prostate!!!

It just goes to show how useless and worthless of an idiot I am!

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wait ...how come women have a super-owirh anal stimulation alone?!?! They don't have a prostate!!!

It just goes to show how useless and worthless of an idiot I am!

I have to say that I am not even sure my experience would classify as a "super O". I had more than just anal stimulation to put me into the moment of ecstacy that I experienced. I used nipple stimulation and also had the voice of the man I adore on the other end of the phone. I'm sure you've read that he is serving in Iraq. The fact of the matter is...using the aneros is not just physical, it's mental. Hearing his voice from so far away (and it had been a while since we had been able to talk, not to mention just after a close call for him)...my emotions were running so high. The passion we felt was so real and thick you could cut it. It was the next best thing to actually feeling him. In my mind....I did feel him. I had never had an orgasm from anal sex or stimulation...that was a first, but I think that it was the Majors presence (even though not in person), that gave me that extra edge. I've heard of several woman who do have orgasms from anal sex so I guess you don't need a prostate to have one. An open mind, a heart full of love, desire and passion can be some very strong attributes!!!

Thanks for your comments!!!


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Hello lynn2694, 🙂

After having been absent from the forums for a few months, I'm pleased to have found that their are more women posting here. And like everyone else has said, your posts are not to graphic. It is certainly gives good insight as to how the Peridise model can effect women, as opposed to the majority of men here. Thank you for sharing. I've been wondering for quite some time if the Peridise really can have a pleasurable effect on women. Now I know.

On the comedic side...
Your posts got me all hot and bothered and provided plenty of porn fantasy visualization for me to use in the future . Thank you! 😆


Thanks for your comment, I appreciate it greatly. Like so many other people here, I am learning so much. I'm learning about my body as much as I am learning about mens. I hope that I can help men feel more comfortable about talking to their ladies about this not to mention maybe help the women be more open of trying this for themselves. Why should you guys have all the fun? 😉

As far as helping with some fantasy visualization...glad I could help. ha-ha 😉
I don't describe my experiences to get you guys flustered. So many have been good enough to tell their stories and experiences with such open communication...I am trying to follow suit. If I held back, it wouldn't be honest.

Thanks again!


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Hi All, Lynn I have also enjoyed your posts I think it would be great if more women would tell us of their journeys so us guys that are trying to get our SO's to try would have some ammo to get them excited. Tell the Maj. THANK YOU for his service. See Ya, W. 😆 😆 😆

I'll be sure to pass on the message to him. He's a really great man and he does his job with such pride. It really makes his day to get support from people when so many are not supportive. He's ready to come home...not to mention, he's really ready to "cum" home. ha-ha 😉

I hope my situations can help other women get on board with this...it's really a lot of fun and pleasureable!


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Lynn I would like to start by saying thank you for all you feedback. Your description of your experience is awesome. Because of you i have ordered the Peridise for my wife. She does not know that I own an Anaros, not that I don't want to tell her, I just wanted to learn by myself. This order gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce it to her.

Thank you for your continuous contribution.


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Lynn I would like to start by saying thank you for all you feedback. Your description of your experience is awesome. Because of you i have ordered the Peridise for my wife. She does not know that I own an Anaros, not that I don't want to tell her, I just wanted to learn by myself. This order gives me the perfect opportunity to introduce it to her.

Thank you for your continuous contribution.



For now (until the Peridise arrives at YOUR house), the pleasure was all mine. I'm sure I'll have plenty to add in the near future. I'm just glad that you and your wife will find something in common to enjoy together and seperate. Thanks for your awesome comment. Keep us posted!


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