• My Most Enjoyable Session So Far

    Most Enjoyable Session So Far Like many others I m seeing less progress than I had hoped for with my Aneros. Especially recently in the last 2 months I have become disheartened, feeling less than when I first started Anerising at the beginning of this…

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  • Butting In

    As I continue on the Aneros path it seems I become more and more anally fixated. This week I finally ordered a Tantus Neo butt plug and it arrived today. Previously, many years ago I had a butt plug but it was a skinny, insipid…

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  • Aneros And Penile Semen Ejaculation

    Aneros And Penile Semen Ejaculation As others have mentioned that when you have a penile semen ejaculation through either sex with a partner or through masturbation, you ejaculate then go through a refractory period of time where your sexual interest declines and you cannot raise…

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  • First test drive

    I received my eagerly awaited first Aneros, a Helix Syn yesterday. Picked it up from the Post Office so that "she who disapproves, the fun police" would not find out about my purchase. When I arrived home, I unpacked in the garage, away from prying…

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  • Acceptance

    G'day everyone This is first attempt at blogging so please excuse any Faux pas I might make. I wanted initially to talk about acceptance. Many Aneros users will have encountered difficulty and opposition to acceptance . People feel threatened by sexuality different to theirs. For…

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