• Session #? Oh boy, definitely onto something here.

    Losing track of my session numbers because I feel like keeping track of them leads to expectations and having expectations for the journey is a bad thing! Okay, I'm definitely onto something here. After finally learning how to separate out my PC and Anus muscles,…

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  • Session #4, a huge leap.

    Session 1's big milestone was getting the Progasm in. Session 2's big milestone was understanding that a Super-T doesn't work on its own. Session 3's big milestone was feeling my prostate finally wake up. Session 4, however, was the biggest milestone yet. I got my…

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  • The Beginning

    Let's start with the bio. I'm a 29 year old male. When I was younger, I purchased a Fleshlight. The site I bought it from was also selling the Aneros. At the time, I thought it wasn't for me. Over time, the Fleshlight helped me…

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