• Aneros sessions for Monday May 29 and Saturday June 3

    Hi guys,
    This morning (Monday May 29) on Memorial Day, I had one of my most pleasurable Aneros ever. I had none of the unsolicited telephone calls which intrude upon my privacy on a normal weekday.
    Last night I had a good night’s sleep to shake off the exhaustion of a Sunday morning at church and the political histrionics these days from misbehaving politicians here in the USA. Towards morning, I indulged in diddling my hairy nipples.
    In one of my first posts since my coming home in mid March from ten weeks away from the Internet and my Aneros session due to my hip injury, I “discovered” the practice of diddling to pass the tedium of nights in the rehabilitation hospital and my “invention” of dressing my cock with lengths of toilet paper. Both practices revved up my Aless and my masturbation sessions in the relative quiet of nights in the center.
    When I got back on the Internet here at home, I researched the meaning of the term ‘diddling.’ The primary meaning is that of female masturbation, e.g. females masturbating their genitalia. The lesser meaning is that of male masturbation. But it can also mean one’s stimulation of his/her nipples which fuels one’s sexual ardor. I had noticed over the four/five years of my Aneros sessions it seems that my nipples are hardwired to my penis, testicles, and other parts of my genitals. However at night at the rehabilitation hospital, I could diddle my nipples unobtrusively under bed covers and not be noticed by nursing staff or not disturb my roommate who was suffering from poor health. Yet diddling enabled me to have delicious erections and enjoyable, yet brief masturbation sessions.
    So diddling my nipples now serves as a spark plug for foreplay leading to good Aneros sessions.
    Also the placing a seat cushion underneath my towel on my bed has accentuated the greatly penetrative directness and power of my Aneros models. This is what I noticed once again in my use each of MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. Now I can breathe in the slightest manner and still feel the “fuck” of my Aneros models in my anal canal as they massage my prostate. This all has continued powerfully in my Aless since this morning.
    Session for Saturday June 3.
    I had a 45 minute session in the noon hour today with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic. Wow! This may seem perverse. But before having my session today, I got some lunch at the 7 Eleven in my neighborhood. Just outside the store entrance, I saw a man with his golden retriever dog chatting with another man. Both golden and black retriever dog breeds are very friendly dog breeds. The dog saw me approaching and began to pant in a friendly way. He also displayed an erection which I felt was amusing! 🙂
    Since my arrival home from the rehab hospital on May 17, I sleep on a wooden frame bed with a soft, yet supportive mattress. This arrangement is very different from sleeping on a hard wooden floor on a futon which provided hard, firm support for my nearly first five years of Aneros sessions. Sleeping on a futon was the arrangement I had for thirty years for as long I had my present apartment in Georgetown.
    Getting that discarded seat cushion was a fortuitous event nearly a week ago. Placing the seat cushion underneath my towel raises my butt and so positions my anus better for my Aneros devices. Because of all this, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm Classic seemed today to penetrate my ass. It even seemed that my ass today was pulling these devices deep into my ass thus doubling my pleasure. My next Aneros session takes place on Monday. Thus I hope to explore feelings of Aneros penetration more deeply and profoundly. Take care!


    • Avatar for goldenboy


      06/04/2017at9:37 am

      @BigGlansDC You have a gift for relating your sexual adventures for all of us to enjoy! From this birthday boy (today I’m 66!) I sincerely wish you well in the coming months. Enjoy the summer!

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      06/05/2017at12:05 pm

      @goldenboy, I want to wish you a happy birthday this morning, albeit a day late. All I can say is that Aneros consciousness, received through sessions or by Aless, keeps us young. Last Saturday marked the beginning of my sixth year with Aneros. I must say that my lying on a towel over a seat cushion, thus providing more direct Aneros penetration has brought a new excitement into my Aneros sessions!

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