I am 57 years old, married and a long time user of Aneros devices and other prostate devices. My marriage is sexless, has been that way for many years, and I'm quite happy that way. My Aneros journey began in 2001 when I ordered a device through High Island Health, a sister company of Aneros. As I understand it, HIH caters to the health side, Aneros to the sensual side. I ordered the device from HIH after having issues due...

Last night my wife and I talked - I reminded her we last made love in March and here it is late October. She reminded me of her perimenopause into menopause phase that she has been stuck in for the last 5 or 6 years, and that it could last another five years, maybe more. She said to be honest she has no interest in sex other than private masturbation. I told her from my perspective the...

My wife and I have been in a statistically sexless marriage since about a year after we married. In other words, less than 10 times a year. The novelty of say sex on a week, or twice a month wore off. And then from say 8 times per year with the start of year two we have gone down to 2 to 4 times per year during the last 10+ years. At first I was so...

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