• What was this?

    Used last night., laying on my back. At abot 90 minutes after doing small contractions My legs started quivering and a had to arch my back, raising torso. While this was happening helix felt like it was moving and expanding on its own. Any ideas what this was?


    • Avatar for GGringo


      08/13/2018at8:08 pm

      @Manticore33, it sounds to me that the Helix is doing exactly what it was designed to do. You are on your way to prostate orgasms, signs you are progressing in your rewiring journey.
      Sit back and enjoy the good feelings provided in the process.

      Good vibes to you!

    • Avatar for Clive864


      10/03/2018at11:54 pm

      As a relative newbie who took 5 months to elicit super-o’s — I personally like the Maximus Trident, use binaural beats, and believe in extreme relaxation and belly breathing. My first blog may be of some help. Sounds like you are on your way!

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