• What is it?

    Some say that it shakes their body.
    Some say that it fills them with calm seas.
    What is it?
    Some say that it feels like electricity coursing through their body.
    Some say it feels like Chi or prana.
    What is it?
    Some say it feels like the first time that they fell in love.
    Some say it feels like they're in an erotic trance.
    What is it?
    Some say it happens when they're in this position or that.
    Some say it can happen anywhere and at any time, with or without the device.
    What is it?
    Some say it happens the first time they inserted the device.
    Some say it never happened.
    What is it?


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/31/2013at4:44 pm

      I should probably explain what it is. I was inspired by the papyrus of Ani that was found in the tomb of Pepe the 2nd in old kingdom Egypt, it says, "I am purified of all imperfections, what is it, I ascend like the golden hawk of Horus, what is it, I come by the immortals without dying, what is it, I come before my father's throne, what is it, and it goes on and on, page after page, talking about all these attributes that you acquire as you ascend, but they always stop and ask the question, "What is it"
      The ancient hebrew and ancient Egyptian word for"what is it?" is manna. Manna is the shewbread that Bezaleel, the goldsmith, made for Moses.
      The key is that men arrive at their own wholeness through different paths and they experience the blessed state of wholeness differently. What is it?

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      10/31/2013at7:11 pm

      A beautiful device is what it is.

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