• Wednesday morning session, "This magic moment", September 21

    Hi guys,
    I get horny now as I think of my sessions these days, such as the one I had just before sunrise this morning. With the fall equinox arriving in a couple days, the sun rises these days around 7 a.m.
    The session lasted about an hour which concluded about 6:30 a.m. I listened to NPR Morning Edition for about 20 minutes, but got depressed at the news. So I proceeded at once to my session in order with Maximus, MGX, and Progasm Classic which began near 5:30 a.m.
    I began with Maximus, and wow, what pulsating pleasure with him! Maximus went to town with me in his more discrete, yet manly way. I let him massage my anal tract/musculature and prostate in his own way, and wow, what surging pleasure! This went on for a good twenty minutes. I followed up with MGX which was more subdued this time and not like the wild action I had with this model early last Saturday afternoon, but still very solid and good.
    Likewise, I ended the session with Progasm Classic which was more subdued than that breakthrough, stellar performance he delivered very early Friday morning! I can work with these three models using the do-nothing technique, and just let them be the Energizer Bunnies they are meant to be. Just “communing” with my Aneros tools and focusing in their subtle action actually produces intense pleasure that is absolutely heavenly!
    This morning as I was having my session and being suffused with Aneros pleasure, “This Magic Moment” by the Drifters, a 1960’s song, came to mind. Hearing its lyrics confirms what Anerosers must feel when they experience Super-O’s, MMO’s, and Aless out of this world! “This Magic Moment” may occur when I am approaching a session with expectancy, or when I engage with an Aneros tool and it engages with me “sexually,” or a model like MGX takes me on a wonderful ride! The possibilities are now endless!
    Composed in vibrant Aless at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday morning!
    Update Thursday evening, Sept. 22 @ 7:44 p.m. I have engaged with my translation projects the last few days. We had splendid weather today in the low 80’s today with low humidity on this first day of Fall. Even cooler weather will arrive on Saturday.
    My Aless since my breakthrough last Friday has been enhanced many fold. However there have been times in recent days that the intensity of my Aless borders on pain and then there are long periods when I hardly feel it. But it is there all the same! Also there are times when I have “attacks” of surprise Aless or when I feel chairgasms coming on. It is so wonderful to engage in the various types of Aless too!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      09/23/2016at11:52 pm

      @BigGlansDC you hit the nail on the head! I had not thought of that song for so many years but it is so fitting for what your experienced in the last week. I hope to remember it for when I escalate to the epic levels. Great blog as usual.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      09/27/2016at2:53 am

      @GGringo, I wish to thank you for your comment. All I can say is that I have great sessions and sessions that are not so great. I try to accept each one of them unique and special.

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