• update

    I haven't blogged in a while so I thought I'd post an update. This morning, I decided to give my helix another try. It was a pretty typical aneros session for me: felt good but nothing as intense as my KSMO sessions. I did enjoy it though. I prepped with a lube injection and put it in. I then laid on my side and completely relaxed. I guess I'd say I felt something approaching a dry-o. After about 45 minutes, I decided to stop.
    I followed this with a bit more than an hour of aneros-less play. I used the KS to get things going and then just let it take me away. I had some very strong dry-o's. As usual, I played with two distinct approaches. One was where I was completely relaxed. This produced very strong orgasms without any PC or anal contractions. The other approach was to slightly contract my PC muscles. This started involuntaries which felt really good and produced slightly lesser but still enjoyable orgasms. Several times during the session, I stopped and took a break for 10-15 minutes. When I started up again, the feelings intensified. Finally, after about 2 hours, I decided to stop. While getting ready for work, I had one last set or orgasms (a mini "session" lasting about 5 minutes). I enjoyed various mini-o's throughout the day. This time, I did not ejaculate afterwards.
    A few observations:
    -This time, the anerosless part of the session felt more smooth (less frantic) than in the past. I'm not sure if the aneros use prior to this had anything to do with it. Maybe I'm just getting more comfortable with allowing the feelings to happen.
    -While in the shower afterwards, I had a similar experience as last time where stroking myself produced feelings like a mini-o (or at least the build up to one). It kinda feels like my body is creating a connection between my penis and the non-ejaculatory part of my nervous system. Prior to my KSMO/Aneros practice, this kind of stimulation would not produce these feelings. I'm finding something similar when I see something arousing. In the past, looking at porn would begin to produce an erection. Now, along with a trend towards an erection (the tendency for an erection is less than before), I get feelings that are more oriented in the non-ejaculatory direction. Pretty interesting…
    All in all, I'd say today's session was good but not any better than I've had in the past. I have to admit that I've been a little burnt out with all of this in the last week or so. I've had a couple of sessions which weren't all that exciting. It's ok; I've tried to take it all in stride. It's hard for me to complain. I'm sure that my body just needs time to absorb all the stuff it's learned and prep for the next advancement.

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