• Unusual…

    So last night I had another session. It was ok, nothing spectacular. I didn't have much luck with getting my prostate aroused prior to the session from looking at porn. I'm starting to wonder if hard exercise can lower arousal levels. As I started exercising regularly outside again since the weather has become nice, and I'm not in peak shape yet. So I'm usually fatigued and sore. Any thoughts?
    What was of interest, is that since it has been eight days since I last ejaculated. I allowed myself to have a super-T at the end of my Aneros session. But the joke was on me, as I was not able to ejaculate, and eventually couldn't even stay erect. I ended the session shortly thereafter. Makes wonder about the exhaustion thing from exercise again. Although I did get some really nice involuntaries from stroking my penis.
    Later that night I was able to ejaculate without an Aneros inserted. I was surprised at the large amount of ejaculate that came out. I guess eight days really builds it up! LOL
    Guess I'm still writin'…


    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/06/2009at2:36 pm

      Ack! Sounds remarkably like my anorgasmia. I hope it's not rubbing off on you…!

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/07/2009at12:12 pm

      No pun intended hey slipperybugger? LOL
      Well, we'll see what happens with tonights Aneros session. Today will be my fourth day in a row of hard exercise. I'm thinking that perhaps once I get past this stage of soreness and exhaustion, that things will be better.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/15/2009at9:47 pm

      Hi Love_is,
      FWIW… For me the progasm is an erection killer. I can super-T with the smaller models (helix, eupho) but not the progasm. Funny stuff goin' on down there, funny stuff indeed.

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      06/18/2009at8:09 pm

      Hard exercise increases testosterone, but it makes you tired,so……

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      07/18/2009at12:10 pm

      Yeah, I think it is the exhaustion/tiredness factor from exercising that is playing into this here.

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