• Tuesday morning session, October 11 : Tug-of-War Technique and Aneros Elasticity

    Hi guys,
    Early this morning we had a low of 44 degrees, so I wore my sweats to bed last night and had one of my most soundest sleeps in months. I woke up at 7:15 a.m. thoroughly rested and listened to the news on the radio til 8 o’clock.
    Since I had such a great session in the noon hour yesterday, my body hankered for another session this morning which lasted about an hour with MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. It was an absolutely beautiful, and just thinking about it right now makes me extremely horny and my Aless to have surges of pleasure!
    I have become very fond of MGX in recent weeks because he ranks in the same class of Energizer Bunny as Maximus and Progasm Classic! So this morning, I inserted him while lying on my right side and he went immediately to work, with hardly an effort on my part.
    Now I consider my Aneros collection as a stable of horses. When an Aneros model such as MGX, Maximus, or Progasm Classic is in Energizer Bunny mode, that is a horse in a gallop. However this morning, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE were horses in a canter. Here their massage was slower and more determined, but just as pleasurable!
    I exercised the tug-of-war technique on MGX and focused my attention which parts of my anal anatomy and m prostate the MGX was stroking in massage. Such attention redounded to surprises of absolute, electric pleasure energy. I discovered this morning that the tug-of-war technique can direct one’s attention to what I call Aneros elasticity. I focused my attention of the massage action of the MGX upon my PC muscle and anal sphincters as well as the rest of my anatomy deriving even more pleasure. Likewise with Maximus and Progasm ICE. They too cantered. Why I am saying is that letting go of expectations in sessions and just relaxing can open you up to new vistas of Aneros experience, many that are surprising and full of discovery.
    Also since I am composing this blog in Aless, I can replicate all this and much more in Aless! For example just now, I have discovered that sets of Kegels accentuate the pleasure of my well-plowed bunghole and well-exercised prostate. I can now cause crescendos pleasure in a controlled surge or increase of pleasure while concentrating on the Aneros elasticity “down there” that it is centered in my genital apparatus with my well-exercised prostate as both a center and dynamo of sweet sexual energy which radiates through my penis, scrotum, and ancillary organs!
    Take care!
    Update in the evening at 7 p.m. It is so wonderful to enter into the pulsating energy of Aless! However this afternoon I was engaged in a translation project. Tomorrow Wednesday I will take off from Anerosing. I have a business commitment that will take me away much of the day from the apartment. However I will try to be attuned to my Aless!


    • Avatar for GGringo


      10/13/2016at2:08 pm

      @BigGlansDC well written blog! I’m always amazed by your progress; you describe your experiences very well. Very inspiring! Thanks for sharing. I wish more members would take the time to display thir progress and pleasures.

    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      10/18/2016at7:20 pm

      @GGringo, Thank you very much. I now count my Aneros sessions and subsequent Aless is highlights in my daily life. I want to continue with my Aneros buddies for many years to come!

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