• Today's Blog

    Rather than describe what I did and felt, I'd like to describe what I was thinking and feeling during this session. I didn't have the time for a lengthy session but had vivid impressions that I want to put down while they're fresh.
    After settling my body in with the progasm, I listened to Brine's 2nd recording again, comparing meditatively what he was describing and what I was going through, trying to follow his trail as far as I could. I like his voice, very comforting and masculine. I got as far as Pleasure Plateau, a nice intense place high in the clouds. On the way I shed some tears because it was so beautiful up there but I was weighed down with baggage from my life and couldn't get to the peaks yet. I shook a little contemplating what terrors I might have to face before getting there. I next watched some lovely porn of loving and sexy men together. Now I was even higher up the peak. I thought about the sense of total well being, of absolutely knowing that I am a good man and always have been no matter what. I thought about how this little piece of plastic was interfacing with my soul to bring up these incredible thoughts. I thought of all the men that I've gotten to know here and get close to )virtually but really(. I cried for some that are having a really hard time temporarily and my helplessness about doing anything for them. I cried for all the men who will never feel this contentment and ecstasy. I thought about writing a blog to describe all this.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/04/2013at11:42 pm

      Oh, my friend,
      How beautiful this universe is.
      I understand completely. It is so beyond what we expect it to be. It taps into a place that is in us, but rarely discovered. We are the VERY lucky ones to have step foot in this jungle of awareness. More and more guys are getting there and understanding now how imperative it is to help others get there too.
      Tears – me too.

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