• Time to blog!

    Alright, first off! I’d like to thank @GGringo for the invitation to the aneros blog. I would have never made this discovery if it weren’t for your post: https://community.aneros.com/community/forum/general-discussion/140066-invitation-to-blog.
    That being said, I would like to make it clear that I’ve never blogged or read blogs so I’ll do my best to make them interesting in the future. For that future, I plan on writing regular blogs from now on, consisting of my experiences with aneros in general and anything else that might interest me. I’ve recently been loosing ground on my journey and hopefuly this will be key to regain that ground lost and more. I’m super excited and have a good feeling that this will be fun! So expect my first ‘actual’ entry on friday or saturday at the lastest!
    Thankyou, I so look forward to this
    @GGringo, youre the best!


    • Avatar for BigGlansDC


      10/26/2016at10:23 pm

      @Tornator, I wish the best in your Aneros blog. May you find your Aneros blog an affirming journey of all the best that the Aneros has for you!

    • Avatar for GGringo


      10/27/2016at7:32 pm

      @Tatornator welcome to Blog Country! If you peruse through the collection of blogs below, you will see a lot of interesting entries and not always success stories. I found that when you share some of the details of the not so good sessions, it can be as rewarding as sharing details ofthe best session you ever had. That’s because there are always someone reading your entry and is/are ready to encourage you or congratulate you; guys like @BigGlansDC, @goldenboy and newly joined blogger @SOwithoutAneros.
      To me, blogging here is a bit more intimate than post entry the general discussion or even live chat.
      Don’t be afraid to send ‘private messages’ if you feel the need. That is the most private avenue of communication you can use on this site.
      Great to have you here to swap stories! Enjoy.

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