• The Ice man com

    It has been a strange couple of months since my last update
    I was away on my travels recently.
    Nearly 2 months passed without a session.
    When I did get to try again
    it seemed as if I was back at the start, nothing at all.
    Same result for the next couple of attempts.
    It seemed all knowledge was lost.
    Finally some sensations returned.
    The following helped
    Playing side 2 of Hypanerosession.
    I have always felt that the P tab on the MGX was agressive.
    I folded up a hankie and put it over the tab.
    What a difference!
    Almost right away there was a buzzing sensation from
    my perenium.
    A ping pong of sensations from perenium to prostate.
    Electric pleasure waves down my legs.
    P waves between brain and prostate(the Two Brothers had a good chat)
    I was lying on my back with feet on the bed.
    The sensations would build then vanish.
    I laid my legs straight and relaxed for a few minutes.
    The itch would start then I would put my feet flat on the bed
    and things started again.
    This happened about 10 times.Coming close but not quite there.
    I tried the Helix but nothing.
    Back to the MGX and off we went again.
    Erections came and went, some pre cum.
    After about 1 1/2 hours it felt as if there was nothing more in the tank so I called a halt
    I have felt for a while now that the Helix was not the weapon for me.
    The MGX was delivering some sensations but something was missing.
    After reading a lot of Forum posts I elected to go for another model.
    Progasm Ice was the choice.
    It arrived this morning after 13 days of travel.
    A thing of beauty indeed.
    I took it for a test run this afternoon.
    Was I dissapointed? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
    There was an initial sting on inserting the head but that was expected but the rest of it went in smoothly.
    From the first second I felt Prostate contact.
    My anus was pulsing from the start.
    That baby hit the spot and never let go.
    It delivered sensations I never felt before.
    Small involuntary contractions, Prostate pleasure, Penis pulses.
    Lying on my back just relaxing it wanted to go all by itself.
    Like a greyhound in the traps.
    Feet on bed and small contractions and pulses.
    Lying on my side also good.
    Face down, pillow under chest, very good
    I had a good hour or so before I had to return to the real world for some house work.
    Well I am very happy with my Ice.
    It has delivered sensations that I have only read about.
    I hope that this will be a new start for me.
    I read that some of you go back to your previous models and get good results.
    I hope to do so but it looks as if the Ice has hit the spot for now.
    Keep smiling through.

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