• The elusive Super-O, but even more fantastic results

    Since my last post, I've almost exclusively used the 'Slingshot' to get things going. I have found that the ab crunch that involves this technique seems to kickstart my involuntaries which previously took 30 to 45 minutes. I am getting involuntaries within 5 minutes of insertion and after doing a couple of minutes of the 'slingshot'.
    I may be wrong, but I feel that I'm on the verge of the elusive Super-O. I also get the feeling that I may never get the Super-O. That being said, my level of satisfaction in experiencing the multiple sensations that I'm getting is more then enough to say that I'm a very satified Aneros user.
    Most of my sessions have been entirely on my back with my feet flat. I can encourage changes by shifting my feet up or down and/or widening or narrowing the distance between my knees. I am getting best results by just tring to keep the unit in a stationary position as opposed to clinching and releasing. In fact, I have found that instead of focused clinching and releasing, I get better results from putting more or less weight on my feet. I think that this serves the same purpose of clinching as by pushing down on my feet, I am probably clinching the posterior muscles. One important note is that any of these elements are usually very small scale changes (es. ever so slight pushing down with my feet).
    Recently, after getting the 'spasms' going, I had a successful session by bending over my office chair with the back of the chair sort of pressing into my abdomen. This culminated in some new and interesting sensations from my normal laying on my back routine.
    Another noteworthy change from my earliest sessions, is that my first successful sessions culminated in extreme legs shakes. More lately, I've been trying to nix those 'spasms' and get my energy more focused on the groin area. I am beginning to recognize the awakening of my prostate, and then the vibrations of my prostate and rectal region. This is a great feeling and usually culminates in some intense 'spasms' and occasionally the feeling of the Aneros moving in and out.
    I have also started getting regular vibrations in my testicles and occasionally can feel my penis vibrating at this point, especially when I'm tweaking my nipples. Funny thing is that I've never felt that my nipples were particularly an erogenous zone for me.
    On the down side, I have been hoping to feel the culmination of release in my penis, but thus far have not seemed to have broached a 'dry-O' of any sort. I get an occasional erection, that usually slips away about as quick as it appears. Perhaps this thing will never take me to a penile satisfied state other then the 'Super-T' which is quite an experience.
    On a final note, after an occasional 'Super-T' on two occasions, i've just laid back and re-instigated the Aneros techniques and twice have very quickly either went to sleep or passed out for probably a few seconds. Sort of scary, but in a way, but also sort of a peaceful bliss kind of way.
    That about all for now. I'll probably post again only if I have some other significant session or stumble across a valuable technique. I thank everyone that contributes to the blog and forum which has helped me immensely in learning how to use these products and discover the myriad of sensations that Aneros products offer.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      08/05/2008at10:54 am

      "That about all for now. I'll probably post again only if I have some other significant session or stumble across a valuable technique. I thank everyone that contributes to the blog and forum which has helped me immensely in learning how to use these products and discover the myriad of sensations that Aneros products offer."
      Just when I thought that I'd hit a plateau and perhaps wouldn't/couldn't get any further with these products, I had my first handsfree 'release'about an hour after posting my last blog. I don't know whether it would be termed a Dry-O with pre-cum, or a Wet-O with a small amount of semen, but it was a definite, huge-step in my 'journey'.
      I was getting great vibrations in my perineal area, my testicles, and my flacid penis using my smaller Peridise. I began doing small back arches, sort of rolling my spine back and forth minutely when I felt a new sensation in my penis. Suddenly if felt similar to a traditional orgasm where I could feel the sensation of fluid climbing from the base of my penis, seconds later I could feel a definite release and then fluid running down my scrotum. This all while feeling my Peridise dancing in my back regions. WOW, truely and indescribable experience.
      I now have a newfound optimism that there is even more to come…

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