• The Begining of my Journey

    I thought I would start this blog to tract my success with this product. I really not sure how I even stumbled on this site but I'm glad that I did. For the last 6 to 7 years I've had a problem with the need to urinate several time at night and day. I would wake up on the average of 5 to 8 times a night. My first Aneros was the Helix that I bought at a adult store which was very uncomfortable for me. That was about two week ago as of this post. After having 4 or so sessions I decided to purchase the SGX model due to my height. I'm 5' 5". I recieved it on the 12th. of this month. Later that night I decided to give it a try. It seemed rather small, not sure what I was suppose to be feeling at that time. Hmmm, thinking it maybe to short. So yesterday I ordered the MGX, and should get it in today. I started to notice yesterday that my urinating was getting stronger but the number of times to the bathroom are about the same.

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