• Summary So Far

    After several months of aneros use, I decided to take artform's advice and start a blog. As my first entry, I thought I would briefly summarize my experiences so far.
    I bought a helix at the end of november, 2009. I had always been curious about prostate massage and happened upon some online discussion of the aneros massagers. I'm straight and, at least as of last november, had very little experience with anal play. However, I wasn't squeamish about it either. Anyways, I bought the helix and starting trying it out. I got very little feeling from it in the first few sessions. However, my body had a very interesting reaction to it. At one point, I ended up having uncontrollable anal spasms, p-waves, and mini-o's. It was very scary (see my freaking out post about it). This calmed down after a few days and became more controllable.
    Over the last three months, I've been taking two different but related journeys: one with aneros use and one without (aneros-less). It seems that my aneros use has been teaching my body to how to do things without it. In many cases, my aneros-less session have been more pleasurable than with the aneros. I feel incredibly lucky to be having these experiences. It's a wonderful process.
    As of right now, I'm not sure I've experienced a super-o. I've had very intense orgasms with and without an aneros. I guess I'm not big on labeling things so I'm not hung up about declaring that I've had a super-o. I will say that regardless of what I've experienced so far, my experiences are getting better and better. I'll cut and paste a few of them into this blog for the sake of completeness.
    As of january, I also own a eupho. I alternate usage of both of these. I've not decided if I like one over the other. Both have given me good feelings. I tend to use the helix a bit more for some reason. Maybe it's because the consensus seems to be that the eupho is more subtle and is better for longer sessions and I tend to not be able (willing?) to set aside time for longer sessions.

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