• Steady progress

    An incredible session this afternoon! with enough will I managed two days ago to resist for a day and then looked forward to my reward just before bed. I felt a bit jaded and rather tired and it did cross my mind to leave the session alone but felt I had worked to get space and went on anyway. Needless to say it was not a very productive session. Next day it was a gap day and I found the "over the edge" thread in the Forum, which was an amazing revelation. I resolved in future to appreciate whatever came my way in terms of sensations and felt freed from searching for the path or trigger to the super O zone.
    Today I organised my session in the afternoon feeling refreshed. There was to be nothing other than stomach breathing from time to time but no techniques like nipple stim, contractions or SPN; just an intense focus on what was happening in my body, especially in the anus and prostate area.
    Very soon I could feel the MGX moving and the tell tale tingle in the anus. From then on it progressed to p-waves and then to all sorts of orgasms. There were times when it felt as if the Aneros was f**king me. there was just wave after wave of orgasmic pleasure for almost an hour. I lost count of the number of orgasms. Whether they were mini os, dry os or super os seems irrelevant so long as I can have some more please.
    What an incredible journey this is!

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