• Some days

    Nothing much happened. Some mild leg shaking.
    Lying on my side listening to Hypnaerosession.
    Some lovely sensations in the anus, mild tickle on the prostate.
    Turned onto my back and all sensations dissapered.
    I had to get up to bring the washing in as it started to rain.
    Got some good contact with the prostate while walking around with the Helix still in.
    Wrote Two Brothers on the spur of the moment.
    Rather suprised at its reception.
    My right nipple was very sensetive for 5 or 6 hours after, sometimes nearly painful.
    Nothing much happened while lying down.
    Decieded to walk around a bit.
    Good contact.
    Tried sitting in a soft chair.
    The handel was no problem at all, it sat between my cheeks nicely,no contact with the chair.
    I found the P tab dug in but did not cause too much discomfort.
    Some very good sensations.
    Wiggle my hips now and then.
    Sat there with a grin on my face for an hour.
    Didnt want to stop but it was getting dark.
    I can now relate to the guy who sits in his garage with a 2 hour cigar pretending to read. I pretended to do Sudoku.
    Friday morning.
    The wife got up early due to dogs barking.
    It sounded as if she started the housework.
    Had a quick clean and lube.
    Laid quietly for 90 minutes.
    Some nice sensations again, slowly getting better.
    Think I must be one of those slow starters.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      11/02/2008at9:57 am

      LOL. I'm the guy who sits in his garage with a cigar. I have used Sudoku on occasion myself!
      It looks like you've got a lot of time. If you can, try the Peridise, instead of going bigger, I went smaller. The Peridise allows a lot more freedom of mobility and is a great excercise tool. Because its so small you can give yourself constant light contractions with less wear and tear while being active.
      Don't worry about being a slow starter. I've had mine for almost 4 months and not so much as a mini nothing. It's kind of fun with the wife though. Have you told her?
      I'm thinking about putting up some garage shelving this week …

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