• sleeping with big red

    Well I had to try it sooner or later and "you know what they say" "the sooner the better" SO…… I bought a progasim red ice during the sale on the site (thanks aneros for having sales i'm not really sure I could afford the best without them #BrokeCollegeBoy). Anyway I decided to give it a go on Sunday afternoon. Cleaned out, washed up, dried off, when the to my room lubed up and slipped in no problem with insertion and layer down got nice and hott then quickly fell asleep. Dreams are the best sometimes. I woke up and was cool and rather wet my body must ha truly enjoyed it. Well I have a helix syn in currently and it's working the best it ever has. I believe the red ice may have done something.

    1 Comment

    • Avatar for Anonymous


      03/06/2014at6:04 pm

      I read your entries :(. You have quite an interesting story to tell. You are very open with your thoughts and past, it's inspiring. I'm not much of a person to tell. Time just flies with me as I do with the world. Hit me up whenever you want. I love to talk and listen. And we're in the same age group !

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