• Saturday evening Aneros session for November 5, and an Aless that won't quit

    Hi guys,
    Early last evening, Saturday November, I had a show, leisurely Aneros session that must have lasted close to two hours! In many ways, I was slow dancing with Eupho Classic, Helix Classic, MGX, Maximus, and Progasm ICE. I let my Aneros models work on me without little involvement upon them by myself. In many ways, the session was routine, mostly deft and soft in texture. I had good Aless in bed overnight. However, all day today, Sunday, I had Aless that won’t quit.
    It is now Sunday night. Tonight my Aless is strong, but not constricted. In a little while, I plan to go to bed. Take care!
    P.S. at 7:54 a.m., Monday morning, November 6: My Aless was low level, hidden in the background, during church yesterday morning and then for the rest of the day. However at various intervals yesterday, my Aless did burst forth intensely and pleasurably. I did wear a Champion Sports jock and cup to bed both Saturday night and last night and Kegeled at various intervals of wakefulness. It felt so good!