• questions

    Two days so far. first was no big deal This AM it felt better but does not seem to really produce the feelings I used to get with a directed vibrator. The Aneros does not feel like it is hitting the prostate.
    Any suggestions?


    • Avatar for GGringo


      01/23/2018at6:43 pm

      @sweaterguy, first welcome to the Aneros world! You are only in your second session but you need to be patient. If you read the Wiki and other forum entries, you will know not having any expectations. After all, you are getting your brain to engage in an entirely different direction following years of the same sexual practices. Give it time and just enjoy what you feel.
      As for comparing with a vibrating unit, they are not the same. Aneros encourages the prostate to do the work while the vibrator does the work. The problem is that it is the wrong work.
      If you just recently registered on the is site, you must’ve received a private message from @rumel, our resident wiseman; take the time to read it’s content. It will help you immensely. Good luck and good vibes to you.

    • Avatar for GGringo


      01/24/2018at2:59 pm

      I should not have said “encourage the prostate to do the work” as it is you who works the prostate with your Aneros. I should have mentioned that with the vibrator, you stand the chance to miss the feelings generated by your energised prostate.
      Sorry about my brain fart.

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