• Progasm Black took me further

    My wife told me, after she and her first husband broke up she was shopping around for a dildo. A friend of her’s told her,” Don’t get anything bigger than average as anything smaller may not satisfy you anymore”.

    Well, that’s what I found with this session. Helix took me pretty high and had some great SO’s but not like the ones the Progasm Black has given me of late. Helix certainly is more mobile but it just doesn’t quite hit the spot anymore. May just end up focusing on it for a while and letting the Progasm have a rest.

    Had some SO’s but missed the intensity. Finally decided to stop. That’s when the biggest ones happened. After the first round of big ones decided again to stop and another wave came along. This happened two or three times. I guess once you decide to give up you’re surrendering and it takes away the pressure to get there.

    Slept with it in last night too. No pulsing, no O’s, just a pleasant feeling when I woke up a few times. Could almost get addictive! The little Astro-Glide I used was enough for it to slide out easily in the morning. My ass self-lubricates to a degree, odd I know but it does. Just a touch of lube to get started with most anal play and I’m good for hours.



    • Avatar for WetDream63


      10/19/2018at3:58 pm

      So true, but size is good 🙂

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